Dead by Daylight introduces a new challenge system for more rewards

In the 8th Anniversary Broadcast, Dead by Daylight unveiled a new challenge system that offers new ways to earn rewards.
The new system is passive challenges that can be completed to earn rewards as you play. Unlike Tome Challenges, you can complete multiple challenges at once because they are passive and always active without you having to select and activate them.
Many players are already familiar with these types of challenges through other popular multiplayer games. Dead by Daylight adopted them to reward players more for their time spent in the game, on top of what they already get with Tome and Archive Challenges.
At first, it will be every week, every dayand an event challenges you can complete to earn guaranteed rewards daily, weekly and during events. These are a great way to earn some rewards, and combining this with Tome and Archine challenges will yield some goodies.
Additionally, during the broadcast, the DBD team mentioned that there will be other areas where they will implement passive challenges, but it is unclear where exactly. This means that the game could receive passive challenges for specific game modes and characters, but these are just my guesses.
When will the new challenge system come to DBD?
The new challenge system was part of the game improvement section in this year’s roadmap, which means it’s coming later this year. No date has been given for when this system will go into effect, but my guess is sometime during the Twisted Masquerade Event.
How to do the new challenges in DBD
As mentioned, these challenges are passive, which means you don’t have to go into any menu to select and start them, because they will always be activated. This makes things much better as you will be rewarded for just playing the game and doing what you are already doing.
For more Dead by Daylight guides, check out Dead by Daylight finally brings cross progression between PC and Consoles here on Pro Game Guides.