Can you change worlds in Once Human?

Once Human is filled with new players, and with the influx comes the need to change worlds, especially when severely crowded over time. If you're wondering if you can actually do this, then you've come to the right place to learn how.
How to change worlds in Once Human
First, to answer the question, you can change worlds in Once Human. However, the method in which you do this is important. There are two ways to change worlds, and both can be done relatively easily, although one requires a bit of sacrifice if you've already started playing.
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How to switch worlds with Teleportation
In most cases, you'll want to switch worlds if the one you're already on gets too crowded. After all, there is a lot of items to build Once Human, and more items need more space. Can't have a neighbor be too close to your property, after all. As such, you can use Teleportation travel to warp to another, less crowded server. This is done by leading to a Tower of Teleportation.
Select the “Change to another world” option, and you'll be shown a list of worlds to choose from. These worlds also display their relative populations, meaning you decide whether you want to deal with more people or less at the click of a button.
How to change worlds with Server List
Alternatively, although not practical, you can also select a different server from the initial one you selected from the Server List screen when you enter the game. This is helpful if you want to switch to play a new character on another server, or your current main server is full, but you want to play anyway. Tokens are per serverso you cannot pass different characters to different servers.
For more guides related to Once Human, check How to move territory in Once Human right here on Pro Game Guides.