10 Best BitLife Dealer Job Pack Tips and Tricks

The BitLife Dealer Job Pack has finally been released, and players can now join any cartel of their choice and become its leader. Although the notion sounds simple, you need a lot of help to achieve this goal. So, to make it easy, here are ten tips and tricks to running the most successful cartel in the game.
Tips and Tricks to Become a Leader in BitLife
Below, you can find great tips and tricks on how to run a successful cartel in BitLife and quickly become the Kingpin/Queenpin of your group.
Character Selection
A major mistake I’ve seen many BitLife players make is that when choosing a character for the Dealer Pack upgrade, they choose a character with the Crime trait. Although it is technically correct, to excel as a trader, you need the Trader Trait more than the Crime. So, if you have the God Mode DLC, try creating such a character instead of a criminal-style avatar.
Young Age
Instead of wasting time as a child, start dealing with random items with your parents, siblings and friends. This will greatly increase your trading skills and help you join a cartel without much effort.
Join Good Cartel
Joining a cartel with a high notoriety rating allows you to boost your career. I know cartels with a high notoriety rating won’t let you join right away, but if you keep asking, they’ll let you join at some point.
Rival Traders
Rival Merchants can be a major pain in your journey. It’s always best to rough them up instead of outright murdering them, because it will count as murder, and there’s a high chance you’ll go to jail.
Increasing your Sales
As you progress through the years, trying to sell your drug will become extremely difficult. In such cases, try to party with your customers to increase your sales, and if you own the Godmode DLC, try to lower the Willpower of your customers to make them take drugs regularly.
Margin of Sale
During your initial period as a Merchant, try to sell all your items at your market rate. This will allow your customers to trust you and stay with you for the long term. Also, be sure to deposit all the money back into your card, even if you charge a dollar above the market rate. Failure to do so will result in your cartel leaders calling you in and forcefully taking all your money by beating you up, causing life-threatening injuries that can sometimes lead to your death.
Making Addictive Recipes
Try to make addictive recipes to make your customers repeatedly buy things from you. Usually, the recipes are consistent, and in my experimentation, mixing in any edible ingredient works best as a cutting agent. I highly recommend using Bee extract with a mixing ratio of 50% to 90% to make the best drugs.
Finding the Undercover Cop
There is at least one Undercover Policeman on every street to catch you doing business. Although there is no simple way to identify them, you can always plead not guilty during your trial and escape with a high attorney fee. Also, remember their name to avoid dealing with them again once you return to your street. If you have less money in your bank, it is better to sell repeatedly with the same old tried and tested customers instead of approaching a new one.
Jail Time and Dealing
If you end up in prison either for murder or selling drugs, please stop dealing in the prison because you will be caught, which will further unnecessarily increase your prison time.
Runner, Maker, and Lieutenant
The Infamy and Staring ratings should only be focused until you are a Runner or Lieutenant. Both of these can be easily increased with a few Supply Runs. For the Manufacturer, it is about concentrating on producing new drugs that are addictive and make a lot of sales in the market.
If you follow all the above tips and tricks correctly, you will win one promotion after another and soon become the leader of a successful Cartel in BitLife.
For more on BitLife, check out BitLife Dealer Supply Run Scenarios and Answers or How to manufacture drugs in BitLife (Dealer Job Pack) on Pro Game Guides.