All Wuthering Waves 1.3 Leaks – Future characters, banners and more

With Wuthering Waves 1.2 set to drop on August 16, 2024, it’s interesting to see leaks for 1.3 already appearing across various social channels. Most of the leaks (literally, almost every leak) are unconfirmed, but we’ve got some official news for you in our Wuthering Waves 1.3 leaks, too. Enjoy reading about the upcoming characters and more!
Everything coming to Wuthering Waves 1.3 based on leaks and other information
Most of the current information available for Wuthering Waves 1.3 is related to two new characters that were shown on WuWa’s official Twitter account. Beyond the appearance and rarity of these two characters, everything else is speculation or a leak found from an unofficial source.
Fair warning: There are a few fake characters filter circling If you see any characters named “Hanying” or “Lamia”, these are both fan creations. The huge giveaway is the difference in font and the text on the bottom right that says “Edit by: Kabasaran.”
Apparently, Kuro Games put a lot of investment into the game and re-tuned the story with new cinematics. This is coming from a YouTuber @yinlin waves; there is no confirmation from Kuro about these changes or what players can expect if there have been any changes.
Version 1.3 release date
If we consider the original Wuthering Waves update schedule, it seems most plausible that Phase One of version 1.3 will be released on September 26th, while Phase Two will follow a few weeks later on October 17th.
There is no official date yet. Once this changes, this information will be updated.
Characteristic banners
There are still no confirmations of characters for Wuthering Waves 1.3, although a banner for Phrolova or one of the two new characters announced (The Shorekeeper and Youhu) was considered a possibility.
This page will be updated as more information becomes available.
New characters
Two characters were released through the Wuthering Waves drip marketing campaign on their official Twitter account. As we have already seen the new characters that come to Version 1.2 (Zhezhi and Xiangli Yao), it is most likely that these other two characters are for Version 1.3.
Players can expect to welcome The Coaster and Youhuh to their game sometime next month or in October.
The Shorekeeper is a 5-star Resonator of the Black Shores. Although her weapon has not been announced, there is some speculation about her attribute type. It seems that most fans agree that she will be either Specter or Ice. Personally, I can see her being Specter rather than Ice because of the butterfly features of her clothing design. That, along with the star image of her veil and the gold on the butterfly above her, a Spectro user tells me.
I’m getting support vibes, but she could surprise us and be a DPS.
It is more likely that The Shorekeeper will be released in Phase One of the 1.3 update, simply because she is a 5 star. I also wouldn’t be surprised if she ended up on a banner.
This leak hunter on Twitter revealed that her weapon is a Rectifier; but, again, there is no confirmation from Run Games.
Other speculations and “leaks” for The Shorekeeper that appeared on Reddit and YouTube includes:
- The Shorekeeper will have two forms.
- She will have a special introduction as Calcharo.
- She can transform into a butterfly to explore the world.
- She can damage and heal.
- She will have a personal domain that increases the damage of your team; but, at the same time, if your team takes damage, it will transfer to her.
One final leak I found is this video that could possibly show the second form of The Shorekeeper. There is no information on where this leak came from.
A butterfly-style weapon would make more sense to match the theme shown on the Kuro Games marketing drip, but the tarot cards work too. Especially for this second form, if it is legal, tarot cards really suit the purple aesthetic.

The other character to be released through drip marketing is, of course, Youhu. There is slightly more information around for Youhu, and her attribute type is more obvious. Youhu is a 4-star Resonator from Huanglong. I’d be totally surprised if she doesn’t have the Ice attribute, due to the literal frozen star hanging from her chest.
Both of these new characters look incredibly similar – I wonder if there is any connection between them or if the design is just a coincidence. It was said that Youhu uses Gauntlets as her weapon of choice, but there is no confirmation of this.
Here are some more “leaks” that have surfaced talking about Youhu’s capabilities:
- Youhu can deal off-field damage.
- She is a sub-DPS role.
- She has melee and ranged attack abilities.
Youhu may appear in Phase One or Phase Two of the 1.3 update.
Other new releases for version 1.3
If you use Kuro Games’ community app, KuroBBS, you may have noticed a few more icons available for you to use. These are headshots of the two new characters that were announced – The Shorekeeper and Youhu.
For those who are not familiar with KuroBBS, you need to download the app directly from the official website and it is not yet localized. That means everything is in Chinese. I recommend using a translation app when you download it, just so you know exactly what you’re clicking on. Once you’re in the app, yourself, you’re on your own, friend. I can’t help you there.
We are not affiliated, so download at your own risk and all that jazz.
With two new characters coming in version 1.2, and at least two more being released for version 1.3, we’ll have more information on our character birthdays, zodiac signs, and birthplaces soon.
Want to read more about Wuthering Waves while you wait for the next update? Our writers at Pro Game Guides are excited about the topic! Check out Wuthering Waves – All current banner characters, ranked and Wuthering Waves – When is the next banner coming?