Dusty Travel Survival Guide – How to Keep Driving

The main purpose of A Dusty Trip is to search for essentials and keep driving your Vehicle forward. So, if you're dying quickly due to the lack of survival items, here's a quick guide on how to keep traveling in Dusty Trip.
How to Survive a Dusty Trip
To survive a Dusty trip, you must do the following things:
How to remove or fend off Zombies in Dust Journey
There are two ways to get rid of zombies in A Dusty Trip. The first method is to run over the zombie using your Vehicle. Yes, it can damage your car or van, but this is the fastest and safest way. The other technique is to use Dynamites. You can find dynamite in safe houses and gas pumps along the highways. Keep these in your car and throw them when multiple zombies are running at you.
Also, always equip doors for your cars, because staying safe in the car will come in extremely handy if you find hordes of zombies running towards you.
Related: How to Fix Your Car in Dust Trip – Roblox
How to get Fuel and keep your Vehicle on a Dusty Trip
Getting Fuel is the biggest headache in the game. Because if you get stuck on a highway with no Fuel, your game is pretty much over. So, how do you get Fuel on a Dusty Trip? There are two methods to get Fuel in the game. One is through random research inside safe houses, bunkers and highway gas pumps. The other asks for the critical air package for 50 Robux using the walkie-talkie. Remember, it is always better to switch to a diesel vehicle after a while, because you will get less and less Fuel for the regular Engine.

Apart from Fuel, the main thing you should take care of is the health of your car itself. After every few minutes:
- Check your car's dashboard to see if you find anything wrong with the vehicle.
- If your Engine overheats, pour water into the radiator, and if your Engine is running properly, put some engine oil in it. You can find all of these items randomly while scavenging for items.
- Make sure to repair/maintain your car to avoid any sudden breakdown.
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How to maintain your hunger status in A Dusty Trip

To maintain your hunger status in A Dusty Trip, you must find food for yourself and eat it regularly. You can find a lot of bread, apples and bananas during your trip. Store them in your Vehicle and consume them if you find your Hunger status low enough from the bottom left status bar.
For more on Roblox, check out How to Fix Your Truck in Dusty Journey – Roblox or All the Controls in Dusty Journey – Roblox in Professional Game Guides.