Barry’s Prison Run Walkthrough – Roblox

Barry’s Prison Run is an obby made with first person gameplay in mind. With multiple difficulty settings and a timer at the bottom of the screen reminiscent of a speed run, Barry’s Prison Run is an experience where you dodge, weave, parkour and fight your way to freedom. If you’re not sure how to escape Barry’s prison, I’ve put together a walkthrough on exactly how to do it.
The Prison
After choosing your viewpoint and difficulty, you will appear in the middle of a prison cell. Look to the corner for a yellow arrow, then climb onto the top floor. From there, you will be able to jump on and walk along the pipes on the walls.
Click on the air flight open it, and make your way through the prison’s exit system. On the other side of the vents, drop down and follow the yellow arrow again, jumping the metal pieces. The next platform has a pit of spikes and another yellow arrow pointing to a button. Press the a button, and metal grates will appear above the spike for you to jump on. On the next platform, take the a key on the wall to the right, and use it to break the next vent and drop back into the prison.
Now that you’re back in the dungeon, it’s time for stealth to come into play. Avoiding Barry’s line of sight, press the a button on the right side of the wall to open the fan, then go up the stairs to the upper cell blocks. At the end of the hall where the yellow arrow is, jump on the pipes and follow them into the vent.
Drop down, and you’ll find yourself in the bathroom. Click on the second stall on the right reveal a hole in the ground with a shovel next to it, then click on the shovel to equip it. Dig your way down, and you are now in the lava-filled underbelly of the prison.
Once you’ve found yourself under the prison, jump across the lava with the obsidian spikes. Jump across the bridge as well, but be careful because the cracked boards will break under you, sending you into the lava if you’re too slow. Go through the skull-shaped threshold, and jump through the spike pits in the ground.
Ahead is a corridor with a giant a glob of magma rolling through it. Wait for the ball to pass, then move into the corridor and to the right, and go into the first enclave on the side of the corridor you see. After the ball passes again, move into the next space, then to the next.
Climb up the ladder where Barry is patrolling the next room. Avoid Barry, and go down the open hall on the far right of the room. Click on the a wheel to turn it, then go down the central corridor that just opened. Parkour up the stairs, then step on the platform and click the lever for the elevator to bring you out of the underground.
The Winds
From the subway, you will find yourself at a crossroads with one corridor blocked. Go left and interact with the vending machine, drinking energy drink to increase your speed. Complete the high-speed parkour next to the vending machine by jumping after you reach the yellow stripe at the end of each block, then climb the a ladder.
Open the storage room and take the ladder, then place it under the fan. Open the vent, then jump off the top of the ladder and onto the ladder inside the vent.

On the other side of the vent, there is a spike pit with a path over it. Watch out for transition as there is a fan blowing against you that will move you in different directions. Once you’ve crossed the path, climb the ladder to the left, and jump up the pipes.
You will arrive at an area where you are instructed to “close the valves” to move on. The first valve is directly on the right; just jump on the metal piece in front of it and click on the valve to close it. The next two valves are on the platform below. Jump down where the ladder is, and all the way to the left you should see the second valve. Use the pipe sticking out from under the metal platform to enter the range, then jump onto the platform where the valve is and close it. Follow the pipe in the opposite direction to reach the next valve, then climb back up. Jump on the metal piece where you found the first valve, then jump on the piece above it that was blocked by gas. Follow the metal pieces, then move into the fan.
In here, you’ll see a hallway with a fan blowing. Move into the air flow, and you’ll be moving fast. Your only job here is to jump when you reach the yellow stripes, avoiding the spikes below, until you reach the ladder. Climb the ladder, and you’ll find a large room with a fan blowing upwards, and a metal vent sticking out the side of the wall. Jump in to start floating, and maneuver your way into the vent from the top.
Garry the Chef Boss Battle
From the vent, you’ll find yourself on the other side of the blocked corridor. Here, you are confronted with the prison cafeteria, occupied by Garry the Chef. Once you are noticed, the boss fight will begin, and Garry will start throwing food at you to slow you down.
Stay out of Garry’s reach and make your way behind the cafe counter where you’ll find a weapon. Catch the Food Zooka and click to launch projectiles at Garry until his health bar is depleted.

Once the chef is defeated, not only do you get to keep the weapon, but you get to go down a chutewhich is located at the far end of the cafe.
Barry Boss Fight
After being ejected from the slide, climb the ladder that is on the far right of the platform and open the exit door. Walk in the upward airflow and avoid the spinning lasers.
Go down the hall and up the ladder to grab a metal board, then bring it back down. Use the metal board as a bridgethen pick it up once you’ve reached the platform to reuse it.

Go out the door into the yard, and you’ll find Barry in a a giant mech. Use the Food Zooka target the mech’s arms until Barry’s health bar is depleted.
Once defeated, Barry will explode, and the door to a SWAT van will open Get in the van, and there will be a scene of you driving out into the desert, then the car will stop, and you’ll get out. Follow the yellow arrows one last time, climb the ladder, and parkour your way to the top of the structure. Enter the helicopterand you will have successfully beaten Barry’s Prison Run.
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