
Dig It Business Value List (January 2025) -Roblox

The most anticipated trade feature has been released in Dig It, which means players can now trade items with other players to get their missing items and complete their collections for each island. While trading is an easy concept to understand, many new players find it extremely challenging to know the value of their items due to lack of game time, which often leads to underselling with others. To avoid this scenario, I have made a dedicated Trade Value List highlighting all the most commonly traded items and their current market value.

All Item values ​​in Dig It – Roblox

Below, I have mentioned all the commonly tradable items in Dig It and their current market value. Also, since there is no common currency for trading, I have mentioned all the values ​​in terms of the Standard Legendary Molewhich is the default item used to enchant your shovels. So, if the value of Nuke is 10, it means that it is equal to 10 Legendary Moles in the game.


name Value (Mole)
Ruffle 5 to 15
Stack of Gold 5 to 15
Toxic Wastewater 8 to 15
A bat 8 to 15
Gnome’s Garden 15 to 20
Nuke 15 to 30


name Value (Mole)
Crown 5 to 15
Maybe a Fossil 5 to 15
Ship in a Bottle 5 to 15
Spine Fossil 5 to 15
T-Rex Skull 20 to 30

Greek Temple

name Value (Mole)
Minotaur 5 to 10


name Value (Mole)
Camel 5 to 10
Scorpio 5 to 10
Colossal Worm 20 to 40
UFO 15 to 30


name Value (Mole)
Ice Ball 5 to 7
Polar Bear 5 to 7
Snowgantuan 15 to 30
Woolly Mammoth 20 to 40

Lunar Clouds

name Value (Mole)
Airplane 10 to 15
Genius Lamp 10 to 15
Moon Snake 25 to 45


name Value (Mole)
Ghost 5 to 10
Mojai 5 to 10
Fly trap 15 to 20
Gobbler 15 to 20
Jungle Jeep 15 to 20
stone hand 15 to 20
Sun mask 15 to 20

Island of Lunar Year

name Value (Mole)
Chinese Cat 5 to 7
Panda 5 to 7
Ying-Yang 5 to 7
Moon Snake 10 to 30
Phoenix 10 to 30

Christmas Event Items

name Value (Mole)
Christmas Tree 20 to 40
Reindeer 20 to 40

Secret Event Items

name Value (Mole)
Ban Hammer 200 to 300
Body Pillow 50 to 100
Dimensional Door 100 to 200
Disco Ball 50 to 100
Kawaii Nuke 50 to 100
Pocket Cat 50 to 100
Philosopher 50 to 150
Ray Gun 100 to 200
Secret Mole 50 to 150
Scissors 100 to 200
Heavenly Ladder 50 to 100
Skunk 50 to 100


name Value (Mole)
Legendary Mole 1
Royal Mole 25
Secret Mole 100

How to trade in Roblox Dig It

To trade in Roblox Dig It, you need to follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Open the Dig It experience on your respective devices.
  • After jumping into a game, you can equip the item you want to trade from your inventory.
  • Now, go to the person you want to trade with and press the ‘r‘button near them to trade with them.
  • Instead of trading with random players you meet on the servers, try joining the Dig It Discord server and use the Trading sub-channel to trade safely.
  • Remember, both players must be at least above level 5 to start trading in Dig It.

For more on Roblox Dig It, Check Out All 9 Secret Items in Dig It and how to get them – Roblox or All 29 Items in Tropica Island (100% Collection) – Dig It

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