All vaulted, unvaulted and new weapons in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3

The latest season of Fortnite Battle Royale (Wrecked) brings with it a range of new items as well as unlocked weapons. Chapter 5 Season 3 features a changed meta with a sandstorm that brings items that fans are already familiar with.
What is a vaulted weapon?
When a weapon in Fortnite Battle Royale is “vaulted”, it means that players no longer have access to them. This is not a permanent change, as Epic Games tends to bring vaulted weapons in future seasons, depending on the themes and community feedback.
New weapons coming to Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3
The new season introduces many unique weapons such as the Boom Bolt, a high rate of fire crossbow that fires bolts that explode on impact. This weapon and its variants will easily be the most requested weapon this season.
These are all the new weapons added to the game:
- Ringmaster’s Boom Bolt
- Boom Bolt
- Megalo Don’s Nitro Fists
- Nitro Fists
- Tri-Rabo Laser Rifle
- Director Hand Cannon
- The Battle of the Machinist AR
- Combat Shotgun (Version 2)
- Machine Gun Turret
- Grenade turret
Unwrapped and returning weapons in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3

These are weapons that were in the game last season and are coming back or have been unwrapped.
- Warforged AR
- Tactical AR
- Enforcer AR
- Thunder Burst SMG
- Harbinger SMG
- Huntress DMR
- Ranger Pistol
- Hand Cannon
- Shockwave Grenades
- Hammer Pump Shotgun
- Gatekeeper Shotgun
- Gatekeeper Shotgun of Cerberus
- Oscar’s Auto Shotgun Frenzy
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