Elder Scrolls Online Gold Road Scribing Guide

Writing is a new system in Elder Scrolls Online that allows players to unlock new skills and customize them to their heart’s content! This system – recently released in June with the Golden Path Chapter – gives players the ability to build their path. Since its teaser release in January, players have been anxiously waiting to delve into how this mechanic works.
Look no further! This guide is here to deliver everything you could possibly want to know.
Complete Writing Guide for ESO
The main function of ESO Scribing is to add new custom skills into already existing skill lines, including the weapon skill, world, PVP and guild skills. Unlocking these allows for greater roleplay potential and allows for a more personal touch to building your character.
How does Writing work in Elder Scrolls Online?
The Writing system may seem complicated and confusing at first, but as you try it out and experiment, it becomes much simpler. There are three necessary components to writing: Grimoires, Scriptsand Inks.
What are Grimoires?
Grimoires are ESO abilities that you would like to customize. With this update, the system has currently added 11 new abilities (Grimoires) to the following skill lines:
- Destructive Staff
- Restoration staff
- Double Swing
- Two Hander
- A bow
- One Hand and Shield
- Fighters Guild
- Mages Guild
- an assault
- Soul Magic
With the exception of Soul Magic, every skill on this list has one Grimoire skill to customize. Soul Magic is currently the only ability with two.
I suspect that with future updates and patches more will be added to this list, however for now only the existing skill lines are customizable.
Where to get Grimoires
First, you must complete the Wing of the Indrik quest line and gain the rank of apprentice in the Grimior skill line to unlock the merchant shop to purchase Grimoires. Upon completion, Grimoire and Script Vendor Chronicler Firandil will be available to sell all Grimoires in The Scholarium.
After first purchase a grimoire costs 50,000 gold (ouch!) but a discount is given for purchases following using alternative characters lowering the price to 10,000 gold. Currently, there are two exceptions to this price, but more may appear in the future:
- Swing Soul is unavailable for purchase. It is only awarded after completing the Scribing tutorial quest. There are currently no other methods to obtain the Wield Soul skill in Elder Scrolls Online.
- Soul Blast is also given as a reward for completing the final quest in the Scribing test line, but it seems that it can also be purchased after completion for 10,000 gold.
List of Grimoires (2024)
Below are all the Grimoires we know of:
Grimoire | Capable Line | Description | requirements |
Elemental Blast | Destructive Staff | Channel the power in your staff to cast a bolt of volatile magic, causing an elemental explosion at the target location. | Destruction Staff Apprentice (rank 25) |
Mender’s Bond | Restoration staff | Attach yourself to an ally, manifesting a life bond between you and them. | Restoration Staff Apprentice (rank 25) |
Shield throw | One Hand and Shield | Throw your shield at an enemy who then returns to you. | One Hand and Shield Apprentice (rank 25) |
to smash | Two Mana Rank | Drag your weapon along the ground to smash a cone in front of you. | Two-handed apprentice (rank 25) |
Soul Blast | Soul Magic | Release a powerful blast of soul magic around you. | Complete the final quest in the Scribing quest line. |
Swing Soul | Soul Magic | Launch a concentrated blast of soul magic at a target. | Complete the Writing quest. |
Torchbearer | Fighters Guild | Summon an imbued torch and sweep the area in front of you three times with its power. | Fighters Guild Skill Apprentice (rank 5) |
to tread | an assault | Pierce the air with a shrill whistle, summoning your steed to trample enemies in line. This ability cannot be reactivated while your mount is already attacking. | Alliance War Skill Apprentice (rank 5 in Attack and Support) |
Travel Knife | Double Swing | Turn and throw an enchanted dagger at an enemy, which comes back to you after a short delay and hits more enemies along the way. | Dual Wield Apprentice (rank 25) |
The Contingency of Ulfsild | Mages Guild | Fill yourself with the magical runes of Ulfsild. These runes trigger when you cast an ability with a cost, causing an explosion of magic around you. | Mages Guild Skill Apprentice (rank 5) |
Vault | Double Swing | Fire a blast at your feet while throwing back 15 meters. | Bow Apprentice (rank 25) |
What are Scripts?
Every Grimoire you buy can be customized and customized with Scripts. Scripts contain unique effects that go into Grimoires and cause damage-type changes, enhancements, debuffs, and other interesting effects.
Where to get Scripts
Scripts can be earned through the Script questline, daily quest rewards, or purchased from the Scholarium and Infinite Archive Vendors. Once a Script is purchased and in your inventory, you can consume it to permanently unlock that Script effect for the Scribing system.
Scripts aren’t technically reusable or recyclable, but you can deposit a script into your bank and transfer it to another character after buying or looting an alternate character.
Writing types
There are three different types of Scripts in ESO: Focus Scripts, Signature Scripts, and Affix Scripts.
Focus Scripts
Focus scripts define and add to the ability’s main effects, including damage type, healing, or utility. Focus Scripts also determines whether the ability it takes Magicka or Endurance to use
Since Focus Scripts affect the main function, this is the most important consideration to make when Scripting. Some Focus Scripts cannot be combined with Signature Scripts or Affix Scripts because certain combinations are not possible.
Here is the list of current Focus Scripts in the game:
- Physical
- poison
- to bleed
- Illness
- frost
- magic
- Multi-Purpose
- Pull
- To be amazed
- Mockery
- Immobilize
- to heal
- Damage Shield
- Mitigation
- Ultimate Generation
Signature Scripts
Signature Scripts change the Focus Script attached to the Grimoire adding some additional enhancements and effects. Some Signature Scripts are based on class and have amazing potential for character depth and customization. The variety allows you to customize everything from class to weapon type and more!
Here is the list of current Signature Scripts in Elder Scrolls Online:
- Damage Over Time
- Trap
- Live Leech
- Status Effect
- Class Master
- Damage Shield
- Divert
- A passive weapon
- Bonus Damage
- Remedy Restore
- Mobility
- A challenge
- Heal Over Time
- Block Mitigation
- Immobilize
- Soul Infusion
Affix Scripts
Finally, Affix Scripts offers a major/minor buff/debuff as an additional effect to the new custom ability you placed during this process. With all these variables, there seems to be an endless amount of combinations for you to try out and find which one suits your playstyle best!
Here is the list of current Affix Scripts in the game:
- Major Brutality and Sorcery (20% Weapon and Spell Damage)
- Minor Strength (Critical Damage)
- Major Wildness and Prophecy (Critical Chance)
- Small Expedition (movement speed)
- Minor and Major Vulnerability (increased damage taken)
- Minor and Major Offender (reduced damage done)
- Minor Lifesteal (heal on attack)
- Minor and Major Evasion (reduced AOE damage)
- Imbalance (bonus heavy attack damage)
- Major Cowardice (reduce enemy Weapon and Spell Damage)
- Major Solution (bonus Armor)
- Major Vitality (increased Healing Done)
- Minor Brittle (increased Critical Damage taken)
- Minor Breach (reduced enemy Armor)
- Minor Courage (increased Weapon and Spell Damage)
What are Inks?
Inks, also known as Light Ink, is the newly introduced currency in the Golden Path Writing System in Elder Scrolls Online. It is the means needed to create or modify abilities and complete the process of sealing your abilities within your Grimoire. Each Script or Written skill consumes Light Ink.
How to Get Light Ink
Since it is a new medium, more methods of obtaining Light Ink are revealed every day. Here are the methods we know so far:
- Luminous Ink is awarded after completing the Indrik, Gryphon, Dragon, and Netch Luminary Wing quest lines (12 in total)
- After completing the quest “The Wing of the Indrik,” Light Ink will sometimes drop from defeated enemies.
- After completing the quest “The Wing of the Web,” Light Ink will occasionally drop from harvesting crafting materials.
- You can buy the Light Ink from other players directly or through the ESO Guild Trader system
- After completing the Indrik and Netch wings on one character, all your other characters will be able to obtain Light Ink from the world from defeated enemies and harvested materials.
Just like the methods listed, all enemies that drop loot have a chance to also drop Light Ink. If farming is a necessity, look for areas with lots of easy-to-drop enemies and go to town.
A new mechanic always brings new excitement, and for those of us who take character customization to the extreme, this update is here to deliver!
If you need more excitement or are curious about any other Elder Scrolls Online DLC, be sure to check us out in Pro Game Guides!