All Wuthering Waves daily and weekly reset times

Wuthering Waves has hit the ground running with plenty of content for gacha lovers to dive into. One very important piece of information for live service games like Wuthering Waves is the weekly and daily reset time. Here is the information on all the daily (and weekly) reset times for WuWa.
Wuthering Waves worldwide daily and weekly reset times
Below, we’ve listed all the daily and weekly reset times in Wuthering Waves, regardless of your server choice. Our current times are based on the countdowns on the WuWa journals page.
America | Daily Reset Time: PT: 3 A.M CT: 5 A.M ET: 6 A.M Weekly Recovery Time: |
Europe | Daily Reset Time: BST: 11 A.M CET: 12 p.m Weekly Recovery Time: |
SEA | Daily Reset Time: CIT: 4 A.M Weekly Recovery Time: |
Asia | Daily Reset Time: KST: 5 A.M JST: 5 A.M Weekly Recovery Time: |
HMT | Daily Reset Time: CST: 4 A.M Weekly Recovery Time: |
Wuthering Waves already oozes with its smooth, dynamic battles and bubbly characters. While some performance issues have crept through the cracks, we’re sure things will be fixed as soon as possible. If you’re a fan of the Gacha genre and enjoy fast-paced action RPG combat, don’t miss this gem!
If you are looking for more Wuthering Waves content, then check out How to quickly increase the Union Level in Wuthering Waves, How to quickly farm Resonator EXP materials in Wuthering Waves and Pro Game Guides.