All Mud Key locations in Blasphemous 2: Mea Culpa

Ah Mea Culpa, you’re lucky you’re worth it. Mud Keys are the new collectible key in the Mea Culpa DLC for Blasphemous 2, but finding them can be tricky. Here we will show where you can find each key, and what to do when you have them all.
Where to find Mud Keys and Doors in Blasphemous 2: Mea Culpa
Mud Keys are what you need to actually get out and to get Mea Culpa, your legendary blade from Blasphemous 1. It is five keys at all, and they are scattered throughout the show. But fear not, we have maps to help show you where to start, and where to go to get them.
Please note that this guide will assume that you have already explored a good majority of the basic game content. Because Mea Culpa is a very difficult piece of DLC (like, seriously), you have to have everything three basic weapons and all motor skills to even be able to enter it.
Also remember that each section will only show how to get to the mud door which contains every subsequent key (except the first one, of course). Don’t worry though, every “key” area is completely linear unlike literally every other thing in this game, it’s just going to be filled with baddies and traps, so watch out for yourself.
One final thing to mention is that technically, you can take that first key and go to any of the other doors in this list. You don’t have to follow this guide chronologically if there’s an area you’d rather check first, just make sure to get at least the first key from Streets of Wake.
Wakes Key Street
Launching the DLC gives you a key to start, as you couldn’t start the thing without it. You can get this key by going straight down from the Prie Dieus seen on the video below in Street of Awakenings, and heading right. You will have to interact with the large grid on the floor, which will introduce you to the main thread you will follow in the DLC. You will be told to collect the key from one of the clay men standing nearby.
With that key, you can go to any of the other places you like, but I’d suggest starting with the one right in front of you.
Icebound Mausoleum Key
This is one of the new areas for the DLC, and it’s a doozy. Enemies here do no screw up, so be careful if you enter. I would suggest first going straight until you find your first Prie Dieus in the area, and then following the video from there. You will be spending a lot of time in this area, so hope you like it.
You’ll first want to go left, back the way you came, and into the Mausoleum itself. From there, do a little research to see what you can uncover, or follow the video to get straight to the key. Talk to the Clay Lady and listen to her (quite understandable) woes, and she’ll hand over the second key to you.
Ice Mausoleum Key (Again)
That’s right, there are actually two keys hidden here. This second one will require you to do much of the dungeon to be able to find, so keep exploring until you find yourself the Prie Dieus seen on the map below. You can have a good look at the dungeon map in general, so you can always use one of the other sites as a reference to find it.
Choir of Thorns Key
I really, really don’t like Choir of Thorns. Not in the base game, not now. It’s Miyazaki’s “swamp” but it’s a forest and with a lot more spikes and those cloaked wizard guys. Can’t stand it.
Either way, your third key/door is here! And it’s in a new area too. Remember that you will first have to catch yourself the ‘Broken Step‘ ability, new from the DLC, to be able to walk over the silver platforms.
For starters, you’ll actually want to jump to the teleportation room in Choir of Thorns instead of going to Prie Dieus. The one in the base game is significantly closer than any Prie Dieus, so it’s in your best interest to get the new stuff. You can see it on the map in the video above if you can’t quite remember where to find it. As with many places with the release of the DLC, however, there are plenty of new things to explore here, so take all the time you want to check it all out. Me though? Couldn’t wait to be released from the place.
Key to Maze of Tides
This is a bit of a longer route, both to the key door and to the key itself when you get there. You will use Prie Dieus to get close again, and then you can continue with the video below. The enemies in this area mean business, so don’t get involved. Also, please ignore the staggering amount of damage I’m taking, I’m just rushing to save you, dear viewer, time.
Make sure when you approach the key door that you remember to hit the green pot on the left, which I show in the video. I mention this specifically because, in my own run, I lost my marbles because I just didn’t see it. Spent a good twenty minutes trying to figure out if I missed something. My perception is lacking to say the least.
Santa Vigilia Key
This key is actually very easy to grab, as there will only be a few enemies to face along the way, and the key room itself is incredibly short. Nice way to end things if you catch this last. Assuming you’re not as completely clueless about platforming as I am, anyway.
You’ll first want to go to the nearest Prie Dieus from the base game, which is actually in the Holy Entombments, and follow along with the video from there. Again, plenty to see and do here, but don’t worry if you decide to rush. You’ll have to go back to this exact area once you’re there to see where all these keys lead you, but I won’t spoil that surprise for you.
Whichever key you end up getting will be a unique itemcalled the Ceramic Key. Once you have this item, you are free to progress to the final door, which is all the way back in the Icebound Mausoleum.
Final Mud Door Location
The final “mud door” (definitely a better name for them) is back in Icebound Mausoleum, as just mentioned. You will have to go all the way to the bottom of the dungeon, which is really the journey. You’ll face one of the new bosses first before you can even reach the door, and as you’d expect, it’s one hell of a fight. Real bullet hell-j.
Once you’ve sorted out the boss, continue to the right of the main room, and you’ll see a much cleaner, less slimy looking door. That’s the place to be, and that’s all you’ll need from the mud keys.

If you found this guide helpful, and you’re looking for more Blasphemous 2 content from us here at Pro Game Guides, then check out our All Endings and how to unlock them in Blasphemous 2 guide!