Best Cross Codes for Fragpunk

In addition to understanding how each of the spearmen operates in Fragpunk, the most core criterion that plays a massive role in the outcome of your match is the cross you use in the game. So, if you are new to tactical shooters like Fragpunk and have no idea how to draw a good cross to fit your gameplay, let me show you some good crosses to copy and use inside.
Top 6 crosswalks to use in Fragpunk
Below, you can find a list of 10 crosses for you to use in Fragpunk. Each of these is unique in design and is suitable for all spearmen in the game.
A simple point
The classic simple point is one of the best crosses to use in Fragpunk. The main reason for this is the simple design and small size, which helps you target much better due to the lack of entertainment on the screen. If you like minimalism, this should be your going cross in the game.
- Code: czazazazazaibzaibzazbzaaafzgbzaaabzazaczaczaczaczzbzbzbzbzaafzaaabzaabzff00zfffffzfzbzzaafzaafzaaabzaaabzaaab Zaaabzaaaabzaaaabzaaaaabzaaaabzaaaaaaaaajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajbzaaaabzaaaaabzaaaaabzafzafzaaabzaaabzaaabzaaaaabzaaaaabzaaaabzaaaaabzaaaaabzaaaaaabzazazah
Closed tight cross

Many players do not like the space between the default cross in Fragpunk. These players can choose this closed version of the default cross with no space in the center, enabling a much tighter target and flow while playing.
- Code: Azazafzazaizaczazzbzaafzaafzaaaabzazaczaczaczzfabzaaaabzaaaaaabzaaabzaaabzafffzffffffffffffffffffifffffabzaaabzaaaaafzaaaabzaaabzaaaabzaaaabzaaabzaaabzaaabzaaabzaaabzaaabzaffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

Indicative of its name, the crosswalk is in the form of the X Letter. Although it looks like a self-junction, it is quite effective to target, especially when hitting heads, because all you have to do is try to put the player’s head between the bottom of the X-shape.
- Code: azdzaaaabzaizaezaezebzbzddbzbjdzddbzaaabzazaczaczaczaczaczaaabzaaaafzaaabzaaabzaczaczAczaczaza

The square is another popular crossover that would help you target much better in a strawberry. This is very similar to size and design to the point cross and can be considered a great alternative to that crochet if you don’t like the circle.
- Code: azczaaabzazazaibzaa Aabzaaabzf00000zffffffffffffzfaaaabzaaaabzaafzaaaaabzaaabzaabzaaabzaaabzaaabzaaaabzaabzaaabzaaabzaaaabzaaabzaaabzaaaaabzaaaabzaaabzaaabza
Cross with a point

This cross with Dot Crosshair is also quite popular with people, as it helps to connect both patch and tracking. Use the center point to hit quickly due to its large size, while the angular strokes are helpful to arise with ar-type guns.
- Code: azbzifizahzahzaczjizbzaafzaaaabzazaczaczzfczfcbzbzaaabzaafzaaabzaaabzf0czacz fffffffffffffffffffffffffiff Abzaaaabzaaaabzaabzaczaczaffffzaabzaaaabzaaafzaaaabzaaaabzaaabzaaabzaaabzaaabzaaabzaaaabza aabzaaaabzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabzaaaaabzaaaabzaaabzaaaabzaczaczaczaczzfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Tenz Crosshair

There is nothing much to explain here; This is the cross that Tenzhas used to rock in valuable. Because both are class-based shooters, the cross must work here also because of its simple drawing pattern.
- Code: azazafzaezaezaezazazaAbzaafzazaaabzAZAKZACZACZFCBZZAABZAAFZAAABZAAABZ05EAFZFZFFFFFFFFFFFFICEABFFZAAB zaaabzaafzaaaaabzaaabzaabz05eaffzfffffzaabzaafzaaaaaaabzaaaabzaabzafzaffzffzffzaabzaaaabzaaaabzaaaabza
How to Import/Export Crossroads in Fragpunk
To change the cross into a Fragpunk, you must follow the steps given.

- Log in to the game and reach the main menu.
- Click the COG-wheel icon at the bottom.
- In the general section, go to the bottom to find the cross section.
- Turn on the usual crossover part of default to or apply to Hipfire Crosshair Or Apply to Hipfire and Visual Cross.
- Immediately you will find an administrative button just below this option with the Import and Export option.
- If you export your Croscrosshairother players, use this to copy your current Croscrosshairthe clip, which can then be shared with other friends through messages through the Ctrl + V Option.
- On the other hand, if you want to import any cross, press the Import Option and copy any of the above codes in the input text box on your screen to enjoy these.
For more about Fragpunk, check to destroy each card shown in Fragpunk’s trailer, or 5 best viewers share crossings