Doors Floor 2 The Mines Walkthrough – Roblox

Similar to the first part, Doors Floor 2 The Mines also has 200 Doors to open and is filled with multiple units on each passing corridor. So, if you’re having a hard time finishing certain sections, here’s a complete walkthrough of the entire level of Mines, starting from the starting point to the final Door.
The Mines Level Complete Walkthrough – Doors Floor 2
Before I start, I just want to make it clear that Doors Floor 2 is not a linear game and is very dynamic, with a lot of RNG elements here and there. This means that the level or monsters I play during a particular run may be completely different than yours. So, use the guide as a reference to finish complex puzzles instead of following it linearly.
Spawn Area to Door 110 – The Mines
From the Spawn Area to Door 110 is easy because you won’t encounter giant monsters or solve difficult puzzles that will break your head. However, you will experience the following difficulties along the way.
Generator Fuse
The most common type of puzzle here is finding the fuse for your generator to leave that particular room. Just search for all of them closets, Table drawersand others loot boxes inside the room to get all the generator fuses needed to activate them. Sometimes, it can be two fuses or a single fuse; depending on the demand, your search time may increase or decrease. Once you find the fuse, place it on the generator to move to the next room.
Mine Cart Road Switch

Another standard puzzle is changing the track of your Mine Cart. Simply access the lever to change the track and move your cart forward to break
Enemies Encountered

- Gloombats: a flying bat that looks like a moth and has vibrant yellow glowing eyes. If you see this creature, turn off all your light sources and move away from that area.
- Screaming: A black-colored screaming creature that will disappear if you look at it.
Door 110 to Door 120 – The Mines
The easiest section in the entire game is between Doors 111 and 121, as there is no single type of puzzle. Just keep moving forward and open the Doors to keep progressing. The only advice I want to give here is to have some light source like Bulb light, Glowstickor anything at all times to easily cross rooms that are quite dark without a single source of light. I’m pretty sure you’ll get one or more light sources by exploring all the containers, closets and more.
Enemies Encountered

- to laugh: Throw a glow stick at it to knock it out or stop walking under the creature. You can quickly identify the Giggle by its sarcastic laugh and always hanging on the cave roof.
Door 120 to Door 130 – The Mines

Similar to the last one, this corridor also doesn’t have a new puzzle section, but you may have to solve another Generator Fuse Puzzle section. So, turn on your light source and keep exploring until you find the light bulbs to activate the generators. Another important thing you will encounter here are the gas filled rooms. Yes, there will be several rooms filled with flammable gas. Just don’t use any objects like lighters inside and get across the room as soon as possible. You can quickly identify such doors as they will have the flammable stickers stuck at the Door entrance.
Enemies Encountered

- to hide: The Stealth is a monster that will occasionally try to sneak up behind you. When you start feeling shivers along with ominous music, hide in the closet to play the heartbeat mini-game that revolves around pressing keys at the right moment. If you finish this game, the monster will disappear.
- figure: The Figure relies entirely on steps and sounds to capture you. So, either hide inside a locker or stand in dark places without taking a step to avoid it.
Door 130 to Door 140 – The Mines
Between Doors 130 and 140, you will again find several game elements from the previous sections. You must once again repair several generator fuses, use the mine cart by tactically switching levers to break specific breakable structures, and avoid the same set of monsters you encountered before, along with a new one.
Enemies Encountered

- Gloombat Eggs: These are nothing but unhatched Gloombat eggs that usually spawn on the ground in very dark rooms. You can avoid these nests by simply walking around their edge instead of stepping on them. So, whenever you are in an extremely dark room, throw a Glowstick or use any light source to get through safely.
Door 140 to Door 150 – The Mines
As soon as you step into Door 140 on the level, a cutscene will start playing, and the famous Quest Monster will start chasing you in its human form. From here, it’s all luck, as your character will also start running to avoid Search, and you have to choose the right path/exit as you run. Yes, there is no set course or exact path to guide you correctly, and the course structure varies for each run. The only tip I will say is to follow the blue guiding aura light on the screenbecause it usually leads you to the right path. Follow the glow and quickly decide to enter the right Door while running or on a cart. Also, while riding on the cart, make sure you duck at the right opportunity to avoid being hit by any hanging planks or rocks, causing your death. If all goes well, you will reach the Doors 150 easily within 2 minutes.
Door 150 to Door 160 – The Mines
After entering Door 150, the Quest Monster will disappear, and instead, you will be chased by the new Grumble monster, which is like a giant version of the Giggle. Now you have to escape the Grunt while turning on the bridge that connects to Door 151.
Running the Bridge Puzzle
As mentioned above, you need to operate the bridge to get to the next location. For this, you have to enter the code given by the central power machine in each of the four anchor Machines – A, B, Cand D. All machine locations are completely random for each player. However, I have mentioned some of the most common spawn locations for each Anchor Machine within Door 150.

Use these images as a reference and follow the machine’s audio cue to locate the terminal quickly. Yes, a loud beep is emitted from each terminal. Just follow them to make your life easier. Once you enter all the codes successfully, the bridge will activate, and you can enter Door 151.

From here to Door 160, it’s the usual routine found in front corridors. Also, inside Door 152, you’ll find a Shop where you can refill your items before moving on. Also, some sections require you to climb down to see the next Door. So, climb down and investigate if it contains the next Door before hitting a dead end.
Enemies Encountered

- Grumble: The Grumble is like a giant version of the Giggle Monster. The only way to avoid this monster is to use any light sources like Bulklight or Glowstick in corridors or intersections to attract it as you continue to explore more areas inside Door 150. Keep repeating this loop until you enter all the necessary codes.
Door 160 to Door 170 – The Mines

This section is almost like a repeat of the previous areas as you will encounter the same monsters like Hide, Giggle and Screech while solving some Generator puzzles. The only thing I found is that most of the rooms are extremely dark without even having a single source of light. But, if you stock up from the Shop in Door 162, you’d be good to go without worries.
Door 170 to Door 180 – The Mines
From Doors 170 to Door 180, you will find many sections that require you to swim under the section of the cave. So, time your breath just right and follow the light to get to the right entry point to the next Door. Also, you will have to climb many stairs vertically. So, do that to find the next Door. So, climb and explore these stairs when available. Other than that, the routine here is pretty similar to previous ones: my carts, generators, and a lot of hiding.
Door 180 to Door 190 – The Mines

This corridor section also doesn’t feature a new puzzle section but definitely has a lot of returning enemies. I highly recommend you take off a lot of Bandages or Bandage Packs before even entering this area, as you will find several Laughs hanging on the top of the cave section and other monsters from before. They are tactically placed so that they will deal damage to you, and you need to have a lot of essential items to recover for the later part. So, try to keep as many medicines or bandages as possible to make your life easier here.
Door 190 to Door 200 – The Mines
This is the final section of the Mines level. Until Door 195, everything will be the same as the previous corridor range, with many enemies and few areas to explore. Once you enter Door 195, the Quest Monster will reappear again and start chasing you. So, follow the halo blue glowing light and choose the right path during the cutscene chase to enter Door 200, where you will face the final Seek boss in the Blob form.
Defeating the Quest (Blob Form)

Although Seek looks deadly, you can avoid his attack if you understand two of his attack forms: random melee attacks and laser-tipped melee attacks. To avoid the laser attacks, simply move away from the laser pointer, and for the random attacks, stay off the edges of the central sewer area. Keep using these techniques when you have to jump on the floating obstacles to get to the other side.
While avoiding the attacks is half the battle, you have to drain the monster through the sewer to get rid of it completely. To do this, you must open all the valves inside Door 200 in phases. In phase 1, you have to ignite with two valves, 4 in the second and five valves in the final phase. These are easy to locate if you simply follow the guiding light to interact with various for each run. After turning on all the valves, the Seek monster will be sucked in, ending its run.

After Seek is defeated, find the bulb for the final generator and exit through the final stairs to reach the forest area. Walk along the forest area to find the Door to the castle. Interact with it, and the final cutscene will play where you’ll see a grunt reappear only to be consumed by the Seek monster with the game ending.
Looking for more Roblox horror content? Check out our recent guides on All New Items in Doors Floor 2 The Mines – Roblox or How to get the Lost in Translation Badge in Doors Floor 2 (The Mines) – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!