Best ways to protect your Temple of the Tide in Crab God

Protecting your Temple of the Tide in Crab God is the key to reaching the farthest depths of the ocean and ensuring that your chosen heir of the Crab God himself survives the journey. However, the deeper you go, the more menacing the threats become, so here’s our handy guide on the best ways to protect your Temple of the Tide in Crab God.
While gathering food to prepare for migration in Crab God is very important, protecting the shell-shaped Temple of the Tide that holds it and the heir of the Crab God is probably even more important. If invasive species go to your Temple and destroy it, your migration ends and you have to start all over again.
How to defend your Temple of the Tide in Crab God
There are a few different ways to effectively protect the Temple. The most obvious of them is from assigning the Hunter Role to your Crablings as the need arises every night. Choosing Traits that boost stats like health, attack power, and movement speed can help your Hunters take out threats quickly before they swarm your unarmed Crablings and destroy the Temple.
However, more than having Hunters at your disposal, the the most essential defense for your Temple is actually your Builder(s). In addition to removing obstacles and smashing shells, they can build incredibly effective Wall barriers along the stage path (as seen above) which slows down enemies significantly as well set Traps to damage enemies who step on them.
How to enable Crablings to build Walls and Traps
However, in order for your Builders to create these, you must first unlock them as permanent subscriptions via cleansing and fulfillment of Ritual Stones. To do this, you must complete 2-3 selected tasks, such as offering a certain amount of Food or Favor or increasing the population of a specific sea creature. Once you’ve done that, the Ritual Stone will give you three different sand options to choose from, which will likely include the ability to build Walls or Traps. These should be unlocked as soon as possible.
With those skills in your arsenal, you should submit at least one or two Builders at the beginning of each stage. One to remove obstacles (this can take at least half a day) and the other to start building Walls or Traps where possible. This will ensure that your Temple will remain well protected every day.
Also remember to fix the ones that are damaged or broken and also upgrade your Walls as high as possible. As long as you have Favor to use, your Walls can be upgraded multiple times, to the point where they are nearly impenetrable and can last for several days.
Want more Crab God coverage? Check out Best Traits to give your Crablings in Crab God here on Pro Game Guides.