Dead by Daylight says yes to more robots, but the players scream no

Bots have been a part of the game for a while, replacing any players who go offline during a match. However, with the latest PTB update, DBD is adding bots to replace the ones that DC during the loading screen, and players are not happy.
At first glance, this might seem like a good idea because you don’t have to wait in line for a lobby again, but that’s about the only benefit. Most people on the Average NOED user (love the name) Reddit poster agrees that they would much rather wait for another match than play with a bot.
This feature feels more like a punishment to the people who stay in the match. I can already guess the number of people who will disconnect from a test the moment they load and see the bot names, which are easily recognizable by their generic names.
That doesn’t mean the bots don’t help. They can be, they will heal, mend a nation, a flashlight blinds the Killer, etc. However, they will make some pretty basic mistakes. The bot in my game came to my aid during the first chase, ending up with both of us injured instead of just me as I tried to take the Assassin’s time.
I was on the PTB having just tried out the new Survivor Lara Croft and her perks, so I didn’t really mind that much, but I sure would have minded if I started the game with two bots in the live version. This doesn’t benefit the Assassins either, as some mention that they play the game to hunt down humans, not robots.
Players also say that they would be okay with this as long as the person who disconnects gets a large DC penalty. I’d agree with that if I didn’t know how many times Dead by Daylight accidentally disconnects players from loading screens.
Since you can’t tell if a player disconnected on purpose or the game decided to kick them out, it would be pretty unfair to just punish everyone with a bigger penalty.
Overall, it just feels like a downgrade instead of an upgrade to matchmaking. Behavior Interactive will hopefully see the displeasure of the fans and revert this change after the PTB is over, or we’re in for a DC party once the update rolls out.
If you want to know the best way to play Survivor in trial, check out the Best Survivor Builds in Dead by Daylight on Pro Game Guides.