All Saurian Claw Succulent locations in Genshin Impact

Saurian Claw Succulent is a Genshin Impact local specialty native to Natlan. It is primarily found along the northern parts of the region and is used as Ascension material for select characters. If you need to collect these materials, here are all the ways you can get them.
How to farm Saurian Claw Succulent in Genshin Impact
Saurian Claw Succulents are foot-shaped plants clustered around the territory surrounding the Sulfur Veins and Children of Echoes. Since the latter marks your entry to Natlan, these materials are easily accessible.
New players can also access Natlan via the Quick Start button in the event menu (after completing the Liyue Archon Quest).

You can also pick up some more Saurian Claw Succulents in the underground section of the Sulfur Veins, which you can access via the nearby Teleport Waypoint. If you cannot access this part of the underground area, be sure to complete the quest chain Under the Crystal Rock in the Sulfur Veins first.
If you run out of Saurian Claw Succulents in your World but need more to level up your characters, don’t forget that you can use Co-op mode to enter any user’s World and farm there. However, don’t forget to ask for permission before selecting materials from other players’ Worlds!
Other ways to get more Saurian Claw Succulent in Genshin Impact

In the Stadium of the Holy Flame, you will find an NPC named Cintli near the underground Teleport Waypoint. Talk to him to open the shop menu, where you can buy various local specialties and ingredients, including Saurian Claw Succulents. They cost 1,000 Mora each, and you have a purchase limit of five per day.
How to use Saurian Claw Succulent in Genshin Impact
As a Natlan local specialty, Saurian Claw Succulents are used as Ascension materials for select characters who are associated with—or live in—the region. In Version 5.0, it is used as Ascension material for Kinich. However, Genshin Impact may release more characters that use Saurian Claw Succulents in the future, so I recommend keeping a supply even if you don’t need it right away.
To find more Natlan locales, check out our guide to All Sprayfeather Gill locations in Genshin Impact here on Pro Game Guides.