
Best Acolyte and Healer Builds in Go Go Muffin

Acolyte is an essential healing and support class in Go Go Muffin, with the Oracle class change that can also act as the party’s healer. In this guide, we will provide you with tips on how to create the best Acolyte and Oracle healer builds in the game.

Go Go Muffin: Best Acolyte Healer Builds

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Acolyte CC0 Healer Build

Best Skills

The base Acolyte class is primarily built to be the main healer of the team, and as such, all of its exclusive abilities are designed to heal the party using the Light element, including:

  • Holy Radiance (Core Ability)
  • Radiance Origin (Passive)
  • Light Core
  • Judgment

Additionally, this build can be significantly improved by adding the following tactical and passive abilities, with some possible alternatives:

Tactical Skills Passive Skills
Group Healing
Healing Touch
Mark of Light
Radiance Origin
Prayer Radiation
Behavior Of Light

A restoration skill has a great advantage over all other skills due to its ability to heal allies. This can increase the survivability of the team during encounters. It’s especially useful during longer fights when the damage tends to pile up. But Restoration also has some disadvantages. Compared to DPS classes, it’s mainly a support ability preventing you from doing as much damage. This makes playing solo a bit difficult.

With Group Healing you gain the ability to heal multiple allies at once. It usually takes a toll on one’s mana given its extended cooldown times. But in those particular times when every second counts, the ability to instantly heal an ally will require you to use Healing Touch instead. It is extremely handy when moving deep into the battle.

Talents and Stats

The top priority stat for the healer build would be Accuracy, as well as Crit and Determination. When it comes to talents, follow these two talents on the left side of the talent tree:

  • Holy Radiance
  • Animated Circle

Holy Radiance heals your allies in a certain area, increasing overall team survivability during battles. It also deals short-term damage to all allies, which should promote a more aggressive style of fighting.

Vigor Circle will allow you to continuously heal allies, allowing the team to take damage over time over the course of the battle without using healing spells. By placing the Vitality Circle on the ground, you can keep your allies staying within the circle’s boundaries to get the maximum healing effect.

Melomas (Domestic)

The best pet for an Acolyte would be the Shadow Ravenwhich gives great damage. It is especially useful against stronger targets during the PvE battles, protecting Acolyte at all costs. This pet also has abilities that give decent crowd control, stun and slow enemies.

Acolyte Oracle healer builds skill tree in Go Go Muffin
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Oracle CC1 Healer Build

Since Oracle’s main element is Shadow, as opposed to the basic Acolyte class, it is more DPS oriented, but it is still one of the best healer classes in the game, with the following exclusive abilities:

  • Shadow Whip (Core Ability)
  • Shadow Eruption (Passive)
  • Shadow Mystery
  • Empty Torrent

You can keep the same passive abilities from the basic Acolyte healer build, but the main tactical abilities should be changed due to the slightly different nature of the Oracle’s class build:

Tactical Skills Passive Skills
Radiant Barrier
Divine Healing
Mark of Light
Radiance Origin
Prayer Radiation
Behavior Of Light

Radiant Barrier is especially helpful against bosses that use strong AOE, as it protects your party by lowering incoming damage. Cleansing primarily removes the negative effects of debuffs to protect your team and keep them fighting at their best. When your squad requires a big healing boost, use Divine Healing strategically because it has a long cooldown.

Talents and Stats

If you want to focus more on the healing side of the Oracle class change, then be sure to choose Holy Radiance as your core skill and follow the left side of the talent tree:

  • Holy Radiance
  • Healing Magic
  • Chorale Vanguard

But if you’re willing to push this class into DPS territory, then it would be better to focus on the Shadow side of the talent tree:

  • Power of Shadow
  • Vitality Divine Instinct

In both cases, your stats should be mostly distributed between Accuracy, Crit, Determination, and Accuracy. This will ensure that both your Oracle healer and DPS builds have the highest chance of hitting their targets.

Melomas (Domestic)

The better choice for Oracle’s pet would be DPS oriented Demon Hound. It is a great damage dealer pet that is very useful in both PvE and PvP. This pet is suitable for many classes and is one of the best because its versatility allows it to work with many different playstyles.

That’s all you need to know about the best Acolyte and Healer builds in Go Go Muffin. For more guides, check out Go Go Muffin Best Classes Tier List and Go Go Muffin Codes.

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