
All Anomalies in Pacific Drive and How to deal with them

Going on excursions in Pacific Drive can be deadly. If you’re not accidentally getting your car stuck, then you’re undoubtedly running into bizarre anomalies. The anomalies can be unpredictable, but there are ways you can deal with them. Here are some solutions!

Pacific Drive All Anomalies – How to defend against them

Each Anomaly has a different effect and conditions throughout each junction. While some can be relatively harmless, others can leave your car destroyed. We have a list of all the anomalies for you below and all the details on how to defend against them.

NOTE: This is a work in progress, and we are still continuing to add all of them, so stick with us to see the completed list!


The bird’s anomaly is a very mysterious occurrence that doesn’t have much effect on the environment. It’s so evasive that we didn’t even have time to snap a picture of it, but we were lucky enough to catch it with our scanner while scanning another anomaly simultaneously.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Randomly fly overhead Damp Forest
Blistering Woods
The Mires
The Scorch
No threat


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Similar to the Transmuter, the Pacemaker will take some of your materials and turn it into a different material. However, with the Pacemaker, unless you get the correct formula, you won’t get any materials back. So far, I got Fabrics from Electronics, and Tree Candy from Plasma. Keep in mind that this Anomaly will stop working after several attempts.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Transforms materials into new materials Damp Forest
Blistering Woods
The Mires
The Scorch
Use it to get specific materials like Tree Candy

Beating Heart

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This is one of the most helpful of the anomalies because rather than attempting to destroy you, it is actually beneficial for you. It resembles the Matter Regenerator that you can install in your garage: a tree-like structure with built-in speakers and vibrant green light.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Repairs damaged parts of your car Damp Forest
Blistering Woods
The Mires
The Scorch
Drive close to it to receive repairs

Corrosive Squall

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Acid rain is no joke, especially not when you’re outside of your safe vehicle. Your car can withstand some of it, but ensure you protect it better with Lead-Plated parts that are extra durable against radiation. You can see a Squall setting in on the map, but you can’t recognize which one until you are in it.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Storm of acid rain

The Mires
The Scorch

Protect your car with Lead-Plated parts

Electromagnetic Squall

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Your car will be going haywire as you go through this storm. It will be honking, the wipers will go off and it will start going in its own direction. Try to drive slow to keep as much control on it as you can so you can reach an exit.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Car systems malfunctioning Blistering Woods Drive slower

Seismic Squall

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Keep driving! No ground is safe as Bollard after Bollard spring to the top, trying to damage your car and flip it over. It managed to flip me over and I could barely get out of it as it still focused on getting my car. Definitely one of the more annoying Squalls.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Bollards more active in this area

Damp Forest
The Scorch

Don’t stay in one place for too long

Hurricane Squall

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Similar to the Electromagnetic Squall, this one will cause you to lose control of the car. With the Hurricane Squall, you will be shoved and turned around by high gusts of wind. They can veer you right into other dangerous Anomalies like the Tourists, so try to keep as much control of the car as you can.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Strong gusts of wind will be shoving your car around

Damp Forest
Blistering Woods
The Mires

Drive slow to keep control of the car

Rotten Egg

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This strange acid goop comes in all different shapes and sizes. It is an explosion of radiation that will do hefty damage to your car or you if you’re standing too close.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Explodes on the ground, sticks to variety of surfaces including your car

The Mires
The Scorch

Protect your car with Lead-Plated parts, avoid coming in contact with it

Tour Bus

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If you thought Tourists were dangerous when you hit them, then be prepared for a whole group of them. The Tour Bus is a much larger display of Tourists all packed together in the shape of two outstretched hands and will deliver a much larger explosion if collided with. If you explode them with a Road Flare (at a safe distance from you or your car), they will drop one or two Thermosap Crystals.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Can appear around the area unexpectedly, explodes on contact Smokestacks
Red Spires
Equip your car with armored panels, doors and bumpers; avoid running into them or touching them, use flares to destroy them from afar


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The Bollards are giant pillars of earth that shoot up from the ground randomly, sending your car flying if you happen to be on top of it when it erupts.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Erupts out of the ground at random moments Damp Forest
Blistering Woods
The Scorch
Keep an eye out for shaking ground and don’t stay in one spot too long

Related: How to deal with radiation damage in Pacific Drive

Tourist Trap

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The Tourist Trap combines too anomalies into one monstrosity. It will erupt out of the ground like a Bollard when you least expect it, but is packed with Tourists that will still blow up on impact with you or your car.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Erupt from the ground and explodes on contact Smokestacks
Red Spires
Avoid running into them or touching them, use flares to destroy them from afar

Ticking Tumbler

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This tricky glowing red cube may appear like a Thermosap Crystal from afar, but it will blow up in your face up close. It works just like any other bomb but can actually chase you around the map, making it much more of a challenge to avoid. You can pick it up, but be sure to throw it away quickly. These Anomalies can also transform into Explosives crates, so be careful when you are opening them, or you might get a bombastic surprise.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Chases after you and explodes like a bomb Smokestacks
Red Spires
Keep your distance; shoot them with a flare pick them up and throw them away from you quickly to explode them


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Shakers are sneaky anomalies to dodge because they aren’t as obvious as some of the others. They appear in a glowing yellow color, almost like cracks in the ground. Don’t be fooled by their lowkey appearance but they can still pack a punch.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Blasts out hot corrosive slime that can propel you into the air

Damp Forest
Bistering Woods
The Mires
The Scorch

Avoid driving on top of them; use Jump Jacks

Moldy Balloon

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Oh, look, a lovely floating balloon… except this is a balloon made out of pure acid. This blob of green flies all around the air, spraying acid everywhere in its path.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Deals radiation damage when it comes in contact with you or your car and sprays acid through the air The Scorch Protect your car with Lead-Plated parts

Cough Box

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The Cough Box is a cloud of bubbling green toxins; if that isn’t any indication to stay away from it, I don’t know what is. Your car will take heavy radiation damage when inside it, and if you dare to step foot in it without your vehicle, you will quickly regret it as your health drains.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Gives off radiation damage when inside of it The Mires
The Scorch
Protect your car with Lead-Plated parts

Sizzling Mist

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The Sizzling Mist is a cloud of electrical currents shining in a bright blue color. They can be easier to avoid but very detrimental to your vehicle, especially your battery, if you happen to come in contact with it.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Gives off shock damage when inside of it and draining battery Damp Forest
Blistering Woods
Protect your car with Insulated parts

Sick Mickey

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This gnarled growth is like a Belching Barnacle on steroids. It shoots out all kinds of gross goop that you are going to want to avoid at all costs.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Shoots out acid goops that can stick to surfaces and explode The Mires
The Scorch
Protect your car with Lead-Plated parts

Devil Grinder

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This ominous red and bubble with floating orange goops are accurately named the Devil Grinder since getting anywhere close to its hellish effects will leave your car needing some dire repairs, especially your tires.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Damages your vehicle while you’re within it Smokestacks Avoid driving through the bubble, and protect your car with enhanced parts

Fallen Firmament

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I was prepared for Anomalies coming out of the ground and even for acid to rain down on me, but I didn’t expect a huge stone pillar to fall from the sky and almost flatten me. The Anomalies are coming for you from every way they can. Keep moving or risk damage to the car and yourself.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Drops out of the sky to damage your car Smokestacks
Red Spires
Don’t stay in one place for too long

Belching Barnacle

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The Belching Barnacle is a radiation fiend and practically a lesser version of the Sick Mickey. It spits out good of acid that can stick to surfaces and explode, damaging anything that is within its radius.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Shoots out acid goops that can explode and give off radiation damage The Mires Protect your car with Lead-Plated parts and keep your distance from them

Radiant Dredge

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Moving in a similar way to the Crackling Crawler, the Radiant Dredge will be moving across the ground and leaving Radiation damage in its wake. If you cross its path, your car will suffer, so try to avoid it.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Causes radiation damage once you touch it Smokestacks Protect your car with Lead-plated car parts and wear radiation protection clothes; avoid touching the Dredge

Crackling Crawler

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Crackling Crawler isn’t dangerous by itself per se, it’s the squad of Minuteman that it summons on its way that are the issue. This Anomaly will race you to cross your path and surround you with Minuteman which will then expel an electrical discharge, damaging your car and then disappearing.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Brings out Minuteman as it goes across the ground Damp Forest Protect your car with Insulated car parts and wear insulated clothes


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The Tourists are arguably one of the creepiest of the anomalies and can be some of the deadliest as well. They look like wooden mannequins but with glowing red explosives in their chests and can be in a few different poses.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Can appear around the area unexpectedly, explodes on contact Damp Forest
Blistering Woods
The Mires
The Scorch
Avoid running into them or touching them, use flares to destroy them from afar

Shocked Tourist

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The Shocked Tourists don’t look too much different than your usual Tourists. They are just connected by an electrifying blue current that always seems to block your path forward. Hitting one of these tourists will create a chain reaction to all the rest, which is why you’re going to want to try and take them out from a safe distance.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Deal shock damage, and explode in a chain reaction if touched Blistering Woods
The Scorch
Like normal Tourists, use flares or flare guns to set them off from a distance, and avoid running into them

Broken Bunny

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These are undoubtedly some of the most annoying of the anomalies with their sporadic jumping and unpredictable movements. These mechanical-like creatures fly through the air, giving off little chirp noises, and attach to the top of your car.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Attach onto your car and slowly damage it the longer it is on Damp Forest Use the Limpusle Emitter or the Impact Hammer

Dust Bunny

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The Dust Bunny acts pretty much exactly like your regular bunnies but gives off radiation. That makes it twice as deadly to your vehicle or to you if you get too close to it.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Attach onto your car and deal radiation damage Damp Forest
Blistering Woods
The Mires
The Scorch
Protect your car with Lead-Plated parts, and use the Limpulse Emitter or Impact Hammer

Burp Bunny

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Another Bunny variation except this one will cause acid damage to your car. The best way I found to avoid these menaces is to keep driving until I see them ready to jump, then swerve at the very last second. Hopefully the road is clear and you won’t hit anything else. If you Scrap it, you will get one Chemical.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Attach onto your car and deal acid damage The Mires
The Scorch
Protect your car with Anti-corrosive parts, and use the Limpulse Emitter or Impact Hammer

Bolt Bunny

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Bolt Bunnies will be dealing a lot of electrical damage to your car if they manage to attach themselves, so you will want to avoid that. Once you kick them off the car, you can scrap them and get some Plasma.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Attach onto your car and deal electrical damage Blistering Woods You can get the bunny off with an Impact Hammer or a Limpulse Emitter

Happy Hare

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Unlike the other annoying bunnies, it’s actually good for these to get stuck in your car. These Happy Hares give off the same vibrant green color that the Beating Hearts do, and just like the other restorative anomalies, they can repair your car when they are stuck onto it.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Attach onto your car and repairs for a short period Damp Forest
Blistering Woods
The Mires
The Scorch
Pick one up and throw it onto your car for repairs

Hopped-Up Hare

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This Bunny anomaly can easily be mistaken for the Bolt Bunny since both give off electrical charges. However, despite its annoying behavior and menacing look, this little guy is actually helpful to your car. Much like the Happy Hare, the Hopped-Up Hare will repair your vehicle while attached, and in this case, will charge up your battery for you.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Attach onto your car and restores battery charge for a short time Damp Forest
Blistering Woods
The Mires
The Scorch
Red Spires
Pick one up and throw it onto your car for charge


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The Airstrip is a low gravity Anomaly that will fling you into the air. While it is a fun ride, slamming back down into the ground can damage your car so you should avoid it. If you can’t go around it, then the best thing you can do is slowly cross through it. This way you have at least some control over how you will hit the road.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Airstrip affects the gravity and will lift your car into the air Blistering Woods
The Mires
You can drive around them or drive slowly through them

Shaggy Scrambler

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Don’t drive too close to this anomaly. The Shaggy Scrambler will scramble all of the electronics on the car, leading you to lose control. Because of it, there’s a big risk of hitting something on the road. It will keep affecting you until you get out of range.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Scrambles your car and making you lose control The Mires You can drive around them or drive slowly through them

Glittering Boulder

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This glowing boulder may appear ominous, but it can actually be pretty helpful in making a quick run away from the storm. Running into these boulders will give you a brief boost in speed, but can be a bit hard to control.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Discharge energy that gives you a speed boost forward Damp Forest
Blistering Woods
The Mires
The Scorch
Run into them for a brief speed increase


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The Left-Right anomaly is most detrimental when you’re racing away from the storm because it will steer you right off the road and into a tree before you realize it. You can detect them by their swirling orange and purple waves.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Take control of your steering capabilities, making you veer left or right Damp Forest
Blistering Woods
The Mires
Use the Handbrake to try and resist

Wriggling Wreck

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Wriggling Wreck doesn’t look too dangerous but you shouldn’t approach it. This thing will summon Minuteman to surround you and then shoot an electrical discharge to cause damage. If you don’t have insulated body parts, it can cause some serious damage to your car.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
An obstacle that damages your car with electrical damage Damp Forest
Blistering Woods
Drive past it quickly or drive back to get out of range, equip your car with Insulated parts


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Minuteman can appear on its own or in the company of Wriggling Wreck and Crackling Crawler. They will pop out of the ground in an attempt to surround you and get you to cross through one of the electricity currents.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
An obstacle that surrounds your car and causes electrical damage Damp Forest
Blistering Woods
Go through the areas where you don’t see electricity or wait until they go back into the ground


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The Pickpocket is a disturbing flying anomaly, floating similar to the Bubblegum Buddy but twice as terrifying when it comes toward you. It has bright green eyes and tentacles that hang down, almost like a jellyfish of sorts.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Steal random items from you The Mires
Keep your distance from them, or throw a flare to attempt to distract them


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The Abductors are floating robotic creatures that don’t like you around. They give off a green light when they are in passive mode but will turn red when they detect your presence.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Magnetize you and drag you into obstacles Damp Forest
Blistering Woods
The Mires
The Scorch
Use Limpusle Emitter to break magnetism

Hot Dust

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Hot Dust is a bizarre anomaly that can appear in random locations but spread rapidly across a whole area. It is a vibrant yellow glow that just screams radiation.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Gives off major radiation and can spread rapidly Damp Forest
Blistering Woods
The Mires
The Scorch
Protect your car with Lead-Plated parts and avoid stepping onto it

Can Opener

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The Can Opener is a terrifying sight to behold, as a giant blade slicing through the earth and threatening to cut straight through your car if you’re not careful. However, you can predict their movements if you pay attention, since they only move on their glowing red lines.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Slice through the ground, and your vehicle Damp Forest
The Mires
Wait until it passes to cross over its path

Spike Puddle

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Spike Puddles can be another pretty inconspicuous anomaly, laying low to the ground with a slightly shimmering purple color. Trust me, if you’re not looking to get your tires popped, stay clear of them at all costs.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Can puncture and damage tires if you drive over them Blistering Woods Protect your car with more durable tires and use Jump Jacks to avoid them

Spike Log

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Just like the Spike Puddle but slightly larger, the Spike Log is a pointy nuisance to come across that you will want to avoid at all costs, or pay dearly with your precious tires.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Can puncture and damage tires if you drive over them The Scorch Protect your car with more durable tires and use Jump Jacks to avoid them

Related: How to deal with electrical damage in Pacific Drive

Bubblegum Buddy

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These pink jellyfish resembling anomalies may seem cute and innocent, but they are far from being that. They will grab any item you have in your hands and play tug-of-war with you, and if you aren’t holding anything, they will gladly take you for a ride instead.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Take items from your hands and drag them away The Mires
The Scorch
Keep your distance from them or use Impact Hammer/kick to keep them away

Spark Tower

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These large towers are pretty easy to detect in the air with their height and the bright, vibrant blue color of the electricity. These are usually where you can find loads of Plasma, but watch out for the currents that will track you down and zap you.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Blasts our currents of electricity that can track you Damp Forest Keep your distance from them and protect your car with Insulated parts


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The Potholes are probably one of the most minor threats of the anomalies, and that is because they are basically just floating rocks that appear in random locations. They can sometimes be an added obstacle but are relatively easy to avoid.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
An obstacle that damages your car if you run into them too fast Damp Forest
Blistering Woods
The Mires
The Scorch
Drive slowly through them, pushing the rocks out of the way delicately to avoid damage


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The Blacksmith anomaly is quite a sight to behold, but also one of the deadliest of anomalies to be near. This volcano-like structure blasts rocks up into the air and then slams them down with such force that it causes the ground to shake nearby and sends down spikes of rocks that will stick into the ground or your car.

Icon Effect Locations Solutions
Lifts up rocks in an anti-gravity field and that slams them down, cause disruptive shakes and sending down spikes of rocks within a small radius Red Spires Keep your distance, protect your car from spikes with more durable tires and parts

Knowing what anomalies to look out for and how to defend against them will give you a step up when heading out on Drives and ensure you can avoid as much damage as possible. Upgrade your car with the proper protective parts and upgrade yourself too with the Outfitting Station! Check back soon as we add the rest of the anomalies to the list!

Looking for more Pacific Drive content? Check out How to get Thermosap Crystals in Pacific Drive or How to get Lead Platelet in Pacific Drive (Map) on Pro Game Guides.

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