All Lethal Company Monsters and How To Avoid Them

You’re just a worker trying to do your job and fulfill your quote to not get punished, so of course, there will be monsters in the way. If you’re looking for help dealing with them, here’s a list of all Lethal Company monsters and how to avoid them.
How to escape every monster in Lethal Company – Complete Monster Guide
All Outside Monsters in Lethal Company
These monsters can be found roaming around outside in the daylight on most maps and are generally harmless. You can even approach them and do a dance emote right in front of them—they won’t even respond to your taunt. Except for the bees, which will take it personally, and the baboon hawks, which will gang up on you.
Roaming locusts
You will hear the buzzing of the roaming locusts around the map. They are absolutely harmless and will escape if you approach them. They do add to the ambient of the Moons, though.
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Manticoils are bird-like creatures with four wings you can find outside on moons. They will not attack you, as they only feed on small insects and sometimes rodents. You can kill a Manticoil with a melee weapon, but you must get close enough first.
The Manticoils startle pretty easily, so you need to be very careful when approaching them. You can stun them with a stun grenade but not with the Zap gun, as it won’t even register them.
Circuit bees

While harmless most of the time, the Circuit bees will attack you if you step into their radius. They do so because they are trying to protect their beehive, which is often worth quite a few credits if you sell it. You can avoid being killed by bees by not going into their radius or by running to the ship if you do steal the beehive.
A great tactic to steal the beehive is to have one person step into their radius and distract them while the other steals it. Do this at the end of a run, or you’ll have to constantly be on the lookout for aggressive bees ready to attack.
Baboon Hawks

Usually moving in a group, Baboon Hawks seem to be taunting you, daring you to attack them. If there is a bigger group of people, it looks like they will back off. However, they aren’t harmless and will attack you.
They will critically injure you with one hit, so don’t get hit twice. You can fight and kill them, but considering how much damage they can do to you, this might not be a good idea. If you really want to pick a fight with them, bring stun grenades or a Zap gun to boost your chances of survival.
All Inside Monsters Lethal Company
These monsters are found inside the complexes on the moons. Some of them you will see often, while others are rarer and more dangerous.
Hoarding bugs

Very common to encounter, Hoarding bugs move around with a distinct tapping sound. They will also make a tittering bug noise from time to time. You can get around them without a fight if you don’t pick up anything from their hoard.
However, if you do, you will agro them, so be prepared to run. You can also hit them with a shovel or a stop sign, as they aren’t too difficult to kill. They deal very little damage to you, so you’re not in great danger. If you’ve also had the luck of getting the Nutcracker’s shotgun, you use it to kill them.
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Snare fleas

Snare fleas like hanging out on the ceilings, which is quite a scary aspect for me as I never think to look up. They lie in wait until someone walks under them. Once this happens, they will drop to the floor with a screech and chase you down. You can outrun them if you have fast reflexes, but if they get onto your head, they will blind and slowly suffocate you.
They can be killed with a shovel or a stop sign, which is why you need crewmates around. If you’re on your own, you are probably done for. Another way to survive their attack is by making it to the exit, as they will drop from you and die as soon as you leave. You just need someone to navigate you to the exit in time.
The snare fleas can also be killed with a shotgun while they are still on the ceiling. If you notice them early, you can just take them out and move on without worrying it will drop on your head. You might think there are more dangerous monsters you should save the bullets for, but for me this is the most dangerous monster.
Spore Lizards

You will recognize Spore Lizards by their tail and a purple ball at the end of it. They are mostly harmless and a little annoying to deal with. If they are startled, they will emit a screech before running away. However, if you end up stuck with them somewhere and they aren’t running away, they will deal minor damage to you. Additionally, lizards emit spores that affect your vision, turning your world Barbie pink.

You will encounter the weird but colorful blob of suspicious liquid known as a Hygrodere quite often. It’s very slow, so you can usually jump over it. Despite being slow, it can still manage to back you into a corner. Avoid touching it by climbing onto railings and quickly jumping across it. It does quite a bit of damage and will take you out if you touch it twice.
Bunker spiders

Bunker spiders are another pretty common monster type you will encounter in Lethal Company. You can recognize them by a tapping noise similar to the hoarding bug, just more frequent.
Spiders go around spinning webs, but once they complete that task, they will stop moving and usually stick to a wall. If you encounter them while they are still running around, watch out, or they will be dragging your dead body around the corner.
Don’t walk into their webs, as it will trigger the Spider to head to your location. The webs also slow down your movement speed, but you can destroy them by hitting them with a shovel or a stop sign. Spiders are slow-moving, so you can outrun and dodge them.
You can kill the spiders with a shovel, but it takes more hits, and it is usually better to do this with a team. The Nutcracker’s shotgun can also kill them. Bunker Spiders deal quite a lot of damage, so avoid getting bit. They will also become slightly faster when almost dead, adding an extra layer of danger to the encounter.
If a teammate gets killed, the spider will drag their body and cocoon them Frodo style. Even if you approach the cocoon, you can’t pick up and recover the body to avoid getting fined.
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Flower Man (the Bracken)

Flower Man (also known as the Bracken) is one of the more lethal enemies that appear on all moons. You will see them in the dark as a pair of glowing white eyes, but once lit, you can see it’s a creepy humanoid creature. Bracken will stalk you and look for chances to snap your neck.
If you or your teammates notice that you are being stalked, you can turn around and briefly look at the Bracken to get it to back off. However, you can’t stare too long, as this will aggravate the Flower men, and they will begin chasing you. They are very fast, so make sure you are faster (or sacrifice a teammate to save yourself).
If you’re feeling brave enough, you can try to kill the Flower Man. Considering that it only takes one hit for Bracken to kill you, employ Zap guns and grenades to stun it. Once the Flower Man is immobile, several shovel hits should do the trick.

Thumpers are land sharks that can be recognized by the loud dragging and thumping sounds they make while looking for prey. These monsters are deaf, so they can’t hear you, but they can see and charge at you. During a chase, they will gain speed. The best way to reduce it is by taking corners since they lose momentum while changing directions.
You can also kill the Thumpers, though it takes quite a few hits of the shovel. Try to use the Stun Grenades or a Zap gun to slow them down enough to kill them. If you can grab the Nutcracker’s shotgun, you can also kill them with a few well-placed shots.

If you thought a turret couldn’t get any worse, now it can walk. The Nutcracker in Lethal Company is essentially a roaming turret, pacing around until it locks onto a target.
If you notice a Nutcracker, try to stay away to avoid getting blasted by its double-barrel shotgun. It will usually remain stationary while it shoots. However, if it shoots at the same person several times, then the Nutcracker can move slightly. Don’t taunt them too much or you might end up toast.
You can kill the Nutcracker once it reveals the eye hiding underneath the soldier’s head. This eye is used to detect crew members, so try to stay behind its back to avoid the line of sight. You can kill the Nutcracker with shovels or with its own shotgun.

The Butler is a monster that roams inside the facilities looking for someone, but definitely not to be helpful. Instead it will be using it wants to stab you. It isn’t that fast so you can actually get away. If you do get cornered, a hit of the shovel should do the trick. But watch out, once you hit it, it will explode and launch you backwards.
However, instead of the Butler, you’ll now have Mask Hornets chasing you. I’ve tried hitting them with a shovel many times, but they just kept flying. Sadly, we don’t have bug spray in the game. The benefit of killing the Butler is that you can now grab the knife. It doesn’t have big range, but it does damage quickly, so you can use it to kill monsters and crewmates if you’re bored.
Related: How to get and use the Zap Gun in Lethal Company

You need to look at them actively to stop Coil-heads from getting you. This Weeping Angels mechanic is very popular in horror games, and it’s honestly just as scary in Lethal Company. Sometimes, even if you are looking at them, coil heads will move a short distance in your direction, so try not to get too close to them.
Having said that, Coil-heads will block passages, so you will have to get close to squeeze past them. You can get by them as long as you look at them and do not touch them.
Your best bet for surviving Coil-heads is to have a teammate around so that one of you can look at the monster while the other helps navigate the way. They are very recognizable by the sound of running footsteps, and you can hear them from a greater distance, giving you ample time to prepare.

The log for Jesters gives you zero information and just tells you good luck, which is very useful, as I rarely have luck in games. Once spawned, the Jester goes through three phases. During the first phase, it’s just walking around until it encounters and starts following you. It is still harmless at this phase, but don’t let that fool you.
The Jester moves to the second phase once it starts winding the crank on its side and playing a creepy tune. This is a warning alarm for everyone to leave the complex immediately before the music ends.
Once they enter the third phase, Jesters become one of the most dangerous Lethal Company monsters. They will start chasing you and your teammates down, going for the ones closest to them despite not hearing or seeing them. You can’t hide! If you aren’t outside yet, you better have a good sense of direction, or you will get caught.
All Outside Night Time Monsters in Lethal Company
These are the creatures you are most likely to encounter as you are finishing up a building search. The game itself says you shouldn’t stay outside once it’s dark, and these monsters are the reason.
Forest keepers

Forest keepers are big, so you can usually notice them by their heavy, loud footsteps. They get alerted by motion, so if you hear footsteps, stay out of sight. Keepers will also linger outside the ship if they chase you back to it, so you and your teammates must be careful when getting in and out until they leave.
If the Keeper catches you, it will eat and kill you. However, you can save a teammate getting eaten by the giant with a stun grenade. Just make sure to immediately break its line of sight or head for the ship if you are close enough. For those brave enough, you can kill a giant but it will take a lot of hits. To me, it’s better to just run away.
Eyeless dogs

As the name suggests, Eyeless dogs are blind, so the best way to avoid them is by crouching around and making as little sound as possible. If a dog notices you, it will roar and start charging where it thinks you are. The roar will also attract other dogs elsewhere on the moon to your location. You better get to your ship fast because you will be instantly killed if a dog catches you.
You can kill the Eyeless Dogs, but it’s a difficult process, especially if more dogs show up. You’ll need to distract them with sound and keep them stunned with the Zap gun. Only then should you approach them and hit them with a shovel until they die.
Old Bird

The Old Bird is a large robot in Lethal Company that roams the outside area looking for targets. it doesn’t just attack crewmembers though. This mech will also take out other monsters that cross its light (I’ll never forget that Baboon Hawk that got blown to shreds).
To avoid them, you have to stay out of its line of sight. This should be pretty easy since you can clearly see where it’s looking because of the light coming from its head. If it notices you, it will start shooting rockets, which will launch you into the air and you’ll get killed when you drop back down to the ground due to fall damage.
Earth Leviathan

Earth Leviathan usually travels underground, and you can only see them as a large red dot on the ship’s radar. If you hear the rumbling sound and see dirt flying up, start running to get as far away from the leviathan as possible. You can’t kill it, you can only hope you reach safety before it comes down on you.
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Special Monsters in Lethal Company
The special monsters in Lethal Company can roam inside and outside the maps and even get onto the ship to kill you.
Dramatic Mask (Masked Man)

The Masked Man or the Masked Mimic is a unique monster in Lethal Company because it can appear in two different ways. First, if you find the dramatic scrap mask and put it on, there is a big chance that the mask will possess you. Once it does, your body is essentially in its control as it starts going after your crew.
Masked Men can also spawn on their own on maps, so you can’t avoid them by never touching masks. If they grab you, they will start vomiting blood on you and turn you into one of them. They can be killed, but be sure to stay out of their grasp.
Lethal Company’s Dramatic Masks can be killed with a melee weapon or with the Nutcracker’s shotgun. Use the Zap gun or stun grenade to stun them for a few seconds to give your friends time to kill them.
Masked Men can go outside of the facilities and onto the ship, too. They will show up as blue dots on the radar, but you can usually recognize them by strange movement. They are also easily recognizable from real crew mates as they are wearing a mask and not just holding it up to their face.
Ghost girl (Girl in the red dress)

Ghost girl, or the girl in the red dress, can only be visible to one person at a time, so if you’re playing solo, you’re out of luck. Apart from just seeing her appear in front of you, you can also notice her by your sound getting muffled or by hearing her giggling and heavy breathing. If you are haunted, and the girl in the red dress catches you, you will be instantly killed.
Don’t think you’re safe once you leave the facility. She will track you and even get onto your ship to kill you if you aren’t back in space. If you have to leave your teammates behind, so be it. At least you’ll still be alive.
If you’re looking for more advice on Lethal Company, check out How to buy and sell items in Lethal Company on Pro Game Guides.