Best Atlas Strategy for Path of Exile Necropolis 3.24 League Start

In Path of Exile's Necropolis 3.24 league, optimizing your Atlas strategy from the start is crucial to endgame success. This guide delves into several key strategies for effectively navigating your Atlas progression.
Best Atlas skill trees in Necropolis 3.24 for Path of Exile
Optimizing your Atlas tree early is very important as it will affect your maps and the entire gameplay. With the expansion, we also get multiple Atlas trees, which means you can swap and build a different strategy. Depending on what point in the game you unlock the second and third trees, your strategies and plans might vary.
Related: All New Atlas Keystones in Path of Exile Necropolis 3.24
Whatever strategy you go for, you will also need to consider your League Starter as not all builds will work with all Atlas Tree strategies. Here are several Atlas Trees that the community is talking about.
Atlas Passive Rush Tree in Path of Exile 3.24
Many people will choose the progression strategy, aiming to get as many maps as possible from the Atlas Tree along with the Atlas Passive Skill Points. I enjoy the two options that BalorMage features, depending on whether you want to have Scarabs in your maps or not.
In either case, you'll go to Kirac and then to the Maps wheel right above it. Now, this is where strategies differ. if you want ignore Scarabs and instead go with twenty Atlas Passive Skill Points, go up to Unwavering Vision.
The other strategy is still focused on progressing and getting maps but without Unwavering Vision, which means you'll also be able to to take Scarabs if you choose. You'll still hit all the important locations on the Map, but you'll also have the freedom to choose. It is important to remember that you want to add to your Maps, improving your progression in speed by acquiring additional Temples, Forts, etc.
Expedition Betrayal Delve Atlast Tree in Path of Exile 3.24
Some of the main nodes you will hit with this strategy are Expedition nodes which are important for getting currency as well as basic items for crafting. In addition to that, you will be able to craft with Rog, an NPC who will sell you items and also modify them for a price, or buy various items from Gwennen, another NPC.
Here, you'll go for Unwavering Vision quickly because you get 20 essentially free Atlas Passive Skill Points to use early. This early strategy of Zizaran will also focus on Delve and Betrayal. However, Betrayal isn't everyone's cup of tea, so you might decide against it and instead increase the chances of your maps containing Nikon.
For late game strategy, you should respect from Unwavering Vision, because you now have a lot of points and could instead actually look for Scarabs. You will also add some Harvest nodes here to sell and earn currency.
Related: All New Transfiguration Gems in Path of Exile 3.24
Essence Blight Heist in Path of Exile 3.24

In the Essence Blight Heist Strategy of Zizaran, the main currency route will be the Blight nodes. You'll get oil from Blight encounters and you should definitely anoint your gear by enchanting them with some pretty cool buffs. You'll want to hit the Atlas of Obedient Soldiers passive to have Huck as your ally, which will be summoned after you interact with the first Smuggler's Stock in each map. He will then continue to help you take out enemies as you go.
This strategy works well with Detonate Dead, one of the best League Starters in Necropolis expansion. With this build you will be able to make Blight ravaged maps and clear them due to the corpse scaling. When it comes to Essence, you have to remember that they are very dangerous especially Tier 16 Red Maps, so you have to be well prepared for them.
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