All Dungeon Coin Locations in Dungeons of Hinterberg

All 26 dungeons in Dungeons of Hinterberg have a hidden chest containing a commemorative coin. I’ll show you where to find the coin for each Dungeons of Hinterberg dungeon so you can collect them all with ease.
Where to find every Commemorative Coin in Dungeons of Hinterberg
All of the dungeons in this list are sorted by the regions they are found in and their difficulty. The only exceptions are the Beginner’s Dungeon and the Toxic Archipelago Dungeon because they are found in their own areas.
Beginner’s Dungeon
After speaking with Klaus the first time, you’ll be in front of an area with a large statue. Head to the ledge on the right side. Climb up it to find and open a blue chest containing the commemorative coin for the Beginner’s Dungeon.
Doberkogel Dungeon Coins
Doberkogel is a picturesque mountain containing seven dungeons.
Abandoned Mineshaft
You’ll need to backtrack a little to get the commemorative coin in the Abandoned Mineshaft dungeon. While exploring the dungeon, you’ll get a pop-up explaining armored enemies. You’ll then be thrown into a fight with a long-necked enemy. After defeating him, climb the ladder on the left side of the room and take the minecart in front of you (A1). Do not continue forward. Instead, take the minecart back towards the first room (A2), making sure to lean to the right while riding it (A3). This brings you to a secret room with a chest containing the coin. After grabbing it, ride the minecart one final time and continue exploring the Abandoned Mineshaft.
Giant Cavern
The Giant Cavern coin is in the area with the rotating bridge. When you exit from the right door toward the bridge, turn around and face the area you came from. You’ll find a small path winding around the left side of the cavern’s wall. Follow it to find the chest containing the Giant Cavern’s coin.
Jelly Tunnels
The Jelly Tunnels coin is hidden in a large room in the middle of the dungeon with lots of jelly blocks (A1). To start, you’ll need to walk around the pillar until you find a side path with white markings on the ground (A2). Climb up that path to reach the upper ledge (A3), then jump along the white ledges to reach the area on the left. This area has a diagonal wooden platform and two of the Jelly-like blocks (A4). Place the Wrecking Ball spell onto the wooden platform (A5), then use the Ball and Chain spell to pull the blue jelly block out (A6). This launches the wrecking ball, causing it to destroy a vine blocking a ladder leading to a platform at the top of the room (A7). Climb this ladder to reach the highest level of the room. A small room containing a chest is on the right side of this area (A8). The chest holds the coin for the Jelly Tunnels dungeon.
Minecart Workshop
The Minecart Workshop chest is out in the open on the platform moving puzzle toward the end of the dungeon. All you need to do is move the platforms around so you can cross to the left side and open the chest.
Tatzelwurm’s Lair
The Tatzelwurm’s Lair coin is found after defeating the Tatzelwurm. Once you defeat it, head through the hallway and turn to the right. The chest containing the coin is out in the open surrounded by boxes and lights.
Old Quarry
The largest room in the Old Quarry (A1) has the coin chest hidden within it. You’ll want to start by getting to the other side of the room and looking at the goo blocks leading up the stairs (A2). Use your ball-and-chain spell to climb to the top of the ledge above them (A3). Afterward, look to the left to see another goo block blocking the path. Walk to it and use the gap in the fence to hook the ball-and-chain into the blue goo below you (A4). Pull to shrink the goo in front of you, revealing the coin chest.
Shredding Facility
The Shredding Facility coin is in the first platform after the first fast-moving conveyor belt. When you step off the belt, there will be a suspicious pile of rocks against the right wall. Blow them up with your Wrecking Ball to uncover a small secret room containing the coin chest.
Hinterwald Dungeon Coins
Hinterwald is a sunset-colored forest filled with trees, vines, and more. It contains seven dungeons for Slayers to explore.
Ancient Tree
The coin for the Ancient Tree dungeon is hidden in the large room covered in vines (A1). Drop down from the ledge by the doorway and look to the right to see a pile of rocks on the far side of the room (A2). Use the Whirlwind spell to cross the vines to the right (A3). You’ll want to land on the patch of rocks on the far right side of the room. After landing there, turn to the left to find an alcove with a chest containing the Ancient Tree coin hidden in the wall (A4).
Waterlily River
Waterlily River has a unique playing perspective and a lot of similar environments, so you need to pay close attention to your surroundings to find this coin. After traversing the bridge in the first photo (A1) and climbing down the ledge, head left to the river and cross the bridge and lilypads. On the other side, walk down and to the right (A2) to find the coin chest.
Overgrown Cave
The Overgrown Caves coin is in the area immediately following the two-platform puzzle room (A1). To exit this room, use your spells to put all four balls onto the left platform (A2). Stand on it after it is lowered, then throw all of the balls onto the right platform (A3). Exit the room (A4), then turn around. The chest containing the Overgrown Cave coin is on a lower ledge to the right of the door you exited (A5).
Mushroom Isles
To access the Mushroom Isles dungeon, you’ll need to befriend Hinterberg’s dog first. The chest containing the Mushroom Isles coin is actually in the first large room after entering the Dungeon (A1). To access it, you’ll need to move to the left into the next room. Blow the horn to purify parts of the water in the dungeon (A2), then return to the first room to find that the water is clean. You can now safely walk to and climb up the ladder to get the coin (A3).
Windsbraut’s Treetop
The coin in Windsbraut’s Treetop is found after the stamp station. You’ll need to walk up the large branch on the other side of the tree. After climbing up it, you’ll reach a platform holding the chest containing the coin.
Everchanging Grove
The Everchanging Glades dungeon coin is in the main room of the dungeon (A1). Walk to the right to the run-down house next to the tower with a ladder (A2). Climb up the ladder to find the coin chest resting on the wooden platform.
Bizarre Towers
The Bizarre Towers coin is hidden in the rotating path puzzle toward the start of the dungeon. Rotate the path to connect it to the right pathway (A1), then climb up. Skip past the top for now and continue heading right (A2), then follow the path down (A3). The chest containing the Bizarre Towers coin is at the end of this path.
Kolmstein Dungeon Coins
Kolmstein is a snowy, icy glacier with five equally frozen dungeons.
Glacial Galaxy
The coin hidden in the Glacial Galaxy dungeon is found in the large open-air room with the laser maze puzzle. Make your way to the right wall of the room, then turn and face toward the entrance (A1). Shoot the snowflake-shaped switch on your left (A2). This will lower the snowy floor, revealing a secret room at the edge of the room (A3). Enter this room to find the chest containing the Glacial Galaxy Coin (A4).
Snowflake Slalom
After opening the first giant gate, you’ll enter another huge room with a tall gate with three locks (A1). In this room, you’ll want to find the frozen waterfall with two rails and look to the alley near it (A2). The chest containing the Snowflake Slalom coin is hidden in the back of this alley (A3).
Snowy Summit
The Snowy Summit coin is hidden on one of the snowflake platforms within the snowy mountain. Start by riding the rail onto the first platform (A1), then ride that platform’s rail onto the second (A2). The third platform has two rails, one going to the left and one going to the right. Take the rail heading to the left (A3). Ride the rail down to the fourth platform and skip down to the fifth, which has two rails as well (A4). Take the rail on the right and follow the path down to find the platform with the Snowy Summit coin (A5).
Basilisk’s Roost
The Basilisk’s Roost coin is hidden on the first island you fight the Basilisk on. Instead of leaving the island, head to a small passage on the right side of the island. Follow the path to find the chest with the coin at the end of it.
Icicle Trail
The Icicle Trail coin is found in the laser puzzle room with two moving platforms (A1). You’ll want to move the platforms so that the far left one is raised while the middle one is not. Move around to the back left corner where the snowflake switch is and look at the raised platform (A2). A small alcove will be slightly visible on the side of the raised platform. Walk towards it to find the hidden chest containing the Icicle Trail coin (A3).
Brünnelsumpf Dungeon Coins
Brünnelsumpf is the swamp-inspired area near Hinterberg. It has five aquatic dungeons to explore, each featuring its own take on castle ruins.
Prisonkeep Island
The Prisonkeep Island coin is found in the area right before the boat puzzle (A1). When you see this puzzle, turn left and head down the hallway (A2). The chest at the end of the path holds the Prisonkeep Island coin (A3).
Desolate Castle
The Desolate Castle coin chest is located on the castle’s right side, beyond the gated room with two lightbulbs. After lighting both, you’ll exit into this area facing the ocean (A1). There is a chest on the right that can be grabbed, but the rest of the castle and the coin chest are in the tower on the left (A2). Enter through it and climb the stairs up to the wooden platform. Turn to the left side of the platform to view a staircase that is just out of reach (A3). Summon a goo block next to this ledge to climb the staircase (A4). Climbing these stairs to reach a second platform holding the coin’s chest (A5).
Lighthouse Reef
The Lighthouse Reef coin is available at the start of the dungeon (A1). You’ll want to walk alongside the left wall to see a small area with a ledge (A2). Use your spells to create a block of goo, then climb onto it to get on the ledge (A3). Walking straight toward the entrance will bring you to the area’s coin chest (A4).
Tower of Trials
The Tower of Trials commemorative coin is found after battling through one of the two-path rooms (A1). Choose whichever path you’d like as both will exit to the same area. In that area, you’ll see a hole in a fenced wall next to a statue (A2). Summon a block of goo and climb over it to hop into that area (A3). Press the star button next to the door to open it, revealing a staircase (A4). At the next gate, press the buttons on either side of it to open it (A5). This takes you to a large room filled with locked gates. The one directly in front of you contains the coin chest while the rest have monsters. Use the star button in the center of the room to unlock every gate (A6). Defeat all of the enemies to take the Tower of Trials coin as your prize.
Wassermann’s Arena
After defeating the first form of Wassermann, you’ll have to follow the provided path to reach his second phase. Part of this path has you walk through an underground tunnel. When you exit this tunnel, turn left instead of turning right (A1). You’ll see a ledge that is just out of reach (A2). Use your goo block spell to climb the ledge, then walk along it to find the chest containing the Wassermann Arena coin (A3).
Toxic Archipelago
While the Toxic Archipelago is a secret dungeon, it still has a coin to uncover. The chest containing the coin is found in the area before the exit portal in what looks like the remains of a tower (A1). Lower the water and use the Whirlwind spell to cross the water to the right between two stony ramps (A2). You’ll want to end up on the platforms to the right of the ruins. Afterward, use the spell again to put yourself onto the ruins (A3). The chest containing the Toxic Archipelago coin is on top of these ruins (A4).
Want to take on all of the dungeons, but aren’t sure what skills to use? Check out our Dungeons of Hinterberg Attack Conduit Tier List here on Pro Game Guides.