
A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars Walkthrough – 100% All Achievements

Released on June 25, 2024, Seeing Stars is a short little DLC addition to A Little to the Left that adds almost 40 new challenging levels to ponder over.

A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars Walkthrough (All Solutions)

In order to unlock all the levels, you will need to not only complete each level, but also figure out all the different possible answers too. Here is a full walkthrough of every single level and all of its different solutions.

Level 1 hints

Level 1 contains three crackers along with toppings that have been scattered across a background. This puzzle has three different solutions, but you only need one to move on. Here are some hints to help you get closer to the answer.

  • Pay attention to the edges of each object.
  • What shape do each of the objects make?
  • Ignore colors and focus on outlines.
  • What patterns can be found in each object?
  • Take a bite out of these three objects.

Level 1 answers

The first solution to level one is to line up all the bite marks on each of the objects. When you have all the foods stacked properly, it will look like it does below.

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The second solution requires that you look at the patterns on each of the items. The square cracker has little seeds and dots on it, so we need to stack the seedy tomato and cucumber slice on top of it. The shrimp, the round cracker, and the leaf all have the same bumpy outline. And then pile the remaining items with holes in them to get the final stack.

One solution of Puzzle number 1 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Last, but not least, you will need to stack up items based on the shapes they make. The square cracker gets the square piece of cheese and the square leaf. The round cracker gets the tomato slice and the olive. The octagonal cracker gets the octagonal shrimp and cucumber on top of it.

One solution of Puzzle number 1 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 2 hints

Level 2 gives you a selection of forks to sort. There are five solutions for this challenging level, and only one of them is intuitive. If you are stuck on this challenging level, here are a few hints to help you out.

  • Look at the shapes and materials of each fork.
  • What do each of the forks have on them?
  • What shape is at the bottom of each fork?

Level 2 answers

The first answer for level 2 is probably the most obvious: they need to be put in ascending or descending order by length. It doesn’t matter if you put the longest one first or the shortest, but here is screenshot of what it looks like in order:

One solution of Puzzle number 2 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Next up, you will need to put the length of the tines in ascending or descending order based on length. You can see that the longest tines are on the two-pronged fork with the wooden handle on the left, while the shortest is the little three-pronged fork with the corn kernel on it.

One solution of Puzzle number 2 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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These forks are put in order of the bumps on the bottoms of each one. The first one has no bumps, the second comes to one point, then the third has two points. This is what it looks like when they are all in the proper order.

One solution of Puzzle number 2 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The fourth solution has you lining up all the forks by length based on what the fork’s handle is made of. All the wooden forks, longest to shortest have to be on the left. The middle fork is the one that has a handle made half of wood and half of metal, then the metal forks go from shortest to longest on the right side.

One solution of Puzzle number 2 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Last but not least, you have the weirdest of the solutions. Each of these forks has items on it; some have food, but others have sparkles on them. So you need to put the most amount of food on the left which is the noodles, then the four leaves, then the three tomatoes, the two green onions, then the corn kernel. Then in the center you have the fork that has neither food nor sparkles. Next, you count the number of sparkles, which are one through five.

One solution of Puzzle number 2 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 3 hints

Level 3 contains a selection of miss-matched mugs that you need to line up. There are four possible answers to this one; here are some hints to get all of them yourself.

  • Pay attention to the vertical lines on the mugs.
  • There are also colors that go horizontally on each of the mugs.
  • Pay attention to the shapes of the mugs as well.

Level 3 answers

The first answer you probably came up with on your own is lining up the colors across the nine mugs. There is a slope of gray along the top, then dark brown, light brown, then black along the bottom. When you have the all lined up, they will look like this:

One solution of Puzzle number 3 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Next, here is the answer were the vertical lines on the mugs all line up. You can put the columns of mugs in any order, just so long as the vertical lines going down the mugs match up like this:

One solution of Puzzle number 3 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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This one requires you to stack mugs that are the same shape on top of one another. There are straight mugs, curved mugs, and mugs with sharper angles. Put these three types on top of one another in any order to complete this star.

One solution of Puzzle number 3 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The last of the mug level requires you to line up cups so that the handles match. There are three different styles of mug handles, a square-like one, a rounded one, and one that is sort of shaped like an ear. You need to alternate the way the mugs’ handles are facing so none of them overlap.

One solution of Puzzle number 3 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 4 hints

Level 4 has four different answers that are all different ways to turn each of the corncobs to properly line them up. If you are stuck, but you want a hint that won’t give it away, here are a couple of clues for you.

  • Look at the kernels that have been eaten already.
  • There is a line of kernels along the corncobs as well.
  • Do the seasonings make a pattern?

Level 4 answers

The easiest of the four corn answers for level 4 is probably the pattern of black kernels across all the corncobs. You need to rotate each of the cobs until the black kernels line up like a wave.

One solution of Puzzle number 4 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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On one side of the corn, the kernels are covered in pepper. If you rotate all the cobs so only the seasoned sides of the cobs show up, you will complete this star on level 4.

One solution of Puzzle number 4 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Next up is the cob sides that are all chewed up. Each cob has a side that is fully empty of kernels. So you just need to rotate the cobs until each one has only empty kernel slots facing up. When it’s done, it will look like this screenshot below:

One solution of Puzzle number 4 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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And the last line up is a stairstep look on the gnawed off kernels. Each cob has a portion of the cobs that have been only partly eaten, and those will make a pattern that moves down the cobs diagonally.

One solution of Puzzle number 4 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 5 hints

The fifth level has a selection of leaves in a book. There are three solutions for how to move and stack the leaves, and you can get some hints for each of these below.

  • What shapes appear on the pages?
  • Pay attention to the ink on each page.
  • Can you stack any of the leaves?

Level 5 answers

The first answer is to take each of the leaves and line them up with the pale outline of each of them on the page. Each leaf has its own space, and it will look like the following screenshot when completed:

One solution of Puzzle number 5 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The second solution is to line up all the holes in the leaves with the ink blots on the page. Each leaf only has one place it can go, so your answer should look just like the one below.

One solution of Puzzle number 5 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The third possible solution is to stack each of the leaves by shape. If you look at the page, there are four outlines in ink for the biggest leaves. If you put them down, you can stack the smaller leaves on top from biggest on the bottom to smallest on the top.

One solution of Puzzle number 5 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 6 hints

Level 6 only has one solution, but it’s a weird one. If you are stuck on this level, you can find a handful of hints below.

  • What can you pick up in this level?
  • What can you move and how can you move it?
  • Is only one of the vases cracked?

Level 6 answer

The answer to this puzzle is to pick up the two vases on either side of the big vase and drop them. If you drop them from high enough, each will shatter into pieces that will fit perfectly into the black portions of the larger vase.

One solution of Puzzle number 6 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 7 hints

The Tamagotchi level has five different solutions. I found this puzzle to be one of the hardest to complete, and I think a lot of people will agree. Thankfully, I have plenty of hints here to help you get all five solutions.

  • Pay attention to the shapes and sizes of each of the Tamagotchi.
  • The colors are not important to this puzzle.
  • If you press the buttons on each of them, what does it do?
  • What do the buttons look like?

Level 7 answers

The simplest answer for level 7 is probably this one; you just need to line these little digital friends up by the length of their keychains. You can have them go biggest to shortest, or you can do shortest to biggest like I have them below.

One solution of Puzzle number 7 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Next up, you need to make the screens go from shortest to tallest or vice versa. If you look at just the screens in the screenshot below, they will form a stair pattern, going up from left to right.

One solution of Puzzle number 7 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The third answer requires a little more thought. These are arranged in the order that the shapes would merge from one to the next. So you start with the round one, then get the next is a little more duck shaped. It keeps getting progressively more duck-shaped until the yellow Tamagotchi, which looks just like a duck.

One solution of Puzzle number 7 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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After that, you need to do the same thing but with the buttons. On the left in the screenshot below, the button on the Tamagotchi is round. As you move right, the buttons become less round and more square, until the final button which is perfectly rectangular.

One solution of Puzzle number 7 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The final answer is to line the Tamagotchi up by how many times you need to press the button to fill up their bars and make them happy. The yellow one only requires you to press the button once, but you’ll need to press the button five times to make the dog on the right completely happy and sleepy. You can also do this one in reverse order.

One solution of Puzzle number 7 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 8 hints

Level 8 requires you to put a bunch of old electronics into a box. In order to get everything just right, you’ll need to pay close attention to details. Each item must be in the proper place in order to complete this level properly.

  • Pay attention to the lines and decorations on the sides of the tapes.
  • Sort the cell phones as well.
  • The film goes next to the camera in the upper right of the box.
  • The wires go in the upper right as well.

Level 8 answer

Here is the solution to the puzzle. In order to complete it, the VHS tapes need to have the red, yellow, and green strips line up. The cassette tapes have to be put in descending order by the length of the title printed on the side. Also, make sure the cell phones are sorted from shortest to tallest.

One solution of Puzzle number 8 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 9 hints

There are three total solutions to level 9, and each one requires you to think on your feet. There is one easy solution, and the other two are a little more obtuse.

  • What can you count on each ball?
  • How can you sort the balls?
  • If you pick up each ball, what happens when you drop them?
  • Colors don’t matter for this puzzle.

Level 9 answers

The first is pretty simple: you just need to sort each of the balls by height. You can sort them smallest to largest as I did in the screenshot below, or you can start with the biggest and go to the smallest.

One solution of Puzzle number 9 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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This solution requires you to sort the balls by how many lines/sections they have showing. For example, the baseball has one line on it (the stitching), splitting it into two parts. The tennis ball has two white lines, splitting it into three sections. Sort them in order until you get to the soccer ball, which is cut into 11 sections.

One solution of Puzzle number 9 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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This final solution requires that you pick up each ball and count how many times it bounces. The hacky sack ball doesn’t bounce at all, then the yellow ball only bounces once. The basketball bounces a whole bunch of times. Once you sort them, they will look like the second line of balls here:

One solution of Puzzle number 9 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 10 hints

Level 10 is the first level with an achievement you can get in it. So this one has four solutions, plus an additional screenshot below for the achievement. Here are some hints for both the achievement and the answers:

  • The name of the achievement is “I’ll take my water neat.”
  • Pay attention to the colors in each ice cube.
  • What are the sizes of the ice cubes?
  • Do any of them seem to match up to one another?

Level 10 answers and achievement

The first answer for this puzzle is to sort the ice cubes by their contents. One set has blueberries frozen inside, the next has pick petals or seeds, and the third green leaves that are probably mint. Put the ones of each color inside one of each of the glasses in any order.

One solution of Puzzle number 10 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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For this solution, you need to move the ice cubes around until the water line in each glass is even. I could only find one solution to this one; I don’t think any other combination of ice cubes will work, so here is a screen capture of what I did to get it:

One solution of Puzzle number 10 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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In this solution, you need to separate the ice cubes by size. The first glass needs to get all the ice cubes that are made of three blocks. The middle glass has all the ice cubes made of five-block ice cubes, and I put all the four-block cubes in the final glass.

One solution of Puzzle number 10 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Last, but not least, you need to Tetris all the blocks together into the one glass. This requires you to line them up perfectly; make sure the cracks in the ice cubes line up with one another to make a perfect rectangle of ice.

One solution of Puzzle number 10 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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In order to get the achievement for this level, you need to take all the ice out of all the glasses and put them to either side of the glasses. Once all the ice is out, you’ll get your trophy for this level.

Achievement from level 10 of A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 11 hints

Level 11 is a pizza pie, and it has four solutions. This level also contains one trophy that you can get to help you 100% this DLC. Here are some hints for the solutions as well as the achievement.

  • If you count the number of each toppings, that might help you get closer to an answer.
  • What might be a good way to split up the toppings if you have two different tastes?
  • Do all the toppings have to remain on the pizza?
  • The name of the trophy for this level is “top heavy slice.”

Level 11 answers

The first solution to the puzzle is to put an even number of toppings on each slice of pizza. Most of the toppings only have enough to put one on each slice, but you can put two peppers and two pepperoni on each slice.

One solution of Puzzle number 11 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Next up, you need to split up the meats and the veggies. It doesn’t matter how you cut the pizza in half, just make sure that one half has only meat and the other only has vegetables on it.

One solution of Puzzle number 11 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Next up, you need to separate each topping by slice. Each of the six slices of pizza will have a different one of the six toppings only on it to complete this puzzle. It doesn’t matter the order you do it, but this is how mine turned out:

One solution of Puzzle number 11 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Last, you have to take all the toppings off of the pizza and make it a cheese pizza. Some don’t like toppings, so this is a great final answer to this puzzle.

One solution of Puzzle number 11 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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In order to get the achievement, you will need to pile all the toppings on one slice. This achievement is called the Top heavy slice, and this is the only level you can do this in.

Achievement from level 11 of A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 12 hints

Level 12 is definitely up there as one of the more challenging levels to get all the solutions. There are five total to get to, and you will want all of them to unlock the bonus stages and complete the DLC 100%.

  • Pay attention of the color and shape of each lid.
  • How full are each of the containers?
  • What about the labels?
  • What sort of things are being stored in each container?

Level 12 answers

The first answer requires that you stack all the containers into three stacks; the first one has only containers that are completely full. The middle column of containers is half full, and the final stack has just a little bit of food in them.

One solution of Puzzle number 12 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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For this solution, you need to stack the containers so the lids are in color order. Start with blue, then green, yellow, orange, and finally red lids. Once they are stacked in rainbow order, this solution for the puzzle will be complete.

One solution of Puzzle number 12 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Next up, you need to categorize what is in each container. The first one has moldy food in it, so it goes by itself. The second stack contains fruit, then pasta, then soup. The final stack of five will just have veggies inside of it.

One solution of Puzzle number 12 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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This solution requires you to line up the different types of labels. The one on the top of my screenshot, for example, has the two sides cut at an angle. The next has little bumps on the sides. The third are two labels put on top of one another. Line the up like this to complete it.

One solution of Puzzle number 12 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Lastly, you need to line the lids up based on shape. There are three different shapes of lid tabs; one is a single tab, one has two little bumps, and one has three little bumps. I lined them up so the single tab in on the left, the double tab in the middle and the triple tab on the right. Once they are stacked, have the tabs move from left to right in each stack.

One solution of Puzzle number 12 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 13 hints

The 13th level is another one with a single solution. In order to get through it, you need to get the windows to line up somehow. Here are some hints to help out.

  • The solution has nothing to do with making the windows open the same way or amount.
  • Pay attention to the patterns on the windows.
  • What patterns do they make as you open and close them?
  • What patterns appear on every window, even if they are on different panes?

Level 13 solution

Open the left window on the top, the middle one should open from the bottom once, and the right window should be pushed open twice from the bottom. This will create the same pattern in a line down the middle of the window panes.

One solution of Puzzle number 13 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 14 hints

There are a total of five solutions to the cactus puzzle. In order to figure all of them out, you’ll have to pay close attention to the details of each one. You’ll need to study every aspect of every plant and pot to get these correct.

  • What decorations are on each of the plants?
  • What happens when you lift up each of the cacti and hold them up over the pots?
  • Count the flowers on each cacti.
  • All the cacti are different heights.

Level 14 answers

The first answer for level 14 is to put the tallest of the cacti in the tallest pot, the line them up from tallest to smallest. The tallest cacti is the yellow-flowered one, and the flowerless succulent is the shortest. You can put them as I have below or you can put them tallest to shortest.

One solution of Puzzle number 14 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The second answer for this puzzle is to make all the cacti the same height. This means the tallest cactus in the shortest pot, and vice versa. This will make all the cacti just about the same height, and they will look like this when completed:

One solution of Puzzle number 14 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Another solution for the cactus puzzle is to put the cactus in the pot with the same number of flowers on it. So the flowerless one goes in to the pot with no flowers on it, the one-flower plant goes into the one-flower pot, and so on. The white flower cactus has four flowers, matching up with the shortest pot which also has four flowers. Put them in order of the number of flowers in a row.

One solution of Puzzle number 14 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The is one of the more challenging answers to this one. You will need to look at the number of facets or angles the pot has on it, and match it to the number of leaves or sections the cactus has on it. The left-most cactus in the screenshot below has only one bud and the pot is smooth. The next cactus has two stems/buds/leaves, and the pot is split into two sections with a line down the center. Line them up in order to complete it.

One solution of Puzzle number 14 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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This one is the weirdest of the five solutions. You need to match the length of the roots to how tall the base of the pot is. The first pot has no base, and the three-bud cactus has the shortest roots. The second has a very small base and very small roots. Line them up like this to complete the puzzle.

One solution of Puzzle number 14 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 15 hints

Level 15 only has one solution. You will need to figure out the positions of each of the origami on the cutting board. If you figure out the four corners, it’s a little easier to fill them all in, so all the hints will help you to get the right animal in the right corner spot.

  • The upper right corner has a white animal in it.
  • The center contains a large, green colored shape.
  • The bottom right corner holds a red bird.

Level 15 answers

Here is the answer to level 15; you will need to put each of the animals around the cuts in the board. The green shark takes up the center spot. The yellow dragon is in the lower right corner, and the smaller animals are slotted in next to the them.

One solution of Puzzle number 15 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 16 hints

In level 16, you will need to sort several moths that are on a sweater. These moths have a variety of colors and patterns on their wings, so it can be challenging to figure out where to put which moth. So let’s get to the hints first.

  • If you pick up a moth, what happens?
  • Do the patterns on the back of the wings look like anything?
  • The colors don’t matter in this one.
  • Study the bodies of the moths.

Level 16 answers

For the first solution, you should put the moths in order by the number of stitch-shaped patterns on their backs. This is what they will look like in the proper order:

One solution of Puzzle number 16 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Next, you will want to put each of the moths over the hole that matches the pattern on the back of their wings. Each hole in the sweater is a different pattern, and that pattern is repeated on each of the moth’s wings.

One solution of Puzzle number 16 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The next two solutions to this one are a little weird; for this third one, you need to pick up the moths one by one and count the number of times they flap their wings. Put them in order of the number of flaps, with the one that only flaps once up top and the others going around it in order in either direction.

One solution of Puzzle number 16 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Lastly, you need to put the moths in the order of the number of stripes on their bodies. When you pick them up, you will be able to see their bodies until you put them down. Count the stripes, then put them in ascending or descending order around the circle.

One solution of Puzzle number 16 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 17 hints

For level 17, you have a bunch of school supplies and a little box to put them in. This one is pretty straight forward, so I’m going to give you some hints to get this one perfect the first time.

  • If you press on the red part of the compass, what does it do?
  • If you press on the red part of the arched triangle shape, what does it do?
  • There are three little shapes in the lower right-hand corner that match up with three objects.

Level 17 answers

The first solution is to stack everything up in the little case. When it is complete, it will look like the screenshot below.

One solution of Puzzle number 17 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The second solution requires you to line up everything on the drafting board. Each item has a general outline in red. You’ll need to open both the compass and the arch/half-circle to complete this solution.

One solution of Puzzle number 17 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 18 hints

Level 18 has two different solutions. It features nine bottles of ink, and each one is stacked on top of one another in a pattern. You will need to maneuver them around get each solution completed.

  • You can move the order of the bottles by grasping the lids of each.
  • You can also rotate the bottles, but rotating the bottom will rotate all of them.
  • Pay attention to the labels of each ink bottle.

Level 18 answers

The first solution is to line up all the bottles so the ink drips match going down them. You will need to rearrange the bottles in order to do so.

One solution of Puzzle number 18 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The second solution is to rotate the bottles until the labels line up across each of the three bottles in each row. You will need to pick the bottles up by their lids and rearrange them in order to make this happen. This is what the final answer will look like.

One solution of Puzzle number 18 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 19 hints

The five drawer puzzle that is level 19 requires you to think outside of the box (but inside of the drawers). In order to complete this one, you’ll need to sort everything first. Here are some helpful hints to get you closer to the answer on your own.

  • Each handle of every drawer is made of a different material.
  • All of the objects are also made of different materials.
  • You can figure out the material by picking up the objects and listening to the sounds they make when you put them back down.
  • Color doesn’t matter in this one.

Level 19 answer

The answer is to put all the objects that share a material in the same drawer together. The metal handled drawer to the right gets all the metal objects, then the wooden handle gets all the wooden objects, then the glass handle gets the glass, the shell gets the natural objects, and the plastic handle gets all the plastic objects.

One solution of Puzzle number 19 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 20 hints

There is only one solution to level 20. You can open and close several sections of the curtains, and each one is printed with the same pattern. You probably won’t need hints for this one, but here are a few in case you do.

  • Each section moves independently from the others.
  • Is there a similarity in where the patterns start and end on each piece?
  • Start moving panels on the right and then move the ones on the left.

Level 20 answer

In order to complete level 20, you need to line up the pattern on all four panels of the curtains. It will look as it does below when you have completed it.

One solution of Puzzle number 20 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 21 hints

Level 21 is a collection of different sized books that need to be stacked in different ways in order to complete it. There are a total of four solutions for this one.

  • Look at the pattern on each of the books.
  • What are each of the pictures depicting on each book?
  • What other features to each of the books have?
  • What do the spines of each book look like?

Level 21 answers

The first solution is to line up the three piles by the positions of the red bookmark ribbons. Four of the books have the ribbon on the left side, four in the middle, and the last four have the to the right. Line up the books so that the middle ribbons are stacked in the middle, and the left and right ones are on either side.

One solution to puzzle 21 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The second solution is to match up the patterns on the books. There are three different swirling patterns on the backgrounds of each book. It doesn’t matter what order you put the stacks in, but they should look something like the screenshot below.

One solution of Puzzle number 21 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Third, you need to line up the bumps on the spines of each of the books. One of the big books have bumps that are even spaced, one has four bumps at the top and four at the bottom to line up with, and the last one has four bumps at the top and three at the bottom. If you line up the others to them like the screenshot below, you will get this star.

One solution of Puzzle number 21 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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This solution tripped me up, and I had to use the in-game hint system to figure it out. You need to stack all the books in one pile with the black book on top of each size of pile. It doesn’t work if you stack the off-white ones instead, so make sure the darker ones are on the top.

One solution of Puzzle number 21 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The final answer is to stack each pile based on the picture on the label of each book. The first stack will have things that are full, like the full battery, pizza, and full moon. The middle are things half-full, and the other stack will be things that are empty, like the empty banana peel and the empty plate.

One solution of Puzzle number 21 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 22 hints

The junk drawer that needs to be sorted out in level 22 has one solution and one achievement. In order to get both, you will need to notice a handful of things.

  • What happens if you spin the lint roller, what do you see?
  • Where else could stickers be hiding?
  • All the round objects go inside of one another.
  • One of the stickers doesn’t go on the sticker sheet, but on one of the other objects.
  • The achievement is called Sticky Wand.

Level 22 answer and achievement

This solution is fairly straightforward; the glue is on the left, the glue gun and tape in the center, and the stickers and stamps on the right. The sun-shaped sticker goes on the glue bottle, and the other stickers found stuck to random things need to be returned to the sticker sheet.

One solution of Puzzle number 22 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The Sticky Wand achievement is gotten by putting all the puddy/chewing gum-looking objects on top of the lollipop (eww).

Achievement in Puzzle number 22 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 23 hints

Level 23 has three shelves that are filled with bells. This one has three different solutions, but they are a little easier than you might be thinking they are.

  • None of the solutions have to do with the sounds the bells make.
  • Pay attention to the shapes of the bells, including the handles.
  • None of the answers are about colors.

Level 23 answers

The first solution is to line up all the bells by the shapes of their handles. On the three shelves, you have one with circles for handles, one with long handles, and one with oddly-shaped handles. Put these in order of height on each of the shelves to complete it.

One solution of Puzzle number 23 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Next, you need to focus on the shape of the bell’s waist. There are four with dome-shaped bodies, four with curved waists, and four with sharp waists that cut in at an angle. Put these into widest to thinnest base on each of the shelves, and you will complete this solution.

One solution of Puzzle number 23 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Last, focus on the pattern on the bells. There are four bells with a circle on it, four with a square, and four with a diamond. Put them in order of the size of that shape on the bell.

One solution of Puzzle number 23 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 24 hints

Next up, you have to sort a collection of miniatures. There are several different shapes, styles, colors, and ways to sort these pieces. Here are some helpful hints to help you out.

  • Colors are important in this one.
  • Pay attention to the shapes they make.
  • Also pay attention to the shape of the container.
  • There is an achievement for this level called Watcha Looking At.

Level 24 answers and achievement

First, if you sort the miniatures by color in each of the compartments, this will finish this solution. Here is a screenshot of how I completed it:

One solution of Puzzle number 24 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The second solution is to put the minis in their places in the center compartment. It can be pretty challenging to get them in the right places, so here is a helpful screenshot to get everything in the right location.

One solution of Puzzle number 24 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The last sorting challenge is to put each of the items in the compartments based on what the minis look like. All the wizards go in one compartment, all the animals in one, then the cowboys, the archers, the imps, those holding flags, and final sword bearers. Put each kind in a different compartment.

One solution of Puzzle number 24 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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In order to get the Watcha Looking At achievement, put all the minis that are looking left in the left compartment on the bottom, then all those facing center in the central compartment, then finally all the right-looking miniatures in the right compartment.

One solution of Puzzle number 24 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 25 hints

The 25th level is a selection of books on some shelves. There are three different ways to arrange them; here are some hints for these solutions.

  • Pay attention to size.
  • What’s on the spines of each book?
  • Color is also important here.

Level 25 answers

The first solution is to sort all the books by height. If you put the shortest books in the first shelf section, the tallest books in the final section of the shelf, then sort them from the shortest to tallest.

One solution of Puzzle number 25 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Next up, if you sort all the books into colors, you will get another solution. It doesn’t seem to matter the order of the colors, just so long as all the colors are bunched together in the shelves like they are below.

One solution of Puzzle number 25 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The last is to make pictures with the spines. There are a total of six pictures to make: a desert scene, a collection of birds, space, bees and flowers, veggies, and finally a ship on the sea. Each of the sections have a set of four books in the center that form labels if you line them up correctly.

One solution of Puzzle number 25 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 26

Level 26 isn’t a puzzle. You just need to pick up each of the toys and shake them in order to get the attention of all the cats.

One solution of Puzzle number 26 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 27 hints

I found level 27 to be one of the more challenging levels to complete. You have to put them items in a very specific order. There is also one achievement for this level, which is pretty easy to get on accident.

  • The achievement is called Ouch!
  • You can interact with the slinky, the knife, the comb, the cassette, the bag, the phone, and the telescope to change their shapes.
  • You can stack items that are similar.

Level 27 answers and achievement

The first answer requires that you put the cassette, the comb, and the cell phone to the left. The knife, the telescope, and the stamps and bag go to the right. Open up the slinky and put it into the arched section of this drawer.

One solution of Puzzle number 27 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The second arrangement requires that most of the items are closed instead of open, with exception of the cassette, the knife, and the cell phone. The green bus tickets are spread out in this one. Now that the knife is open, grab it by the blade to get the Ouch! achievement.

One solution of Puzzle number 27 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 28 hints

Level 28 has only one solution, but it also has an achievement you can get at the same time. This one is a little weird, so you might have a little trouble figuring out how to line everything up and get the achievement too.

  • The achievement is called Keeping Count, and it involves the counter.
  • All the wire instruments go in the section with the swirl wood.
  • The accordion opens and closes.

Level 28 answer and achievement

Here is the answer to level 28’s puzzle. In order to get everything in line, you need to push the slide whistle’s rod out part way, open the accordion up most of the way, and put all the objects in their proper places. In order to get the achievement, you need to complete this layout as shown while the counter reads “eight.”

One solution of Puzzle number 28 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 29 hints

The 29th level of A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars has two solutions; in order to get them both, you’ll need to put all the combs in their proper places.

  • Colors don’t matter in this puzzle.
  • What happens if you close the drawer?
  • Can you stack any of the combs?

Level 29 answers

This solution requires that you stack some of the combs to fill in the compartments of the drawer. They must be put into each section just like this to complete it.

One solution of Puzzle number 29 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

Second, you will need to put the combs into their places on the cutting board underneath the drawer. Take everything out of the drawer and line up the prongs of each comb with the swirling wood grains.

One solution of Puzzle number 29 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 30 hints

Level 30 is a first aid kit with a ton of different pieces, and there is only one solution for this one, and it is pretty difficult to get to. You’ll need to pay close attention to all the pieces and the box itself.

  • Try to put up the biggest pieces first.
  • Look at the shapes the dividers in the first aid kit make.
  • Make sure to cap all those bottles!
  • What can be opened, closed, or manipulated to make more room?
  • The two pieces of ginger don’t go together.

Level 30 answer

Here is the solution to the puzzle. The big bottle goes in the center. The garlic and the glass bottle are both on the left. The band aids take up the upper right-hand section, with the pills and tape underneath.

One solution of Puzzle number 30 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 31 hints

Level 31 is a package that has several robots to put away. There are also a bunch of tiny hearts that need a new home. There are only two solutions to this one, and they both require you to interact with the robots to make them.

  • There are six hearts; where are there six compartments for them?
  • Interact with each of the robots to learn their different shapes.
  • The wire can come out of the tall robot.

Level 31 answers

The first solution has you putting all six hearts in the orange robot with the heart on it. Have the spider robot up, and the three matching robots lined up in the bottom row.

One solution of Puzzle number 31 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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This one requires that you remove the key from the gray and yellow robot, then extend its neck. You need to squish the heart robot, and extend just the right arm of the green and red robot. Stack the three matching robots, and put them all in the container like this:

One solution of Puzzle number 31 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 32 hints

Level 32 is a weird one, as you need to complete all three solutions in a row. The first solution is the pocket knife solutions, then the compass, and then the padlocks. You will need to figure out all of these right in a row, or you won’t be able to finish this level.

  • There are three items you can make of the center hole with the glass.
  • Stay focused on the details of the pocket knives and not their colors.
  • The patterns on the padlocks aren’t important.

Level 32 answers

Since you need to complete three different “chapters” in this level, I have them split up in a way that should make putting all the solutions a little easier.

Pocket knife answers

First up, we’ll work on the pocket knife solution. In order to make the pocket knife, you need to put the small, pink triangle and the small green triangle across one another in the middle. Then line up the two rounded, long pieces next to them. It will end up looking like this:

One solution of Puzzle number 32 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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This will open up the pocket knife drawer. The first knife puzzle requires you pay attention to the little square the bottom of each knife. This is where the toothpick is usually stored in a knife, and one is far to the right, one is a little to the right, one is in the center, and the other two are a little or a lot to the left. Put them in the order below to complete this section.

One solution of Puzzle number 32 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

The blades will pop out after you line the knives in the previous puzzle. Have all the blade point towards the center to complete this section.

One solution of Puzzle number 32 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Even more blades will pop out as soon as you complete the puzzle above. These need to be put in an order to that none of the blades overlap. All you have to do is swap the purple and orange knives to complete it.

One solution of Puzzle number 32 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

Padlock puzzles

This will reset everything to the original puzzle. Now, make a padlock shape in the center; it will look like this when completed:

One solution of Puzzle number 32 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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This will open the padlock drawer. Each of the keys has a small hole in it; match the shape of the hole to the shape on the padlock that the negative space around the patterns makes. The keys go in this order:

One solution of Puzzle number 32 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Now that the padlocks are open a little, we can see the patterns that the padlocks have on their shackle. Match the pattern on the end of each of the keys to the pattern on the shank of each padlock.

One solution of Puzzle number 32 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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This will open up the padlocks even more. If you look at the padlocks, you’ll see that the ones in the middle have a shorter shank than the ones on either end. Put the short keys in the center, and the long keys on the edges to match up with the long shanks. Make sure the teeth of the keys are facing the same direction as the opening in the shank.

One solution of Puzzle number 32 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Compass answers

This will open up the glass drawer again, and you need to put all the rounded pieces of glass in the center. This will form a compass shape in the middle.

One solution of Puzzle number 32 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Once the compass shape is made, it will open the compass drawer. Look at the craved edge just inside the edges of the compasses. The first one on the left has three points on the circle. The second has four. Put them in order of the number of points, as it does in the screenshot below.

One solution of Puzzle number 32 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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After the compasses open up, put them in order of the amount of letters on each of them. The one with no letters goes first, then the one with just an N for north is second. The middle compass has both an S and an N for North and South, and then the next has all four cardinal directions. The final compass on the right has all the cardinal directions and the secondary directions as well.

One solution of Puzzle number 32 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

This will start the needles spinning in circles. More the compasses until the needles are no longer spinning. It will be in this order:

One solution of Puzzle number 32 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

To get the achievement for this one, called the Dead End Boss Gems achievement, make a nonsense combination of the glass. It doesn’t matter how; just put them together in a way that doesn’t make anything in the center.

The achievement for level 32 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Level 33 hints

This is a pretty simple puzzle, and it only has one solution. In order to complete it, you will need to get through three stages, and the cat won’t be much help in getting it done.

  • Where does the star belong?
  • Do the pieces fit back in the star?

Level 33 answers

To complete this one, first line the star up in the center where the outline of the star is. Then, when the cat’s paw pulls the star away again, pull it back into the center. Then, the cat paw will break the star; you will need to put the pieces back together and move it to the center.

One solution of Puzzle number 33 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Bonus Level 1 hints

In order to unlock this bonus level, you will need to have 50 stars. Once you have completed enough solutions to other puzzles, you will be able to unlock this one. It gives you several crusts from some toast, you will need to arrange them in two different ways to win it.

  • Pay attention to the pattern on the plate.
  • Pay attention to the colors on the toast.

Bonus Level 1 answers

This one is the easier one; just line the same size and color toast crusts with the small, butter toast on the inside, the medium blueberry-and-butter toast in the middle, and the large strawberry-and-butter toast on the outside.

One solution of Bonus Puzzle number 1 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

This solution needs you to make a cross on the plate, matching the lines on the plate. It will look like this when completed:

One solution of Bonus Puzzle number 1 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Bonus Level 2 hints

Once you have a total of 60 stars, you can unlock the cupcake level. It has three different solutions to complete, and you will need to think critically about all the objects in the puzzle.

  • Pay close attention to the colors of each cupcake, including the sprinkles, the candles, and the paper.
  • Pay attention to the heights of things.
  • Also the shapes of the different items.

Bonus Level 2 answers

The first solution is all about height. Start with the shortest candle, the shortest icing, and the shortest line on the paper. Then go up progressively to the tallest candle, the tallest icing, and the paper without a line on it. Here is the completed puzzle:

One solution of Bonus Puzzle number 2 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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This one is all about matching patterns. The first paper on the left has only a few creases in it, the candle has no stripes, and the icing has no bumps in it. The second to the left has a few more creases in the paper, a couple of stripes on the candle, and a few decorative ridges in the icing. This goes to the right, where the candle has tons of stripes, the paper is filled with creases, and the icing is very bumpy.

One solution of Bonus Puzzle number 2 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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The last one is color matching. Put the orange candle with the orange paper and the cupcake with the orange sprinkles. The red-and-orange candle goes with the orange-and-red paper and the cupcake with the orange and red sprinkles. For the two cupcakes that don’t have sprinkles on them, they have sprinkles inside them, which can be seen if you take the cupcake out of the paper and lift it up.

One solution of Bonus Puzzle number 2 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Bonus Level 3 hints

This level requires that you have a total of 70 stars. It is filled with markers and marker tops, and you need to put them back in their packaging. There are three different solutions.

  • Pay attention to the shapes put on the tops of the markers.
  • Are there lines on any part of the markers that you can line up?
  • Also, color is important for one of the solutions, but not the others.

Bonus Level 3 answers

To solve this one, you just need to match the color of the lid to the bottom, then put them in rainbow order. For the gray ones, put them in order from lightest to darkest.

One solution of Bonus Puzzle number 3 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Match the nicks in the top to the nicks on the bottom, then match the lines on the caps to the lines on the bodies of the markers. Put them in order of number of lines or nicks.

One solution of Bonus Puzzle number 3 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Match the shape of the tips or the markers with the matching picture of the tip on the cap. Put them in order of thinnest to thickest on the top row, and then make a pyramid of the angled tips on the bottom.

One solution of Bonus Puzzle number 3 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Bonus Level 4 hints

The second-to-last bonus level can be unlocked with 90 stars. This one is filled with all sorts of whistles in a variety of shapes and colors. There are four answers to this one.

  • Pay attention to the shapes on the wood.
  • What about the hooks for each whistle?
  • Colors are also important for one solution.
  • What about the holes in each whistle?

Bonus Level 4 answers

Match the shadows on the back of the box to get these in the right order. The wood around each shadow will be light enough to see if you have put the whistle in the right place.

One solution of Bonus Puzzle number 4 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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This solution requires you put the whistles in orders of the number of rings each has attached to them. Each whistle has either one, two, three, four, or five rings attached to it; put each of the one rings first in each section of the box, then the twos, then threes, then fours, and finally fives.

One solution of Bonus Puzzle number 4 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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This one is a little pickier about where you put the different whistles. Make sure you put them in this specific order to complete the color version of this puzzle:

One solution of Bonus Puzzle number 4 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Lastly, line them up in order by shape. The long cylindrical ones go from shortest to tallest. The cylinders with the bumps on them get put in order of the number of bumps. The triangular ones go from pointiest to least point, and the two-part whistles go from narrowest to widest.

One solution of Bonus Puzzle number 4 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

The shape of the holes is how these are lined up. The first set has a round set of holes, the second has a mouth-shaped set of holes, then diamond shapes, then rectangular. Go from rotated to the right, then centered, then rotated to the left in each section.

One solution of Bonus Puzzle number 4 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Bonus Level 5 hints

This is the final unlockable bonus stage, and you need 90 total stars to get it. To complete this one, you need to find all nine cats in order. Each cat is hidden in an object in the room, and once the cat joins the previous cats, you will move onto the next room.

  • Click around and move everything you can; there will be some cats in unexpected places.
  • Cat’s out of the bag!
  • Can a cat fit in a book?
  • They can hide in very unexpected places.

Bonus Level 5 answers

The first cat will be found in the laundry. Click the laundry basket, and a white cat will hop out. In the kitchen, click the grocery bags in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. When the cat pops out and you get to the next room, click on the jars on the top shelf to get the third cat. The fourth cat will be in the book on the bookshelf in front of the mirror.

One solution of Puzzle number 34 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
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Our fifth cat will be hiding behind the picture frame of the cat. Number six is found in the basket full of yarn. The seventh can be found behind the lampshade, and the eighth will be inside the black book on the right side of the screen.

One solution of Puzzle number 34 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
Image by Pro Game Guides

The last of the nine cats will be hiding inside the yellow umbrella in the right part of the screen that is hanging on the coat rack. Click the umbrella to finish the level.

One solution of Puzzle number 34 in A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars.
Image by Pro Game Guides

A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars all achievements

In order to 100% this game, you’ll need to complete all the solutions to each of the levels. If you do this, you’ll take care of the first three achievements below. All the others require a specific level, and you’ll have to complete a specific thing to get it done.

  • Shooting Stars: Complete the Seeing Stars DLC
  • Nine Lives: Complete the bonus last episode
  • Full Orbit: Get 100% of all solutions
  • I’ll take my water neat: In Level 10, take all the ice out of all the glasses and drop them on either side of the glasses.
  • Top heavy slice: In Level 11, put all the pizza toppings on one slice of pizza.
  • Sticky Wand: In Level 22, put all the gum on the lollipop.
  • Watcha Looking At: In Level 24, put all minis looking in a given direction in their corresponding compartment (e.g. left in left).
  • Ouch!: In Level 27, open the knife and pick it up by the sharp end.
  • Dead End Boss Gems: In Level 32, put the glass together in a way that doesn’t form any shape.

For more indie game walkthroughs, check out Botany Manor Walkthrough (All achievements) on Pro Game Guides.

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