All Dogtag locations in A Dusty Trip – Humvee quest

Dusty Trip’s vehicle collection continues to evolve with the arrival of the Humvee military vehicle and the only way to unlock it is by collecting 25 Dog Tags. Therefore, I will guide you through all the possible places where you can find Dogtags in A Dusty Trip.
How to get Dogtags in Roblox A Dusty Trip
Fortunately, Dogtags spawn can be found in various buildings scattered across all maps in A Dusty Trip. However, their birthplaces are not fixed, which means you have to randomly encounter them during your gameplay.
But before you set out on your journey, you must start the Humvee quest by talking to the General Shepherd NPC which spawns in the main lobby right next to the military vehicle. As I mentioned earlier, the NPC will ask you collect 25 Dogmarks if you want to get the Humvee vehicle for free.
At this point, you can choose between the Desert Map and the Plains Map. But I would suggest going to the Desert map because it has more buildings and structures which ultimately increase the chances of finding Dog tags.

Once you are on the map, build a vehicle for your convenience that allows you to travel long distances in a short period of time. Although Dogtags can be found in any building, I would suggest prioritizing Double Garages as they typically contain the most loot. Therefore, avoid wooden buildings because they usually have fewer items, making them ineffective for dog hunting.
Fortunately, Dogtags are easy to spot compared to other items like comic books, so you won’t have any trouble finding them. Meanwhile, make sure your backpack has enough space to store the dog tags; otherwise, you must discard less valuable items to make room.
How to complete a Humvee quest in A Dusty Trip
After you collect 25 Dogtags, go back to the General Shepherd NPC and he will automatically pull all the items from your inventory. At this point, the Humvee quest will be marked as complete and you will be rewarded with the a new military vehicle.
For more on Roblox, check out How to make your car go faster in Dust Journey – Roblox or How to separate mixed liquid fuels in Dust Journey – Roblox in Pro Game Guides.