Best Titan build for Legendary difficulty campaign – Destiny 2 The Final Form

Tackling a brand new campaign’s Legend difficulty should be on the To-Do list of any player looking to pick up some quick high-powered armor and some Exotics. Today we are looking at the best build for all my Master Chief cosplayers out there.
Best Prism build for Legendary difficulty in Destiny 2 The Final Form
To face the Legend campaign players need a good build to ensure a stress-free run through some very tedious missions; while I can’t speak for the Hunter or Wizard, the Titan is my area of expertise.
Prismatic dropped for all classes and as I ran through the Legend difficulty, I quickly noticed that Titan lacked some key synergies that their other builds offered in droves. A Solar Titan gives you almost four different ways to heal and restore your health, the Strand Titan is an immortal killing machine, and even a Void Titan can be a damage soaking tank. So Prismatic’s skill selection is disappointing until we unlock more post-campaign. Still, there’s enough firepower here to get you through the campaign on the hardest difficulty, but if you ever hit a wall, don’t be afraid to change your build.
Destiny 2 Prismatic Super and abilities
The abilities we have available for the Titan are quite generous and are strong enough to get you through Legendary difficulty.
- Bladefury/Twilight Arsenal: Bladefury is an all-around great Super that has incredible damage and survivability. However, once you unlock the Twilight Arsenal, I suggest switching to that Super. Twilight Arsenal summons three empty axes that launch at your target, causing massive damage, weakening them and giving you the option to pick up those axes and use them as swords.
- Towering Barricade: Summon a High Barricade to protect yourself and allies or lock a position from enemy fire.
- Shield throw: Throw your empty shield (as Captain America) at your target. The shield can recover from targets and surfaces, giving Overshield for each target hit. This ability is a fantastic option for survivability especially since it has been boosted.
- Termite Garnet: A grenade that sends a scorching line of fire, dealing damage and burning targets in its path. This grenade covers the most distance and lasts the longest, so it’s a great choice for applying burn to all enemies in line plus an area of effect.
Destiny 2 Prism Shards
Annoyingly, during the Legendary campaign you don’t get access to any incredible Shards and even less have real synergies with the Titan and our other abilities. So here, we just equip what we can and use them when the opportunity arrives.
With the exception of Facet of Purpose and Facet of Balance, you can insert any Fragments you expect to use more often. The former Fragment empowers you with some form of damage reduction based on your chosen Super, while the latter boils down to: dealing damage to recover grenade and melee energy.
As said, some of these Fragments will be more useful than others; some may rarely be triggered, but these are the only tools we currently have available.
Destiny 2 Prism Skins
The two best options we have for Appearances are Knockout (way to overload your melee) and unbreakable (the ability to form a giant frontal shield).
Honestly, any of these aspects can be traded for any other depending on your preferences. Knockout is great but you have very few ways to survive in melee range against a large mass of mobs, so it can be a waste at times. The only universal Aspect available is Unbreakable, but it can feel awkward and uncomfortable as it eats up your grenade and effectively gives you one less ability.
Again we only have a few Skins to play with and they don’t fit any build perfectly at the moment. We just lack too many pieces to form a seamless construction. So if you’re struggling with the Legendary campaign, you should read below for a build that doesn’t use the shiny new Prismatic.
Best Non-Prism build for Legendary difficulty in Destiny 2 The Final Form

Not everyone wants to use the shiny new toys that Bungie gave us and they honestly might be right. Prismatic has one glaring negative: the total amount of Fragments, Skins and Abilities available is very limiting. Most Fragments and Skins you have access to with the Titan are pretty ant synergistic.
A Diamond Spear can be a powerful tool at your disposal, but using any form of Strand will cause you to accidentally pick up a Spear over a Tangle and vice versa—causing some unfortunate mishaps.
The Titan is lucky to have many powerful builds that will get you through Legend difficulty. Below I will detail my trusty ‘Boxing Titan’ which carried me through the vast majority of the tough campaign.
Destiny 2 Non-Prismatic Subclass and abilities
- Bladefury: This Super is the cherry on top of the Strand Titan build, allowing you to go toe to toe with any enemy in the game. When combined with all the other boost passives we use, Bladefury can reach some absurd damage numbers.
- High Barricade: Summon a High Barricade to protect yourself and allies or lock a position from enemy fire.
- Went crazy A blade: Our empowered melee attack is the bread and butter of this build; it reloads quickly ensuring you’re always slashing enemies, gets stronger with our select Shards and Skins, and to top it off, it procs Banner of War.
- Grapple: When you have a fully stacked Banner of War, the Grapple-Melee ability is one of the most damaging abilities in the game. One shoulder charge from a Titan and a whole wave of fighters gets ripped from your power—it’s ridiculously fun.
Destiny 2 Non-Prism Shards
- Thread of Transmutation: To get the ball rolling, Thread of Transmutation offers an easy way for you to generate a Tangle and refresh the damage reduction of Woven Mail, making you indestructible.
- Thread of Fury: Since we need our melee up as often as possible, we run a Thread of Fury for Tangle kills to regenerate our Frenzied Blade.
- Warding’s yarn: The easiest way to become an immortal Titan is to pick up an Orb of Power and give yourself Woven Mail (45% damage reduction is no joke) and thanks to Warding’s Thread, we can do just that.
- Thread of Generation: Our grenade for Strand is our Grapple and since it can produce an obnoxious amount of damage, we use the Thread of Generation to make sure our grenade is charged and ready at all times.
Non-Prismatic Aspects
In the Fray is helpful for teammates if you happen to run Legendary with Fireteam, but its secondary effect of increasing melee regeneration rate is perfectly synergistic.
The big boy here is the Banner of War; this single Skin does it all for the Strand Titan, offering health regen and increased melee damage that can be constantly applied and reapplied by teammates. Even its healing is useful to other Guardians, but with a constant stream of incoming health regeneration at all times and the ability to activate 45% damage almost at will, it’s hard not to see how easily the Titan can be an unstoppable machine.
These two Aspects are arguably the cornerstone of the Strand Titan build.
With this Berserker Titan build, you’ll box every enemy you come across right in their face and dish out an incredible amount of damage with Banner of War and Woven Mail. If you’re good at this class, you can maintain your stacks almost indefinitely (as long as you have mobs to box) and become almost immortal.
Those are our best builds for the Titan on Legend difficulty. If you’re looking for more Destiny 2 content check out The Red Death Reformed is a divisive weapon in Destiny 2: The Final Shape, All Destiny 2 Final Shape Campaign Missions, and more at Pro Game Guides.