Fallout viewers are desperate for more Vault-detecting from this dynamic duo

While Amazon Prime's Fallout series focuses primarily on the adventures of Lucy MacLean from Vault 33, The Ghoul and Maximus from the Brotherhood of Steel, a dynamic hidden duo from Vault 33 has stolen the hearts of viewers around the world.
During some of the later episodes in the series, Norm MacLean and his cousin Chet decide to try to find out exactly what happened to the residents of Vault 32. The tripartite agreement between Vault 31, 32 and 33 all seems a bit fishy, especially with someone , who resided in Vault 32, always ending up as the Overseer of Vault 33.
The following paragraph contains heavy spoilers, so if you haven't watched the show yet, we recommend doing so and coming back to join the conversation.
Related: Fallout viewers think they've solved the mystery of the vials of the Ghouls
After the capture of the raiders, Norm and Chet sneak into Vault 32 only to discover that all the occupants have been dead for at least two years. This implies that Vault 32 fell long before the attack of the raiders, due to a disaster that is still unknown. Amidst the chaos and dead bodies, Norm and Chet discovered the message “We know the truth” written on the wall in blood. Upon seeing this, Norm and Chet decided to find out what really happened at Vault 32, and what role Vault-Tec had to play in it.
Fans over the subreddit discussed how much they enjoyed the subplot of Prime's Fallout series involving Norm and Chet. Reddit user u/Dintodo says “Before I started the show, I thought Norm was going to be 'just Lucy's brother' and Chet a one-note comedy scene. But they surprised me and made both of them pretty important, likeable characters with a super fun dynamic together. Love how that went for an ensemble feel rather than being about Lucy's Cooper.”
Exploring the wider world of Fallout beyond the core plot of the three main characters through Norm and Chet, there is still much more to discover in future series. u/_acrazycatlady_ echoes the sentiment of many other fans in hoping that we'll regularly see Norman appear in the now-confirmed Season 2. Ideally with more investigative shenanigans to accompany the next chapter of the primary plot.
It is still not clear what exactly happened in Vault 32 that resulted in the infighting, cannabisism, mass suicides and general downfall. However, some fan theories speculate that the residents of Vault 32 rebelled after the crops failed, which resulted in them all turning on each other. Viewers are pretty much left hanging at the end of the season, and they want to see more of Norm and Chet uncovering the mysteries surrounding Vault-Tec and all their shadowy experiments in the vaults.
For more Fallout TV news, check out Fallout viewers find out where they've heard Overseer Benjamin before in Pro Game Guides.