All Shop Locations in Press – Roblox

Aside from random exploration, the best way to get any items in the game is to buy them from the shops. While the concept is easy to grasp, players must learn the location of the shop as the game provides little to no clues about it. This guide explains the store and all the items that can be bought in it.
Where are the Shops in Premo located?
In Premo, there are two shops available to purchase items.
- Pre-Round Shop: The pre-round shop is the easiest to locate in Premo. As soon as the match starts, you will reach the central server lobby. Now all you have to do is jump into the submarine and travel to the main game area. As you travel in the submarine, the game will automatically open a shop called the pre-round shop. Here, you can buy almost all things. Once you have purchased the items, they will be delivered to you before you enter room 001.
- Sebastian’s Shop: Besides the pre-round shop, the other shop available in the game to buy essential items is Sebastian’s shop. This shop is a temporary store that appears between rooms 45 to 55 while running. When you reach the aforementioned room corridor, you will find an open vent like the picture above. Crawl through it to see Sebastian at the other end.
All items available in Shops
Almost all items in the game can be purchased from both in-game stores. The only difference is that the Pre-Round Shop uses Research Points as currency while the Pre-Round Shop accepts the Kranor. Also, some of the items in the Pre-Round shop can only be purchased if you have completed some of the achievements associated with them.
Pre-round Shop Price List
Item Name | Pre-Round Shop | Demand |
Black light | 100 crowns | We Die In The Dark Reach |
Flashing Beacon | 75 Kroner | Enraged Achievement |
Hand Cranked Flashlight | 125 Kroner | No one |
Lantern | 50 crowns | Anxious Alliance Achievement |
Lantern | 50 crowns | No one |
battery | 75 Kroner | No one |
Code breaker | 25 Kroner | No one |
Medkit | 50 crowns | .3 Achievement |
Gummy Flashlight | 200 crowns | Hello Again Achievement |
Notebook | 125 Kroner | No one |
Splorglight | 201 Kroner | No one |
The Necrobloxicon | 150 crowns | Received The Worm Achievement |
Sebastian’s Price List
Item Name | Pre-Round Shop |
Black light | 400 Research Points |
Flashing Beacon | 250 Research Points |
Hand Cranked Flashlight | 600 Research Points |
Lantern | 200 Research Points |
Lantern | 200 Research Points |
battery | 75 Research Points |
Code breaker | 150 Research Points |
Medkit | 250 Research Points |
Gummy Flashlight | 300 Research Points |
The Necrobloxicon | 666 Research Points |
For more on Roblox, check out How to get all 50 badges in Roblox Pressure or How to get all badges in Roblox Doors in Pro Game Guides.