All the Boss Types in Dust Journey and How to Defeat Them

The best way to get any items and accessories in A Dusty Trip is to defeat the various bosses in the game. So, if you need to know what each boss drops, their location or the respawn times, here is a detailed guide describing all the aforementioned aspects.
All bosses in Dust Journey – Roblox
Below, you can find the details of all the bosses in the game. Refer to the table and keep eliminating the bosses that will drop your required materials/items in the game.
a vampire
The Vampire is the oldest boss in A Dusty Trip. He Generates in front of the church, which usually appears after crossing the 300M. Since he’s like the first boss you face in the game, the developers make it really easy on him because the only ability he has is to teleport behind your back and bite. So, use any weapon like ax or gun and hit him three to five times to defeat him. The vampires can sometimes drop the Vampire Drag, which is like a unique version of the regular knife.
The Truck Driver

The Trucker boss spawns at 3500M in the desert area, mainly in front of large gas stations, where you can find other smaller mutants. Although he looks scary, he is a simple boss, and all he can do is throw the various oil containers. Just avoid those oil tanks and shoot them with any weapons to get rid of the boss.

You can find the Farmer boss at 7500 m on the Map of Plains. Here, you will find a Farmer named Fred who will ask you to defeat the Evil Farmer. This evil farmer moves around a lot, throwing haystacks at you and charging with a Pitchfork. Just learn this pattern of attacks and avoid those attacks in time. After dodging, immediately attack the evil farmer with long-range guns or throw dynamite at them. Repeat this loop until you defeat the farmer who will drop a Golden Egg. Return this to Fred to get a new Tractor as a Vehicle.

The Gunslinger is a tough boss that spawns in the Pub at 8000M. The main reason for this is that he has three types of attacks. First, he can throw dynamite and spin while shooting. Also, he has a quick attack where the thrower fires quite quickly in a short span of time. So, avoid these attacks by using various hard covers and shoot when the boss stays still.

The Shock is the hardest boss in the game. He generates inside the Power Plant that appears at the 7000M mark Here, enter the power plant, and you’ll find several regular sized mutants. Take them down, and you move in; you will find the Shock Boss in the center of the plant. Immediately, he will start moving towards you and shoot lasers from his eyes while emitting electrical sparks randomly in any direction.
Along with that, he can teleport from time to time. So, be patient and move a lot to counter these attacks and attack when possible. Something like the flamethrower or the mini-gun would be perfect for the fight. After defeating, you can access the overview room, which contains the High Voltage Explosive Device.

The Chef boss is available to fight at the 13,000M inside Big Danny’s Food. Before fighting him, you must defeat his small army of cooks. This is pretty easy. Just shoot them with some guns as they run towards you. After that, you can fight the Chef Boss. He has like three types of attacks: fire breathing, knife swinging and knife throwing. Of these, fire breathing is the deadliest. So, whenever he starts spitting fire, just hide behind any hard cover in the restaurant and shoot him with your gun. Just keep repeating this pattern, and he’ll die pretty quickly. After he dies, he will fall blue key this can be used to open the fridge in the diner and equip yourself with a food gun that can turn any regular mutant into food!
Ice cream man

The Ice Cream Maker is an interesting boss that spawns in front of the Ice Cream Parlor at 13,800M in the Desert map. He is basically a grumpy old man who moves slowly and shoots with the Ice Cream gun. This gun doesn’t do much damage, and you can destroy him using any automatic gun. After he dies, you will get the Ice Cream Gun in the game.
The Hazmat mutant spawns inside the military bunker at 20,000M. Enter the bunker, and you’ll find several tiny mutants. Take them down with your guns, and after killing like 5 to 7 of these guys, you’ll find the giant Hazmat boss. Although he looks scary, he’s a simple boss to beat because all he can do is smash the ground and generate a shockwave that will damage your body. So, just don’t approach him and shoot him using any mid-range gun until he dies. You can open the Vault in the same bunker to get a particular weapon. You can get the Vault code by defeating the Commander Mutant that spawns outside the bunker.
For more on Roblox, check out A Dusty Trip Survival Guide – How to Keep Driving or All the Controls in Dusty Trip – Roblox on Pro Game Guides.