Best ways to cultivate fairy bras in oath

Fairy bras are key to unlock new characters, weapons and spells; Some cost more than others. In this guide, we will show you the best ways to cultivate fairy bras in oath so you can spend less time hunting and more time experimenting with your buildings.
Where to find fairy bras in an oath
There are 5 different methods to get fairy bras according to oath. Here’s how to unlock them, and possible gains of fairies by each method:
Method | To unlock of | Fairy Ember Reward |
Complete Fairy Ember Rooms During your run | N/a | 10 In normal rooms 20 in rooms with main enemies |
Complete Event rooms During your run | N/a | 1 Fairy Ember by enemy defeated In 45 seconds
Note: Events may also be a graal water challenge instead. |
Buy fairy bras in the Shop During your run | N/a | 20 (Cost: 50 Gold)
Note: This is the least effective method of cultivating, as it is not a common coat in shops. |
Bounty Board | Guinevere | 20 – 60 per welfare (One -time claim) |
Currency -Interchange | Guinevere | Trade 10 lunar stones for 10 fairy bras |
The fastest way to cultivate fairy bras is by prioritying rooms that reward them During your run or by completing charitable boards. Shops sometimes store them, but their low Fraja rate makes them an unreliable source. If you aim to unlock everything quickly, and wanting to sacrifice some charitable functions, pay attention to a lunar stone: you can exchange them for fairies at the Currency -Interchange.
For more sworn, check out our final legal beginners guide on Pro -Game guides.