Anime Defenders Update Roadmap (July 2024)

After negative reactions from fans, developers of Anime Defenders decided to introduce more free mechanics and improve the chances of falling in the game. To be more transparent, they presented the update map of Anime Defenders.
All planned for the next update of Anime Defenders
Everything noted in this Anime Defenders roadmap can be improved based on community feedback. According to developers, these are more suggestions, allowing fans to be part of the creative process.
Hall of Mirrors Rebalancing
The Hall of Mirrors game mode is getting a major update to improve the players’ experience. The game duration will be reduced to 20 minutes, enabling faster sessions. The drop rates for Wishes will be changed to give players better chances.
- HoM Normal difficulty: 2% Wish drop chance
- HoM Hard difficulty: 5% Wish drop chance
- HoM Nightmare difficulty: 10% Wish drop chance
Anime Defenders wants money change
Wishes remain an exclusive currency in Anime Defenders, but developers will introduce new ways for free players to earn them. One of them is an F2P friendly battle pass. It will include quests that allow players to obtain Wishes and other precious or rare items. With the next update, Wishes will be non-tradeable to ensure fair distribution among players.
What are God’s Wishes in Anime Defenders?
Divine Wishes are superior versions of Wishes in Anime Defenders. Unlike regular Wishes, Divine Wishes can be traded. you will be able to buy God’s Wishes for Robux get improved odds for summoning compared to regular Wishes. All players who have purchased Robux Wishes will be automatically compensated with Divine Wishes.
What are Spirit Orbs in Anime Defenders?

Spirit orbs will be used to summon a Spirit which joins a unit, providing strong buffs. You will be able to summon a spirit at Spirit Orb Shrine in the game room. Units with Spirits attached will retain their buffs until the Spirit is removed by the player. It is important to note that Spirit units are not interchangeable. Spirit Orbs can only be earned by grinding and will not be tradeable.
What are Portals in Anime Defenders?
Portals will be a new feature that adds a layer of challenge, allowing you to earn valuable rewards. There will be three types of portals, each with its own Secret Portal Unit that can drop while playing it. Higher rarity portals have higher drop chances for Secret Portal Units.
Secret Rare Portals have a 100% drop chance. Each portal will have a random challenge that players won’t know until they start playing. Portals will not be tradable, and hosts will have slightly better drop rates than other players who join.
New Limited Banners appear in Anime Defenders
A new banner with Secret, Mythic, Legendary, Epic and Rare units will be introduced. This banner will run longer than previous ones, allowing more time for upcoming updates and players to pull for limited units.
New Season Rewards in Anime Defenders
A new leaderboard season has been announced, introducing more rewards, one of which will be Divine Wishes. A special unit will also be added to reward top players.
New Items in Anime Defenders
Several new items will be added to the game to enhance the players’ experience. You will be able to get tradable game passes. Mini Luck Potions (5 minute duration) can be dropped from game modes or the battle pass, and their duration can be stacked, providing F2P players with better luck.
For more information on Anime Defenders, check out the Anime Defenders Tier List in Pro Game Guides.