Best Solo Classes in Dungeonborne

While you can play the same characters in Dungeonborne whether you’re alone or in a group, not all characters are created equal. I’ll explain which four classes are best for solo Dungeonborne players and why in this Dungeonborne guide.
Best Solo PvP and PvPvE Classes in Dungeonborne
Death Knight
Active Q ability: Soul Dead
Active E-skill: Holding of the Tomb
Best Passive Skills: Grim Harvest, Life Steal, Soul Cage
Main Weapon: Mask and shield
The Death Knight is a heavy hitter who can deal and take a lot of damage. When equipped with mace and a shield, the Death Knight can deal a lot of damage to enemies while preventing himself from taking too much. This is because the mace can be used to hit enemies while defending with the shield. Use the Grave’s Grip to pull an enemy monster or player in, activate Soul Wound, and set up your shield while attacking with the muscle. If your Mace damage doesn’t take them out, Soul Shroud’s passive damage will.
Each of the three best passives provides you with something essential for your Death Knight. Grim Harvest regenerates Soul Energy while using Grasp of the Grave on enemies, so you’ll never run out of energy completely. Life Steal acts as healing sand healing you for 14 health when you grab Soul Energy orbs after killing enemies. The final ability, Soul Cage, improves your survivability by creating a 200 health shield when you activate Soul Shroud. It has a cooldown of 30 seconds, so you won’t be using it every time you unlock Soul Shroud.
All this together makes the Death Knight an impenetrable tank for other players and monsters. The use of a shield and the Soul Cage passive greatly reduces the amount of damage that a Death Knight takes in situations where other characters would be wiped out, such as fighting a werewolf. The other passive abilities allow Death Knights to regenerate their health and Soul Energy without using potions, which would be better used when fighting an enemy player. It’s a powerful build that feels like combining the self-healing of the weak Priest Class with the damage output of a strong Swordmaster.

Active Q ability: Primal Awakening (human)/Revert (Panther)
Active E-skill: Force of Nature (human)/Shadow Attack (Panther)
Best Passive Skills: Predatory Senses, Seed Postures
Main Weapon: Any fire staff
The Druid Class is my favorite class and one that translates well into both solo and teams. Their Q ability switches them between their Panther and Human forms. In human form, they can summon a powerful Treant to defend an area, attack with weapons, and even crouch to enter Stealth mode. Like Panthers, they move quickly, can jump in and out of battle, and can see enemies through walls with the Predatory Feelings passive Use their weapons to clear a room, then travel in Panther form to move quickly and alert enemies. When attacking, especially in smaller rooms, summon the Treant to take out your enemies while dealing damage yourself.
Druids can work well with both thunder and fire rods. I find that fire is better because it has a longer range and can target enemies while they are moving. Predatory Feelings is the best passive to aim for, but Seed Pods is a good second because it gives you an extra charge of Force of Nature. This will help you defend yourself from bosses, enemy players and hordes of enemies in a more effective way. The offensive, defensive and scouting abilities of the Druid combine to create a tactical character that allows you to control any battle. You will be able to start and leave encounters much more easily than other classes, giving you an advantage over other solo players.
A fighter

Active Q ability: whirlwind
Active E-skill: charge
Passive Skills: Hamstring, Vengeful Riposte, Weapon Mastery
Main Weapon: Two-handed sword
The Fighter is the classic dungeon crawler hero. To take full advantage of theirs whirlwind Q skill, either your primary or your secondary weapon must be a two-handed sword. Combine Whirlwind with the Hamstring and Mastery of Weapons passives to gain a shield when you use your ability and slow enemies while doing it. Unprepared enemies will not be able to do anything against this evil attack.
For third passive, unlock Vengeful Riposte guarantee a critical strike after defending against an enemy strike. This is especially useful if you have a Mask and Shield as your secondary weapons as the Mask can be swung while blocking with the shield. As for theirs charge ability, it’s great for jumping into fights, chasing fleeing enemies, or giving yourself some distance to drink a health potion. Players in the lower ranks will have trouble defending against the Fighter’s offensive output, especially their Whirlwind. As you reach higher levels, you’ll continue to dominate if you equip strong gear, unlock the right passives, and learn to use your abilities well.
Fencing master

Active Q ability: Psionic Blades
Active E-skill: Spinning Blade
Passive Skills: Deflection, Healing Thrush
Weapon: One-handed swords
The Swordmaster is a melee attacker who thrives in solos much more than in a team. As an elf, they can crouch to enter Stealth mode, where they will stay as long as they don’t move. One-handed swords are their primary weapon and the fuel for their abilities. Because of this, I recommend keeping a two-handed sword or crossbow in their secondary weapon slot to save on one-handed swords. Their speed makes them good for starting duels while Whirling Blades and their dual sword wielding allows them to quickly damage enemies in their wake.
Spinning Blades is an E-skill that consumes one one-handed sword to cause it to spin around the player, dealing damage to enemies multiple times as it hits them. Multiply this ability with the deflection passive to reduce the damage you take by 50% for the 8 seconds Whirling Blades is active. This gives you plenty of time to deal heavy damage to an enemy while dodging lethal attacks. Your Q ability, Psionic Blades, summons swords to attack enemies. You can summon between one and four, which will consume the same amount of swords in your inventory sword slots. Combine this skill with the Healing Thrush passive to restore 30 health every time your Psionic Blades hit an enemy without being blocked.
The Swordmaster’s speed and strength make them a tough character for other solo players to take down. The Spinning Blades will deal consistent damage in every encounter, which is difficult to defend against and heal when added to the quick strikes of the dual swords. If you find yourself in trouble in a match, simply activate the Psionic Blades skill to regain health with the passive Healing Grive.
Want to learn more about the different abilities each class uses? Check out our List of Dungeonborne Active Skills – Best Active Skills, Ranked here in Pro Game Guides.