All Enemy types in Super Box Siege Defense & How to defeat them – Roblox

Unlike other Siege games, each enemy character in Super Box is unique, and you have to adapt different strategies to defeat them. So, if you are fighting a particular enemy type and want to defeat them, here is a list of all enemy types in Super Box Siege and how to defeat them.
How to beat all enemy types in Super Box Siege Defense
Below, you can find all the enemies in Super Box Siege Defense and the fastest ways to eliminate them.
Improved Superior Boombox
The Enhanced Ultimate Boombox is a large titan that flies and shoots beams. The best way is to go under the Titan and shoot from the bottom using any weapons of your choice.
Large Gunner Box
The Big Gunner Box will create a box with a gunner inside it. You can fight this unit by dodging the incoming bullets from the box and shooting at the character’s chest.
Big Box
The Big Box has no guns or any weapons; the only way it attacks is by using its head. So, don’t get close to the unit and attack from mid range to easily defeat it.
Metal Box
The Metal Box is very similar to the large box except that the enemy is now housed inside a metal box instead of cardboard. Like the first one, don’t get too close to the box and shoot from mid range to defeat the enemy. When shooting, make sure you shoot at the chest area above the metal frame.
Box Golem
The Box Golem is a powerful unit that moves very fast and hits with its arm. Run away from the unit and headshot to take out the strange unit quickly. Also remember to stay away from the swinging arms to avoid damage.
Defender Box
The Defender Chest does not damage you unless you are inside their orbs. So, don’t enter their circle and take damage. Instead, stay far away and shoot back to destroy the enemy.
Gunner Box
The Gunner Box uses a gun and its head to deal damage to enemies. So, stay away from both by staying far away and using any elevated position to take down the box with a shot near the chest.
Glitch Box
There is no way to avoid the Glitch Box, because it will kill you for sure.
Superior Box
The Supreme Box is a large, titan-like enemy that shoots lasers from its eye. Avoid the lasers and get behind the unit to defeat it by shooting at the back of its head.
Jet Box
The Jet Box is like a flying version of the Gunner Box. So, take cover behind solid structures and shoot at the chest to take down the box. If you don’t take cover, the box will go towards you and do more damage.
DJ Box
The DJ Box generates random beams on the ground. Avoid these beams by constantly moving around the box. When these beams stop generating, go near the box and shoot anywhere on the body to take down the unit.
Tank box
The Tank Box moves very fast and fires using its barrel. To take it down, simply walk past the tank and shoot at the back of it. I recommend shooting while the box is trying to move the barrel to lock you.
Spider Box
The Spider Box uses its body to charge and jump at you. Press the directional movements at the right time to avoid these attacks and shoot at the legs to take down the unit quickly.
Sniper Box
Indicative of its name, the box uses a sniper instead of a gun. This sniper is extremely powerful as it can take you down with a single shot. Avoid the shot, and when the enemy goes to reload, go near the enemy and shoot at its head.
This guide is a work in progress; we are constantly updating the article with new information as more enemies are discovered in the game.
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