
BitLife – How to Finish the Guilty Grandpa Challenge

The Guilty Grandpa is a weekly BitLife challenge that requires you to transform from a simple grandfather to a criminal warlord. If you're struggling to become a kickass villain, here's a quick guide on how to complete the Guilty Grandpa challenge in BitLife.

Guilty Grandpa Challenge BitLife Guide

To complete the challenge, you must complete the following objectives in any order.

  • Be born male in Texas
  • Never commit a crime before the age of 60
  • After age 60, fight 5+ people
  • After age 70, choose more than 10 pockets
  • After age 80, steal more than 5 cars

How to be born male in Texas

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The first quest in the Guilty Grandpa challenge is to be born male in Texas. In the character selection screen, select male as the starting gender, United States as the country of birth, and Austin as your birthplace. Since Austin is a city in Texas, you will automatically meet the main criteria.

Like never committing a crime 60 years ago

An indication of the title, do not indulge in criminal activities before turning 60 years old. To live to 60, eat healthy and go to the gym every day. Also get married to get rid of anxiety issues.

Related: How to live to 120 in Bitlife

How to fight people after 60 years

Image of a player selecting an option in BitLife Prison
Image by Pro Game Guides

The next task is to fight against five people after turning 60 years old. Do some small crimes like burglary or GTA and end up in jail. Select any fellow prisoners by clicking on the Prison Reputation option and selecting a target. Press the Attack option to hit them and start a battle. Keep reusing the option until you fight five different people.

How to pickpocket after 70

Once you turn 70, go to the Crimes section under the Activities tab and select the Pickpocket from others option. Keep robbing 10 different people to complete the task.

How to steal cars after 80

The ultimate goal is to steal five cars after 80. When you turn 80, go to the Crimes section under the Activities tab and click on the GTA (Grand Theft Auto) option to steal cars. Keep using the right option until you steal five cars to finish the objective and the challenge.

For more on BitLife, check out How to steal cars and sell them in Bitlife or How to become a Panhandler in BitLife in Pro Game Guides.

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