Destiny 2 The Final Shape cinematic glitches have fans desperate for a cutscene gallery

The launch of The Final Form has been plagued by bugs and server issues, with people waiting for hours to finally get into the game. But one thing that players are very sad about are bugs that made them miss important scenes.
Curb bugs have plagued many, shutting them out of activities and preventing them from seeing cutscenes. As a Reddit user JustSomeDude477 said, this is one of the biggest story moments in Destiny, and people can’t even experience it properly.
In an update, Bungie stated that fixing this issue is one of their top priorities. Until then, the temporary solution for you (if you missed a cutscene) is to go to the Replayable Missions node in the middle of the Pale Heart map. Missions 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 have cutscenes at the end. if you couldn’t see some of them, you’ll have to replay the mission and hope you don’t get another Ribbon error.
However, it’s pretty annoying to replay a mission through no fault of your own just to see a quick cutscene (even though it’s important to the story). And this isn’t even the first time this issue has come up. When the Witch Queen expansion came out, people also had to replay missions so as not to miss any important details.
A better solution, which many fans echo, would be to implement a cutscene gallery. Given that the game already has a Timeline screen, a gallery could be implemented and combined with that feature. This might be too complicated, but I guess it’s less complicated than having to locate and fix the bug while your players are forced to repeat missions.
If you need help progressing through the expansion, check out How to solve Glyph puzzles in Destiny 2 The Final Shape and Destiny 2: The Final Shape Exegesis Puzzles and Final Boss Guide on Pro Game Guides.