
All the Content Warning Monsters and how to avoid them

Monster recording games aren't that new, and I fondly remember the horrors of Fatal Frame. To help you avoid an early demise, we've made a guide to all the Content Warning Monsters and how to avoid them.

How to Survive All the Monsters in a Content Warning Guide

Every monster in Content Warning is potentially deadly to you and your friends. If you try to face them head on, armed only with your camera, you'll see a “Game Over” screen very soon. Fortunately, each monster has its own pattern of movement and behavior, similar to Lethal Company.

Knowing how Monsters behave and move can give you enough of an advantage to survive an encounter with them. One more thing: monsters don't have official names, so I used descriptive names of my own.

  • Spidey – Spidey is a small eight-legged creature with a flat face and web sling abilities. You will be safe if you avoid its net and run away from it.
  • Frogman – A small frog-like creature with a wide stance and small eyes. A frog is one of the common creatures, and it's easy to pass it by.
  • Mixer Charger – This tall creature with a mixed head is only dangerous if you stand in front of it due to its charge. To avoid it, just move out of its charge trajectory, and you'll be good.
  • Patrick the Death Star – This creature is star-shaped and lives on ceilings, waiting to grab players with a rope. The best way to prevent Patrick from grabbing you is to throw objects at it by pressing the Q key. Pressing the key will load the throw.

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  • Stone Tentacles – This big boulder with tentacles sticking out of it looks really scary. It moves really slowly but can use wind currents to pull the players close. Running away is a good tactic, and using walls and corners will prevent this monster from pulling you with the wind.
  • Crawley – This is a rare creature, which is great because it can kill players immediately after it touches them. Fortunately, you can hear it from a mile away because it is very loud. Crawley hates light, so you can drive it away by shining a flashlight on it.
  • Captcha Device – This monster is a trap that traps one of the players and forces his teammates to solve the captcha to free his trapped friend. Solving the captcha neutralizes this threat.
  • Tootsie – This giant humanoid creature with sharp teeth is an impressive and intimidating opponent. The best way to deal with it is to avoid being spotted and stay out of his line of sight.
  • slimy – It is a clever but relatively harmless creature. It can knock you over, however, leaving you open to other, more dangerous monsters.
  • Gunhead – This is a robot armed with a laser sight machine gun. It can kill you once you get in its fire, so the best way to survive is to stay away from red lasers.
  • Van Gogh – This monster has one giant ear instead of a head, which means its perception is based on sound. The best way to avoid it is to move slowly and never sprint.
  • Shanky – A short ghost-like creature armed with a knife. It will attack you on sight, but if you dodge some of its attacks, it will run away. Just be careful because it will often come back to attack you again.

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