7 Days to Die isn’t early access, but it just can’t seem to leave the cycling bug behind.

After 13 long years, 7 Days to Die is out of early access. The game has a lot of new content, but still lacks a story and some promised features. The important thing is that we still have the same bugs we had six years ago.
The bike bug happens to both mini-bikes and bikes where, due to what fans suspect, the vehicle disappears from where you last left it. You can still see it on the UI but even when you get to where it’s supposed to be, there won’t be a bike. It will only show as if it is deep underground.
The Reddit post by hunkxdeath from six years ago wondering how bikes are still disappearing. Six years later, there is no answer for this Redditor or anyone else who lost their bikes to the center of the Earth.
I experienced this same bug during Alpha 19, but the bug is still prominent even now in 7DTD version 1.0. You’d think this would be something the developers would fix right away, considering how hard it is to make a single bike, let alone a mini bike (finding wheels in the wild is a task and a half).
Despite no fixes from the developers, the players figured out a few ways you could locate your bike (at best). Go to the previous place where you left your bike, whether that is in the city, in front of a house, etc. If you’re lucky, the bike will be there and you can take it home.
If you’re luckier, you’ll get an additional bug that creates a copy of your bike and puts it back where it disappeared from. This happened to me and I ended up with two bikes that were quickly considered obsolete because we managed to create mini bikes not even an hour later.
There has been much debate as to whether 7 Days to Die should be left in early access in the state it is in now. Bugs like this that have been around for ages don’t really help the developers’ case. However, as someone who has played through many world-shattering patches, this won’t stop me from diving back in. And if I have to walk for a while until I get another mini-bike, then so be it.
If you don’t like playing 7DTD vanilla, you can check out the Best 7 Days to Die mods at Pro Game Guides.