Adoption Island faces massive destruction as Adopt Me's Black Hole event draws closer – Roblox

September 19, 2022, weird a new character arrived on Adoption Island: Sean, the non-intergalactic, non-tax collecting, totally normal, green-skinned human. on that same day, Adopt Methe main news personality of, Jesse Raen-Saunders, spoke with Sean about his sudden appearance on Adoption Island, only to go missing without a trace after the conversation ended. Since Sean's arrival, a massive black hole has opened up on Adoption Island, which has already begun to consume all of its buildings and shops, causing players to question the integrity of the newcomer's seemingly innocent motives.
After two days of silence, found footage from Adopt Me's last September 19th newscast has been posted to the official Adopt Me Twitter account In this news broadcast, titled New News, news anchor Matt discusses Sean's appearance and the strange things that have been happening around Adoption Island since his arrival. As this newscast continues, the studio suddenly begins to shake and crumble before being sucked into the ever-growing black hole and disappearing completely. Since the debut of this newscast, Adopt Me has posted yet another cryptic tweet to its Twitter account, as seen below.
Related: Adopt Me Pets List – All pets, eggs, and how to get
If you're hoping to learn more about this event, be sure to sign up for Adopt Me in advance 10am CT on September 22, 2022. At 10 a.m. CT, the Black Hole event will reach its peak, likely completely destroying Adoption Island as we know it and replacing it with something entirely new. There's no telling what exactly will happen after this event ends, or if it will, but we'd recommend keeping an eye on the Adopt Me Twitter account to stay as up-to-date as possible. If big changes come to Adopt Me, we'll post them accordingly as well.
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