Best Build for Every Hero in Age of Empires Mobile

Age of Empires Mobile offers a fun and new way to experience MMOs where you can recruit your favorite personalities from throughout history and have them command your army. But, with over 30 different legendary hero options, it can be quite confusing as to which ones to choose, and how to properly build them. So, to help you out, we’ve created this complete guide to building and using every hero in Age of Empires Mobile.
Best Build For Every Hero In Age Of Empires
Each hero in Age of Empires Mobile falls into one of three specializations: Warrior, tactician, or Marshal. Based on this specialization, you get a different talent page, and you also have to choose different hero skills. So, here is the recommended build for each specialization:
- Warriors: These heroes mostly deal May damage, thus increasing their Can take damage and Skill damage should be your priority. Other than that, focus on damage reduction to get some extra defense and Normal attack boost.
- Tacticians: Unlike warriors, heroes with Tactician specialization either collect heroes or mainly deal damage. For your gathering heroes, like Diao Chan, prioritize Collecting speed and quantity bonuses For offensive heroes, get Strategy and Ability damage to enlarge
- Marshal: Finally, Marshal heroes are a mix of both of the above. Depending on what role you use them, you should either get Statistics of Power or Siege and if you have talent points left, put them in Armour.
While the above gives you a general idea of how to build your heroes, each hero still requires some tweaking to get the most value. So, I compiled a complete build for each hero according to their type.
Best Build For Swordsman Heroes In Age Of Empires Mobile

Swordsman type heroes are one of the most common, yet also the most powerful in Age of Empires Mobile. Here are all the heroes in this type, their skill and talent page focus:
a hero | Ability 1 | Ability 2 | Talent Focus |
King Arthur | High Spirit | Furious Charge | Might UP, Skill Damage UP |
Josephine | Double Attack | Weak Point Attack | Might UP, Skill Damage UP |
King Derrick | Earth Crush | Fair Judgment | Ability Attack Reduction, Normal Attack Reduction |
Cleopatra VII | Double Attack | Crushing Effect | Gathering Boost UP, Gathering Bonus UP |
Tokugawa Ieyasu | Peaceful Haven | Fortification | Skill Attack Reduction, Normal Attack Reduction |
Hammurabi | Siege and Looting | Earth Crush | Siege UP, Armor UP |
Oda Nobunaga | Whirlwind Swing | King’s Blade | Might UP, Skill Damage UP |
Teodora | A fire | Immortal Army | Damage Reduction, Armor UP |
Toyotomi Hideyoshi | Furious Charge | High Spirit | Skill Damage UP, Siege UP |
Philip IV | Military Tactics | Gift of Strategy Master | Strategy UP, Skill Damage UP |
Miyamoto Musashi | High Spirit | Furious Charge | Skill Damage UP, Might UP |
Harald III | bloodlust | High Spirit | Might Damage UP, Normal Attack UP |
Constantine the Great | tenacity | Peaceful Haven | Skill Damage UP, Armor UP |
Sun Tzu | A Flash of Inspiration | Gift of Strategy Master | Strategy UP, Skill Damage UP |
Tribhuwana | Fair Judgment | King’s Blade | Normal Attack UP, Skill Damage UP |
Julius Caesar | Savage | King’s Blade | Armor UP, Siege UP |
Best Fencers Lineups
- Warrior lineup: King Arthur/Miyamoto Musashi (leader), Tribuwana/Hammurabi, King Derrick/Constantine the Great
- Tactician lineup: Sun Tzu (Leader), Philip IV/Cleopatra VII, Theodora
- Marshal lineup: Toyotomi Hideyoshi (leader), Oda Nobunaga, Tokugawa Ieyasu
Best Build For Cavalry Heroes In Age Of Empires Mobile

Cavalry heroes are somewhat rarer than most other troop types and have a higher dependency on their commander than other troops as well. There are quite a few top tier hero options here, so here are their skill builds and talent page focus for each of them:
a hero | Ability 1 | Ability 2 | Talent Focus |
Ashoka | Weak Point Attack | An Act of Mercy | Recovery UP, Strategy UP |
Justinian the Great | Military Tactics | Peaceful Haven | Strategy UP, Armor UP |
Rani Durgavati | bloodlust | King’s Blade | Might UP, Normal Attack UP |
Guan Yu | Berserker | Fatal Blow | Might UP, Skill Damage UP |
Harald III | bloodlust | High Spirit | Might UP, Armor UP |
Tariq | Spirited Pursuit | Roar of Victory | Armor UP, Damage Reduction UP |
Hannibal | Double Attack | Crushing Effect | Strategy UP, Might UP |
Bushra | tenacity | Peaceful Haven | Damage Reduction UP, Armor UP |
Cid | Double Attack | Roar of Victory | Normal Attack UP, Skill Damage UP |
Attila the Hun | Weak Point Attack | Critical Insight | Normal Attack UP, Damage Reduction UP |
Cleopatra VII | Double Attack | Crushing Effect | Strategy UP, Skill Damage UP |
God Chan | wind | Supplies Transportation | Gathering Boost UP, Gathering Bonus UP |
Darius the Great | Spirited Pursuit | Weak Point Attack | Might UP, Damage Reduction UP |
Yi Seong-Gye | bloodlust | Battle Roar | Armor UP, Skill Damage UP |
Sejong the Great | tenacity | Peaceful Haven | Armor UP, Damage Reduction UP |
Best Cavalry Lineups
- Warrior lineup: King Arthur/Guan Yu (Leader), Harald III/Darius the Great, Rani Durgavati/Attila the Hun
- Tactician lineup: Hannibal (leader), Justinian the Great/Cleopatra, Ashoka/Attila the Hun
- Marshal lineup: Cid/Yi Seong-Gye (leader), Tariq/Sejong the Great, Bushra/Tariq
Best Build For Archer Heroes In Age Of Empires Mobile

Archers are ideal for attacking heroes, especially with burst ability damage or a normal attack accelerations Among the eight hero options, here’s how you should build each of them in Age of Empires Mobile:
a hero | Ability 1 | Ability 2 | Talent Focus |
Attila the Hun | Weak Point Attack | An Act of Mercy | Normal Attack UP, Might UP |
Josephine | Double Attack | Weak Point Attack | Might UP, Skill Damage UP |
Whoah Mulan | Weak Point Attack | An Act of Mercy | Skill Damage UP, Normal Attack UP |
King Derrick | Earth Crush | Fair Judgment | Skill Damage UP, Armor UP |
God Chan | Supplies Transportation | wind | Siege UP, Gathering Boost UP |
Yi Sun-Shin | A fire | Military Tactics | Strategy UP, Skill Damage UP |
Teodora | A fire | Immortal Army | Armor UP, Damage Reduction UP |
Rani Durgavati | A warrior’s anthem | bloodlust | Normal Attack UP, Might UP |
Queen Seondeok | A fire | Military Tactics | Strategy UP, Skill Damage UP |
Best Archer lines
- Warrior lineup: Hua Mulan/Josephine (leader), Josephine/King Derrick, Attila the Hun/Rani Durgavati
- Tactician lineup: Yi Sun-Shin (Leader), Queen Seondeok, Theodora
- Marshal lineup: There aren’t enough viable heroes for a Marshal Archer lineup.
Best Build For Pikeman Heroes In Age Of Empires Mobile

Pikemen heroes in Age of Empires Mobile, similar to Archer heroes, have limited options but some of them are extremely strong. Regardless, here’s how you should build them if you get one of them:
a hero | Ability 1 | Skill 2 | Talent Focus |
Joan of Arc | King’s Blade | Fearless Revenge | Might UP, Armor UP |
Darius the Great | Spirited Pursuit | Weak Point Attack | Normal Attack UP, Armor UP |
Ashoka | Weak Point Attack | An Act of Mercy | Damage Reduction UP, Strategy UP |
Frederick Barbarossa | Peaceful Haven | tenacity | Damage Reduction UP, Armor UP |
Richard I | Strong Retaliation | Whirlwind Swing | Might UP, Skill Damage UP |
Leonidas | Fearless Revenge | Whirlwind Swing | Might UP, Skill Damage UP |
Bushra | tenacity | Peaceful Haven | Damage Reduction UP, Skill Damage UP |
Octavia | King’s Blade | Whirlwind Swing | Armor UP, Strategy UP |
Julius Caesar | Savage | King’s Blade | Normal Attack UP, Skill Damage UP |
Best Pikeman Lineups
- Warrior lineup: Richard I/Leonidas (leader), Leonidas/Joan of Arc, Frederick Barbarossa/Darius the Great
- Tactician lineup: There are not enough Tactician Pikemen heroes for a lineup.
- Marshal lineup: Julius Caesar (leader), Octavian, Bushra
For more on Age of Empire Mobiles, check out Age of Empires Mobile Codes at Pro Game Guides!