
Arcane Lineage Class Tier List (Dark & ​​Light) – Best Classes to Choose

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You will want to try them all eventually.

Whether it’s your first or 100 to wipe in an arc caste, choose your class will always feel you as a great choice, especially since you can’t change them later. So, to help you choose the best class for you, here’s our Definitive Arcan Caste Class Level!

Arkan Lineage Base Class Tier List

Is 5 base classes In Arcan lineageAnd each of them has 3 superclasses, which are forms of specialization. You start with a Base class at Level 5 and can start progressing to the Superclass at Level 15. The level of level above ranks all base classes based on how good they are by default and how good are all their superclasses.

Warrior is generally the best base class In Arcan lineage, because all its superclasses are excellent, and they stand out both at lonely grinding and at a party. Killer,, Marcial artistand Wizard Everyone has the highest superclassAnd if you look for it, they’ll really pay. In the table below are the details of each base class, and below are the ranking of all upper classes.

Arkan Lineage Super Class Tier List

In the table above, you can find the Tier list of all superclasses in an arcane lineage. These are the classes you unlock post-level 15 and is what defines your play style to the end of your play. Everyone has different lineup requirementswhich you will need to fulfill and naturally have a proper base class.

The best overall classes is Dark Wraith,, Berserker,, A necromancyistand Saint. They are all more or less self-sufficient and can work both in a party and without it, though for the saint, you really want to be in one. Blade dancer,, Paladinand Rogue are also good, but they are only slightly weaker than the top 4. More details about the ranking of each class are in the table below.

Class Description Pros & Cons
Mona over class in arcane lineage roblox -expert Requirements: 15 Ordema, Marcial Artist Base Class
Total cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Force
Focuses on treating damage by one-target attacks and Points
Authorizes allies with offensive and defensive Toads
+ Many skills with fairly low cools
+ There is pretty good support with appropriate master trees
+ Jack-of-all-trades
Bad enough before you get certain master trees
Not so self-sufficient
Brawler Super Class in Arcane Lineage Roblox Experience Requirements: Marcial Artist Base Class
Total cost: 3,750g
Scaling: Force
Focus on one-target attacks and application debuffs
Damage scales while Applying debuts And attacking debut enemies
+ Good one-target dps
+ Master tree toads are very good
Requires a point and debuff stack of the party to be op
Relatively high energy costs
Dark Wraith over -class in arcane lineage roblox -experience Requirements: 15 Oticaosa, martial arts base class
Total cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Arcane
Scales with Arcane And calls Mob to fight for you
Gainst Darkcore stacks On Criticism and consumes them to empowering skills
+ Crazy critical random stacking of liabilities and master tree
+ Calls are OP and deal with crazy damage
+ Very good dps and debuff stacking all enemies
+ One of the best and most self-sufficient classes in the game
Paladin Super Class in Arcane Lineage Roblox Experience Requirements: 15 Ordema, Warrior Base Class
Total cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Strength/endurance
Focus on buffing And protecting the Allies
Can Taunt enemies and Tank Damage extremely well
+ The best tank –class in the game
+ Very good protective toads and healings and also have Taunt
Pretty bad DPs and not so good for lonely grinding
You have to be at a party to take the most
Blade Dancer over class in arcane lineage roblox -experience Requirements: Warrior Base Class
Total cost: 3,750g
Scaling: Force
An opportunity to Even attacks and treat damage on an enemy’s row
Focus on one-target attacks and counters
+ Can handle crazy damage from your turn with counters and pairs
+ Very good one-target dps
+ A solid defense
+ One of the best DPS classes in the game
No self -help like Berserker
Berserker Super Class in Arcane Lineage Roblox Experience Requirements: 10 Oticaosa, Warrior Base Class
Total cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Force
Focus on one-target attacks
Get damage like you Kill enemies and get Low at HP
+ Crazy single-target dps
+ Can get a lifetime from the master tree
+ Strengthens the lower HP you are
+ One of the best and most self-sufficient classes in the game
Low defense
Saint Super Class in Arcane Lineage Roblox Experience Requirements: 15 Ordema, Slayer Base Class
Total cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Strength/Arcano
Heal And Cleans debuts about all allies
Treats indestructible Aoe Damage and applies Blinded
+ The best healing/support class in the game
+ Absolutely necessary if you play in a party
+ Heals allies and cleanses debuts
Low damage on its own
Lancer Super Class in Arcane Caste Roblox -Sperto Requirements: Slayer Base Class
Total cost: 3,750g
Scaling: Force/speed
Toads Allies and Taunts enemies
Applies Stun and some others debuffs
+ A solid tank -class with toads and some duration
+ Blocks and Dodges Regen Your HP
+ Can cushion enemies with their abilities
Paladin is just better
Master trees are hindered
Impaler Super Class in Arcane Lineage Roblox Experience Requirements: 10 Oticaosa, Slayer’s class class
Total cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Strength/Arcano
Treatments Self-harm And Aoe Damage to enemies
Earnings Self-duration through a master tree nodes
+ Very good Aoe damage
Self-damage will quickly make you regret to use skills
Cannot work without a healer in the party
Long cools and high energy costs
Guard over class in arcane lineage roblox -expert Requirements: 15 Ordemma, Thief -Base class
Total cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Speed/Arcano
Focuses on treating damage by Aoe attacks and Points
Toads Allies and debuffs enemies
+ Many skills with fairly low cools
+ Solid toads and debFs on skills
+ Very good lasting AOE DPS
Poor one-target dps
Are better support/dps classes
Rogue Super Class in Arcane Lineage Roblox Experience Requirements: Thief -Basic class
Total cost: 3,750g
Scaling: Strength/Arcane/Speed/Good Luck
Focuses on treating damage by Traps And AOE/one-carge attacks
Reliably stack poison And debuffs On all enemies
+ Relatively low cools and energy costs
+ Very good AOE and one-target DPS with attacks and points
+ Capture mastering tree -pearls are OP when playing with a paladin
Low defense
Requires that the master tree upgrades become really good
Assassin Super Class in Arcan Caste Roblox -Spete Requirements: 15 oticaosa, thief -base class
Total cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Strength/Arcano
Applies Points And debuffs
Have Invisibility And Auto Dodge
+ Invisibility makes you unavailable
+ Good one-goal damage
Points are a relatively bad source of harm overall
Long cools
Elementalist over -class in arcane lineage roblox -experience Requirements: 10 Ordemma, Wizard base class
Total cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Arcane
Focus on treatment Aoe damage and Bufing allies
Can also apply Points And Cc
+ Good Aoe damage, debFs and festive toads
Relatively long cools
Requires you to be at a party to be really good
Hexer Super Class in Arcane Lineage Roblox Experience Requirements: Wizard base class
Total cost: 3,750g
Scaling: Arcane
Focuses on applying various debuffs to enemies
Can consider Enemy debuffs with his traps
+ The best debuffer in the game
Very bad dps on its own
Requires a party to be even remotely good
Necromancer Super Class in Arcane Lineage Roblox Experience Requirements: 15 oticaosa, spell base class
Total cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Arcane
Calls Mob to fight for you
Heals calls And Resurrects Dead allies
+ Excellent overall dps of calls and your own attacks
+ Can revive dead allies
+ Life expectancy of the attacks of calling against the master tree
+ One of the best and most self-sufficient classes in the game

Arkan lineage under -class -tier list

Is 3 under -classes In an arcane lineage now, and of those three, Alchemist is probably the worst. The extra gold you make selling potions is not worth it Extra fight utility You can get from Bard And Beastmaster. However, if you still grind the extra cracks, an alchemist could be a good choice.

Class Description Pros & Cons
Bard sub -class in arcane caste roblox -experience Total cost: 1.200g
Requirements: No one
Scaling: No one
Focus on buffing And healing Allies and debuffing enemies
+ Easy to get
+ Solid heals, buffs and debuts on its abilities
Having a nominated healer in the party is much better
Beastmaster under -class in arcane lineage roblox -experience Total cost: 750g + 3 mob gops
Requirements: Fungal cap, sandy core, quiet fragment
Scaling: No one
Win a Permanent drop rate against enemies accomplished with Brand
Allows you Sneak and avoid encounters (costs HP)
+ The extra drop rates of enemies accomplished by brand are very good
+ Exposure is a great one-goal damage
Relatively difficult to get
Alchemist Under -Class in Arcane Caste Roblox -Expert Total cost: 800g + 3 potions
Requirements: Small san -potion, ferrusa skin potion, invisible potion
Scaling: No one
Allows you Sell ​​ingredients and potions for money and create a pot anywhere
You can Use more potions In a fight
Have undecided skill that is valid Random debuts
+ You can make really good money by creating potions and selling them
Relatively difficult to get
The fighting skill can be both op and garbage, depending on RNG

Now that you have gone through our level list and have learned which basic, upper and lower classes are best suited in an arc caste, choosing them on your next wipe must be so much easier. To find additional tips and tricks for this game, including our Ultimate Arcana Caste Guide, check out the Roblox category on our site.

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