Fallout 76 best Blood Eagle farming locations

Fallout 76 has seen a massive influx of players following the release of Amazon Prime's Fallout TV show. If you are exploring the Appalachian deserts for the first time, you will quickly notice that Fallout 76 has enemies known as the Blood Eagles. These enemies must be killed for multiple daily quests and some side quests. If you're stuck trying to find some to kill, here's a guide to help you out.
Who are the Blood Eagles in Fallout 76?
The Blood Eagles are an extremely violent and terrifying band of raiders that established themselves in Appalachia sometime after World War I. The group is one of the most bloodthirsty to appear in the Wasteland after the fallout. They can be found throughout the region but are most active in the Ash Mask, Cranberry Bog, and Savage Divide areas of the map.
While players will primarily have to hunt them down for quests, you might want to too, as they're where some of the best cryptids in the game will appear. Some of these enemies will have a small chance to spawn whenever you attack specific groups, and the Blood Eagles are part of the group. So, while you're hunting them down for quests (or to make Appalachia a better place), remember to check out the surrounding areas.
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Where to hunt Blood Eagles in Fallout 76

The best places to hunt the Blood Eagles are at their camps. These can be found throughout Appalachia and are marked with the symbol circled in red in the image above. The best areas to go to are the following Blood Eagle camps:
- Treasury 96 (in The Wild Divide at the end of Route 103)
- Lair of Dagger (in The Slime where Hawke's Refuge is)
- Summersville (in The Forest south of the Poseidon Power Substation PX-02)
- Watoga Underground (in The Cranberry Bog below Watoga City)
- Slime Works (in The Ash Mask northwest of Vault 63)

Although these areas are some of the best places to find Blood Eagles, the truth is that whenever you come across one of their camps, you are in a good place to hunt them down. If you're feeling confident, you can go to Watoga Underground, their HQ, and pick up a ton right away. Most of the camps look the same and will be easy to spot because of their symbol painted on every surface. If you keep jumping from camp to camp, you'll be able to complete the daily quest (or any other quest) that asks you to kill a certain number in no time.
For more information on Fallout 76, check out Where to find Little Devils in Fallout 76 or Fallout 76 Flatwoods Monster location and how to defeat it.