All Honkai Star Rail Soulglad TM Scorchsand Audition Venue Treasure Chests, Warp Trotters, and Lordly Trashcan Locations (Map)

Soulglad Scorchsand is one of the locations added to Honkai Star Rail during the 2.2 update. It contains a whole new collection of collectible locations, including Lordly Trashcan battles, Treasure Chests, and Warp Trotters.
All Treasure Chests, Warp Trotters, and Lordly Treashcans in Soulglad Scorchsand in Honkai Star Rail
This Penacony stage-like area contains a selection of new items to find. But this area works a little bit differently than the others, so I have changed the format of this article to reflect how linear this set of levels is. Follow this from end to end to make sure you pick up all the Chests and things.
Treasure Chest #1
Inside the Audition Plaza teleport, you will need to go to the western-most corner of this room. There will be the first Treasure Chest inside. This is one of only two Chests you can get before heading through the Pinball area. All the other Chests, the Warp Trotter, and the Lordly Trashcans can’t be accessed just yet.

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Treasure Chest #2

From the Treasure Chest above, go north along the hallway; there is a chest to the right of the second set of blue doors, next to the tree.

How to get to the next location to continue to pick up Treasure Chests, the Warp Trotter, and the Trashcans
After getting the Treasure Chest #2, you will need to make your way to the end of the map. Look for the pinball and interact with it. It will take you to the Audition Special Challenge Arena, which is the rollercoaster-like map that takes you to the next set of sections. Now, you need to unlock the Hidden Challenges here. When you interact with the pinball, you will need to choose which side you want to head to; the Purple carts will always being on the left, and they will always lead you to one type of challenge. The Yellow carts, which are always on the right, and they always take you to the other type.
Dreamplay Fantasia Acting Challenge side
The first set of carts is called the Dreamplay Fantasia. There is both an Action side which is to the right and is yellow, and a Acting side which is on the left and is the purple one. Here are all the items to be found on the Acting side. You’ll need to complete the Wiki challenge to make sure all the items are there; this means you need to match the musical notes played to match the specific combination of states.

You can check the notes of the Wiki against the notes being played in the icon in the bottom right of your screen. It’s a little weird the first time, so if you would like to see a video of how to make sure the sounds match, you can check out this quick YouTube video that I made to help you.
Treasure Chest #3

Once you get inside the Acting Challenge, and you have gotten to the Anchor, look to the north and a little east of the Anchor. There will be a Chest in this corner.

Treasure Chest #4

From the Treasure Chest above, go up the first set of stairs. Treasure Chest #4 will be to the left of the top of the stairs, behind some benches.

Treasure Chest #5

Front Chest 4, go up the next set of stairs, then head up the right staircase. There will be two large beams with a Treasure Chest in between.

Treasure Chest #6

Head up north from Treasure Chest 5, going through the middle hall. There will be a chest on the left side near the end of this area.

Lordly Trashcans #1 and #2

If you have unlocked the Hidden Challenge, there will be two Lordly Trashcans in the same hallway as the Treasure Chest above. This is Trashcan Bandit Uno and Trashcan Bandit Duo. You will interact with these two at the same time, and here are the answers needed to not fight them: “Yeah, curse the Family!” then “(Give over money and take the goods).” If you don’t want to pay them the 1,000 credits, you’ll have to fight them instead. If the Lordly Trashcans are not there, is it because you failed to complete the Wiki challenge.

Dreamplay Fantasia: Action Challenge side
Now that we’ve covered the Acting Challenge, let’s do the Action Challenge side. This one is the yellow challenge to the right side as opposed to the left side challenge. There will be more Chests and a Warp Trotter in this location.
Treasure Chest #7

From the Anchor, go northeast, but don’t go up the first set of stairs just yet. Look behind the green sign next to Mr. Soda to find this chest.

Treasure Chest #8

Go up the first two flights of stairs, then take the left stairs when you have the choice. At the top of this staircase is a Treasure Chest.

Warp Trotter location

The Warp Trotter will be right next to Treasure Chest 8. If you cannot find the Warp Trotter at this location, it may be because you didn’t complete the Hidden Challenge before coming to this point. You’ll need to match the Wiki sounds while riding the pinball into this area to get the Hidden Challenges unlocked.

Treasure Chest #9

If instead of heading up the left staircase where the room splits off, you head over to the right staircase and look behind it, you will find another Chest hidden there. If you are standing by the Warp Trotter location, go east, then down the stairs to find this location.

Treasure Chest #10

At the top of the map of this location, you can find Chest number 10 on the right side of this section.

Gunfire Time: Gunfire Trial side
The Gunfire Trial side is up first. When you finish the Action and Acting sides of the first section, you will need to choose which Gunfire Time to choose. Here are all the Treasure Chests in Gunfire Trail side.
Treasure Chest #11

After you transform into Hanu, you will be able to get into the locked room here. There will be a fireplace in the room; the treasure chest is on top of this fireplace.

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Treasure Chest #12

After you are no longer Hanu-ified, you can find this chest up the stairs from the previous chest. There will be a room with a Hanu TV. Go inside, then turn around and look behind the door. There is a Treasure Chest hiding behind the door on the right.

Treasure Chest #13

After you finish the Hanu game mode in this section, this Treasure Chest should automatically spawn in the center of the room.

Treasure Chest #14

Treasure Chest is behind a locked door; in order to get inside, you will need to go through the Dreamscape behind the elevator on floor 2. Send the elevator down to floor 1, then exit the elevator, and go back up the stairs. Now you can walk across the top of the elevator to get to this location.

Treasure Chest #15

If you got the Hidden Challenge for this area, you will have access to the floor number ??? Floor number ??? will have a Treasure Chest on this floor.

Treasure Chest #16

If you head back to the elevator and choose to go to floor B1. Head out of the elevator, then turn to the left into the bar. There will be a chest on the western wall of this room along the wall of soda bottles.

Treasure Chest #17

There is another blue chest during this Hanu section; you need to blow up a wall in this area to reach it.

Treasure Chest #18

In the same room as chest number 17, you can find another along the back wall to the west. Look for it on top of the counter and boxes along this wall.

Treasure Chest #19

If you head to floor 2 in the elevator, you can find a room filled with Hanu Rockets. Inside this room will be a set of stairs; go up those stairs and look for a set of blue doors nearby. There will be a Chest on the left.

Gunfire Time: Time Trial side
In the second location, you can also choose the yellow upper button to bring you to the Time Trial version of Gunfire Time. Once inside, you can find eight more Treasure Chests in this side. Make sure to unlock the Hidden Challenges to ensure all these options will be available to you.
Treasure Chest #20

Once you have teleported into this new area, and you are at the Anchor, look to the east. You should be able to see the Treasure Chest in the nook at the end of this little room.

Treasure Chest #21

From the Anchor, head north up the steps, then turn left. Walk until there is a nook to your left, and there will be a chest inside this area.

Treasure Chest #22

From the Anchor, head north up the stairs, then turn right. There will be a Red Carpet Entrance with a set of stairs heading east. Go to the bottom of these stairs, then make an immediate, sharp right. There will be a Treasure Chest hidden in this little nook area at the bottom of the stairs.

Treasure Chest #23

Interact with the Dream’s Eye in this area to change the perspective, and there will be a chest at the end of this balcony.

Treasure Chest #24

South of the Treasure Chest above, you can find another Dream’s Eye location by the bushes. Once the perspective has changed, you can move the platform that will allow you to move to the next section down. This will allow you then rotate the second platform in a second Dream’s Eye sequence to get to the chest in this area.

Treasure Chest #25

In order to get this chest, you’ll need to rotate the second platform from Treasure Chest 24 above again to connection it to the Red Carpet area. Walk east to the central area, and look for a Clockie Statue. The Chest will be next to it, in front of the flowerbed there.

Treasure Chest #26

This is a Hidden Challenge chest, so make sure you have done all the musical matching challenges for this map. If you have, the doors by the previous Treasure Chest will be open. If they are closed, you’ll have to do the Wiki challenge again to unlock them. Inside these doors is a pinball; there will be a chest in the southwest corner of this room by this pinball.

Treasure Chest #27

From the central location where you found Treasure Chest 25, head to the east until you see a set of stairs to your left (north). Head north up the stairs, then go up the next set of stairs to find a jigsaw piece puzzle. After it is complete, you can go west, toward the Anchor in this area. Next to the stairs leading to the Anchor, you can find a little nook with a Chest inside.

Superstar Showdown: Arena I side: Treasure Chest #28

The third section of this pinball arena is the Superstar Showdown. It has Arena I and Arena II, each with only one Treasure Chest inside. If you are standing at the Anchor, look to the north. You cannot miss the Chest that is there.

Superstar Showdown: Arena II side: Treasure Chest #29

Last but not least, we have Treasure Chest 29, which is located due north of the Superstar Showdown Arena II Anchor; it will be in the same location as the chest was in Arena II, just mirrored onto this map.

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