Best servants in V Rising, Ranked

Many enemy types in V Rising can be used as servants who are willing to do your bidding, doing what needs to be done to build your empire. With a total of five different types of servants, some are best caught early game while others are best saved for later.
Best minions in V Rising to catch early game
Once you’ve unlocked the ability to capture living creatures and turn them into your servants, you’ll notice two types of servants that serve you best earlier in the game. Based on their Blood Typeeach living creature you empower has a special effect when turned into a servant.
With good knowledge called A Humble Appearance, Workers reduce your difficulty by 100 when they infiltrate certain settlements. This means that any mission you’re on that involves compromise will be easier to deal with. Enemies will feel lighter to attack and loot may have higher drops. Note that the settlement with easier difficulty will always be the settlement you get your servant from. For example, workers of Dunley Farmlands will ensure that these fields have a lower difficulty level.
Rogues have an incredible advantage called Tracking Experience. This means that every time you are in an area with many demons and creatures (such as Farbane Forest), the difficulty is reduced by 100. This is extremely useful when you want to focus on collecting loot instead of killing everything (and everyone) in your environment (especially during PvE scenarios when other players don’t care).
Best minions in V Rising to capture late game

Once you’ve found your footing in V Rising and created enough gear for yourself, it’s time to hire a staff that’s willing to work for you to the end.
A soldier
As you venture into the increasingly difficult areas of the game (such as Thunderstrike Peak), you will encounter several fortified territories. These are heavily guarded and can serve as a challenge even if you are a one-vampire army. There is the warrior servant Military Tactics charity is useful. Thanks to this advantage, the difficulty is reduced by 100 when hunting inside fortified areas.
We know how some of you enjoy V Rising as a game of spells and magic, and that’s totally awesome. For some of you who love that style of play, scholars are the best assistants. Their Holy Resistance perk reduces the game’s difficulty by 100 when your vampire hunts in areas protected from the elements. Places such as Cursed Forest can feel a little simpler when you have an erudite servant by your side.
Some may consider these to be the best general servants in the game, simply because they reduce the overall difficulty of the game by 100. You can find Rogues with 100% (purest) Blood Type in the middle of Farbane Woods. Their advantage Tenacious Strength ensures that difficulty is reduced in harsh environments. These can be any areas where you may feel inadequate, but then brutes become servants of force. Think of them as a jack of all trades, master of some.
So, these are the servants you will get through the game. We hope that each area will become simpler depending on which servant you choose to be a part of your adventure.
For more such V Rising guides, check out How to manage and reduce Misery in V Rising on Pro Game Guides.