Final Fantasy 4 Pixel Remaster Walkthrough

Like many classic JRPGs, Final Fantasy IV often leaves you wondering where to go next. With plenty of backtracking and briefly mentioned next steps, getting turned around or forgetting your next destination is easy. This step-by-step walkthrough will help you navigate the game so you’ll always how to get to your next objective.
Final Fantasy 4 Pixel Remaster Walkthrough – Castle Baron and Mist
- Head to your room in the northwest tower.
- Climb the tower and rest in your bed.
- Head northwest, over the bridge and through the mountain valley until you find the entrance to Mist Cave.
- Tip: To travel faster and avoid encounters, use the Chocobo Forest southwest of Castle Baron. White Chocobos restore your MP whereas Yellow Chocobos let you ride them!
- At the end of the cave, the voice asks if you choose to ignore its warnings. Make sure you’ve healed up before selecting “YES”!
- Head east and enter the town of Mist.
Mist Dragon Battle Tips

- When the Mist Dragon turns into mist, DO NOT ATTACK! If you do, not only will it take no damage, but it will also counter with Cold Mist. Use this time instead to heal the party with potions or just wait it out.
- Kain’s Jump is a great way to keep him out of harm’s way but avoid using it if the Mist Dragon hasn’t attacked recently. It might turn into mist before Kain lands!
Final Fantasy 4 Kaipo and the Underground Waterway Walkthrough

- Exit the mountain valley and continue northeast until you find the oasis town, Kaipo.
- Take out the three Soldiers and the General will flee.
- If you’re looking for extra Gil and EXP, take out 2 of the Baron Soldiers, then the General, and finally the last soldier.

- Head to the house in the northeast corner of town. Speak with Rosa resting in the bed.
- Tip: I recommend stocking up on some Potions, Pheonix Downs and Tents before leaving.
- Go north of Kaipo until you find the entrance to the Underground Waterway.
- Follow the path west and speak with the old man blocking your path.
- Continue through the Underground Waterway, eventually it will lead above ground again.
- Go north to find the next cave’s entrance.
- I highly recommend using a Tent here because there are no rest spots beyond this point.
- Enter the cave and approach the waterfall.

- At the bottom of the lake, you’ll find two orange tentacles sticking out of the water. Interact with them.
- The Octomammoth is weak to Thunder spells.
- Tip: The tentacles are also an indicator of its health. The fewer tentacles there are, the less HP he has.
Final Fantasy 4 Damcyan Castle and Antlion Cave Walkthrough
- Head north to Damcyan Castle.
- Once inside, go to the top-most floor of the Castle.

- In your newly-acquired Hovercraft, head northeast and fly over the rocky watered path.
- After returning to land, go south to find the entrance to the Antlion Cave.
- Make sure Rydia and Edward are in the Back Row. This will make them less likely to be targeted in battle.
- Go to the depths of the Antlion Cave.
- Antlion counters all Attack actions with Counter Horn.
- To avoid being countered, use Rydia’s Chocobo summon and have Edward either hide or heal while Cecil Attacks and (hopefully) takes most of the damage.
Final Fantasy 4 Returning to Kaipo Walkthrough

- Use the hovercraft to fly back to Damcyan Castle.
- Continue southwest until you reach another rocky coastline.
- Follow the rocky ocean path south until you reach the Kaipo desert.
- Continue east and enter Kaipo.
- Return to the house in the northeast corner of town and speak with Rosa.
- Give her the Sand Ruby.
- That night, Edward is attacked by a Sahagin!
- This battle doesn’t require any strategy, just attack it until you defeat it.
Final Fantasy 4 Mt. Hobs and Fabul Walkthrough

- Backtrack to the Antlion Cave. This time, however, instead of going south, continue east until you find a mountain path.
- Climb Mt. Hobs, at the top you’ll find a Fabul monk being attacked by some Domovoi.
- The Mom Bomb battle is split into three phases:
- Phase 1 – Little Mom Bomb: This part of the battle doesn’t require much strategy, just fight it as if it were a normal Bomb.
- Phase 2 – Big Cloud Mom Bomb: Have Rosa and Edward heal during this phase while Yang, Cecil, and Rydia attack.
- When Mom Bomb shouts “I’M GONNA BLOW!”, she casts Explode, dealing considerable damage to your party, and then splits into 6 Bombs.
- Phase 3 – 6 Bombs: Have Rosa heal then revive any downed party members. Edward can alternate between attacking or healing, while Cecil attacks. Rydia can either focus on taking out one bomb at a time with Chocobo Kick or targeting all with Black Magic. Yang should use Kick.
- After defeating Mom Bomb, go through the door ahead.

- Continue east and follow the forested area until you reach a clearing with a lake in the middle
- Continue eastward, around the lake. and through the valley.
- Fabul is a castle surrounded by a moat, enter it.
- Head north until you reach the Throne Room and speak with the King.
- Select “YES” when prompted if you will help them.
- You will be forced to fight a few small battles, and with each victory, the party will retreat deeper into the castle. Eventually, they will face Kain in the Crystal Room.
- This battle is unwinnable.
- Leave the Crystal Room and go to the Inn to rest.
- Go to the dock directly east of Fabul.
Final Fantasy 4 Mysidia and Mt. Ordeals Walkthrough
- Head east and enter the town of Mysidia.
- Go north and enter the Manor of Prayers.

- Go east, following the twisting isthmus until you reach a large forested opening.
- Head south. Mt. Ordeals is the mountain in the center of the forest.

- Tip: For an easy start to Mt. Ordeals, I recommend climbing it when Cecil is around level 20 and Palom/Porom around level 12.
- This is a great area to level up. Train in the overworld or at the base of Mt. Ordeals and use the Chocobo Forest directly southeast of Mt. Ordeals’ entrance to restore your MP.
- At the top of the mountain, climb the stairs and cross the bridge.
- In the Scarmiglione fight, target all the Skullnants with Fira (or Twincast if Porom doesn’t need to heal the party). Then, focus your attacks on Scarmiglione.
- After the battle, go back to the rest area and heal your party.
- Return to the bridge that leads to the glowing tombstone. Before crossing, however, switch your front and back rows.

- If Cecil is in the back row, use the Row action to bring him to the front.
- Scarmiglione is weak to Fire now.
- Have Palom use Fira and Porom on healing duty.
- Tellah can swap between casting Fire and healing the party when status ailments pile up, but don’t bother casting Esuna to clear the poison, it’s much too MP-costly for this fight.
- Cecil should also be attacking here, as usual.
- After the battle, interact with the light-emitting tomb.
- In the Dark Knight battle, do not attack. Let the Dark Knight hit Cecil a few times; if you want to use your actions, Defend or heal yourself.
- For an easy, no-encounter walk back, use a Yellow Chocobo in the Chocobo Forest southeast of Mt. Ordeals.
- Speak with the Elder in the Manor of Prayers again.
- Leave the Manor of Prayers and enter the building directly east of it.
- Step on the glowing white circle to teleport to the Town of Baron.
Final Fantasy 4 Town of Baron and Castle Baron Walkthrough
- Leave the room by heading south.
- Go down the stairs, and leave the building.
- Go to the Inn’s second floor near the town’s south exit. Speak to Yang.
- Take out the Soldiers, but you don’t have to beat Yang. Eventually, he’ll return to his senses.

- Head to the door to the Old Waterway in the east of town.
- Unlock the door by selecting the Baron Key in your inventory.

- Tip: When it seems there’s no way forward, walk along the walls. Sometimes hidden pathways reveal themselves to you!

- Follow the moat west and south until you find a stairway leading into the castle along the south wall.
- Tip: You can use Cecil’s room to rest and restore your HP/MP if needed.
- Head to the Throne Room.
Captain Bagain Battle Tips
- Bagain has two arms that regenerate once both are destroyed and his Reflect spell makes attacking him with magic more difficult than usual! To counter this:
- Only take out one of his arms.
- Counteract his Reflect with your own! The only way to counter Reflect with Magic is by bouncing Magic off one of your party members with Reflect. Be careful, however, as you can’t control which enemy the attack will reflect to, so you might end up defeating the second arm instead of hitting Bagain.
- Use items to heal effectively. Just as you can’t attack Bagain directly with Black Magic, casting White Magic on your party members with Reflect will heal Bagain. Additionally, if you try to reflect healing spells off Bagain’s reflect, you can’t control which party member the heal will land on.
- Physical attacks are your best friend. They are unaffected by magic, so, always have Cecil and Yang attacking while the rest of the party uses items to heal when needed
- Once Captain Bagain is defeated, heal your party, continue into the Throne Room and speak with the “King”.
Cagnazzo Battle Tips
- Cagnazzo is weak to Thunder and Ice. Here are the main things to look out for:
- When Cagnazzo becomes half-submerged: Attack him with Thunder spells to revert him to his normal form.
- When Cagnazzo goes into his shell: Attack him with Ice spells.
- Note: He’s no longer weak to Lightning!
Final Fantasy 4 Troia and the Magnetic Cavern Walkthrough

- Fly northwest over Mist Cave. Continue northwestward until you find a large forested area.
- Follow the rivers northwest until you find a waterfall with a castle next to it. Land the Enterprise on the single grassy square next to Troia.
- Enter the castle.

- Go through the door southeast of the Throne Room’s entrance. Follow along this path and into the door. Here, Edward will be resting in a bed. Speak to him.

- Go to the northernmost walkable point of the map. There will be a small, separated section of trees. Walk on top of it to enter the Chocobo Forest.
- Interact with a Black Chocobo to start flying with it.
- Fly east, across the river, and follow the trees to find the Magnetic Cavern.
- Any party members equipped with metallic weapons or armor will be paralyzed and unable to battle in this cave.
- Unequip all metallic-sounding equipment like swords, axes, arrows, armlets, armors, mails, gloves, helms, and shields.
- Descend to the depths of the Cavern and approach the Dark Elf blocking the stairs to the Earth Crystal.
- The first part of the Dark Elf fight is unwinnable.
- After Edward rescues the party, reequip your metallic armor.
- The Dark Elf is only weak to Holy.
- In other words, Cecil’s Sword of Legend. Attack him with the entire party, prioritizing healing after it casts Tornado. After a few hits, he’ll turn into the Dark Dragon, unlocking a much heavier-hitting move set. Keep attacking with Cecil’s Holy sword, but make sure to have Tellah healing consistently.
- Walk up the stairs and claim the Earth Crystal.
- Leave the Crystal Room and use Teleport to leave the dungeon quickly.
- Go to the Throne Room.
- Optional: Before leaving the Castle, speak with Edward in the room he’s resting in for a bonus scene.
- Leave the castle and board the Enterprise.
Final Fantasy 4 Tower of Zot Walkthrough

- Ascend the Tower of Zot.
- When the path forks into three options, choose the first door.
- The Magus Sisters have a powerful three-part combo: Sandy casts Reflect on Mindy, and Cindy bounces spells off Mindy’s Reflect.
- Take out Mindy first, then her other sisters, since Mindy’s the only one who can revive her sisters.
- Similar to the Bagain fight, you can use Reflect against the sisters! Remember that White Magic is also affected by Reflect, so use items to heal instead
- After the battle, climb to the top of the tower and speak with Kain.
- After saving Rosa, head south to leave the room.
- When Barbariccia is in her Normal Form, attack her as usual. Once she turns into her Tornado Form, she will counter all physical Attacks with Tornado.
- The only way to revert her to normal is to have Kain land a Jump on her.
- Once she turns into a Tornado, hold off on physical Attacks. Cecil and Rosa should focus on healing while Kain is in the air.
Final Fantasy 4 Agart and Dwarven Castle Walkthrough

- After resting in your room, leave the castle and board the Enterprise.
- Fly south of Castle Barron until you find a small village on the island.

- Go north and enter the door that leads to a walled-in well.
- Interact with the well and select the Magma Rock from your Key Items.
- Leave the village.
- Board the Enterprise and fly directly over the massive hole in the mountains.
- Land the aircraft to descend into the Underworld.
- The party will land close to the Dwarven Castle. Enter it.
- Go directly to the Throne Room.
- Once there are only Calcos or Brinas, they’ll combine into one giant Calcobrina.
- Heal any status effects Calcobrina casts on your party.
- The first part of the Golbez battle is unwinnable until Rydia joins the party.
- Golbez is weak to Fire and Holy.
- Focus on reviving and healing the other party members one at a time. Then, use Rydia’s Ifrit Summon, Cecil’s Fire/Holy sword attacks, and Yang’s fire claws to deal the most damage.
- After the battle, leave the Throne Room and head to the arms and weapons dealers located up the stairs on the east side of the room.
- Continue straight and head down the stairs in the northwest corner of the room.

- Speak with the dwarf in front of the bookshelf and he’ll reveal the hidden pathway to the Dwarven Base.
- Continue through the Dwarven Base.
- When you’ve arrived in a room full of opened chests, interact with the pot in the hallway north of the exit to restore your HP and MP.
Final Fantasy 4 The Tower of Babel Walkthrough
- Follow the canyons west and then north until you arrive at the Tower of Babel. Enter it.
- Climb the tower of Babel.
- On Tower of Babel – Underworld 2F two southmost rooms lead to trapped chests. Defeat the Security Eyes and you’ll receive an Icebrand and Ice Lance as rewards. This weapon will come in handy later!
- At the top, you’ll face the Doctor and his robotic creation, Barnabas.
- Order matters in the Doctor and Barnabas fight.
- If you take out the Doctor first, Barnabas will explode and damage the party equal to his remaining HP. Therefore, to avoid your party being almost wiped out in the explosion, damage Barnabas as much as you can before defeating the Doctor.
- If you defeat Barnabas first, the Doctor will fuse with him, becoming Barnabas-Z. Honestly, this form is not very threatening. The fight is longer, but there’s no explosion to worry about.
- Dr. Lugae’s main strategy is to overwhelm your party with sleep and poison.
- Rosa (and when needed, Cecil), will likely be casting Esuna this entire fight.
- Kain’s Jump is also useful here, letting him spend most of the fight out of range of Dr. Lugae’s attacks.

- Backtrack to Tower of Babel – Underworld 5F and cross the suspension bridge that leads to a locked door.
- Use Dr. Lugae’s Key on it and enter the door.
Final Fantasy 4 Castle Baron and Tower of Babel Walkthrough

- Castle Baron is located directly north of Agarte, fly there and enter the castle.
- Once inside, go to the eastern courtyard and speak with the engineer standing close to the wall with a torch.

- Fly to Mt. Hobs and position the Enterprise above the Hovercraft when an exclamation mark appears on the screen, you can pick up the Hovercraft.
- Tip: If you moved your Hovercraft, don’t worry, you can easily find it by opening your map and going to “Hovercraft”.

- Transport the Hovercraft to the southwest island on the map.
- Fly past the Tower of Babel and place the Hovercraft near the rocky water close to the destroyed castle in the island’s southeast.
- Land the Enterprise and board the Hovercraft.
- Use it to travel over the rocky waters east and north until you find a cave entrance. Enter it.
- Traverse Cave Eblan until you reach the Eblan Settlement.
- Tip: If you didn’t find the Ice Lance and Icebrand during your first trip to the Tower of Babel, I strongly recommend buying them from the weapon shops here.
- Continue up the stairs on the opposite side of the room.
- Climb the Path to the Tower of Babel.
- After exiting the cave, approach the wall at the top of the stairs. Edge will use his ninja powers to help the party pass through it.
- Climb the Tower of Babel.
- At Tower of Babel – B5, head to the door in the middle of the room.
- The King and Queen of Eblan fight is scripted for them to lose, so focus on keeping your team alive more than attacking.
- Talk to Rubicante and he will restore your MP and HP.
- Rubicante has a lot of HP, so this battle requires keen observation skills. The important thing to note when battling Rubicante is his “open” and “closed” stances.

- When Rubicante is in his “open” stance, attack him with Ice-type attacks (Blizzara, Shiva, Kain/Cecil’s ice-weapon Attacks, etc.).
- However, his attacks are also much more powerful. So, keep a close eye on which party members need healing the most!

- When Rubicante is in his “closed” stance, he deals less damage and Ice-type attacks will now heal him.
- Use this time to heal your party.
- Enter the door ahead to continue through the tower.
Final Fantasy 4 Dwarven Castle and Sealed Cavern Walkthrough
- Fly back to the Dwarven Castle and speak with the King in the Throne Room.

- Visit the infirmary.
- Return to the room with the secret bookshelf exit to the Dwarven Base, this time, however, enter the room close to the Inn entrance.
- Speak to Cid sleeping in one of the beds.
- Leave the Dwarven Castle and board the Falcon, now able to fly over magma.

- Fly to the island southwest of the Dwarven Castle and land the Falcon in the closed-off square area with a cave in the north canyon. Enter the cave.
- Use Luna’s Necklace on the Sealed Cavern’s door.
- As you descend the cave, you’ll fight many Trap Door monsters with the skill Ninth Dimension, which inflicts Death on a party member.
- An easy way to defeat these monsters is to have Rosa cast Reflect on the party member the Trap Door uses Scan on. Eventually, you’ll get strong enough to take out the Trap Door before it casts Ninth Dimension, but until then, this will save you from using your MP or Phoenix Downs to revive the party.
- Continue to the depths of the Sealed Cavern and retrieve the Dark Crystal.
- Demon Wall is a timed battle.
- The Demon Wall will gradually inch closer to your party, dishing out physical attacks and casting Stone Gaze as it does. Once it stops moving, it will cast Crush and instantly kill one of your party members.
- The trick to this battle is to focus on damage rather than healing.
- Have Rosa cast Slow to give yourself a little more time.
Final Fantasy 4 Lunar Whale, Moon, and Crystal Palace Walkthrough
- Fly back to the Dwarven Castle and speak with the Dwarf King.

- Fly to the northeast corner of the map, there will be a crater in the ground.
- Interact with it when a red exclamation mark appears.
- Fly eastward, disembark from the Falcon, and enter the Town of Mysidia.
- Leave Mysidia and board the Lunar Whale.
- Interact with the orange crystal to fly to the moon.

- Land the Lunar Whale on the higher ground northwest of the large crystal castle.
- Disembark from the Lunar Whale.
- Go down the stairs and enter the cave.
- Follow the paths and caves until you reach the Crystal Palace in the center.
- Head north and enter the Throne Room.
- Tip: The pads to the left and right of the Throne Room heal your HP and MP.
- Backtrack to the Lunar Whale and interact with the Crystal to return to Earth.
Final Fantasy 4 Giant of Babel Walkthrough
- Descend the Giant by using the blue teleportation pads on each floor.
- At Inner Path of the Giant, there is a rest spot and a lunarian.
- Now’s a good idea to stock up on your consumables.
Elemental Lords Battle Tips
- Scarmiglione – Avoid using Thunder; it heals him. Attack with Fire!
- Cagnazzo – Avoid using Fire; it heals him. He is still weak to Thunder, but this time, it doesn’t interrupt his Tidal Wave Attack. As always, have Rosa heal after Tidal Waves to keep the party’s health up.
- Barbariccia – Unlike last time, we don’t have Kain here to help break her out of her Tornado Form. Instead, Attack her with Black Magic, and Cecil’s Attack. Watch out for her Maelstrom attack and always have Rosa or FuSoYa ready to heal the party afterward.
- Rubicante – Rubicante is now always weak to Ice and alternates between a soft-hitting Fira and a devastating Inferno.
- Heal the party, then continue north.
CPU Battle Tips
- The CPU is our main goal here, but the Attack Node and Defense Node are what you should look out for:
- The Attack Node fires out a Piercing Laser which attacks your whole party.
- The Defense Node, on the other hand, heals the CPU unit significantly.
- If you destroy both Nodes, the CPU will cast Globe199 which inflicts 9999 damage on one party member.
- The trick is to take out the Defense Node, CPU, and then the Attack Node.
- Watch out for the CPU’s Reflect! Have Rydia use Summons instead and avoid using Black Magic until the CPU is down.
Final Fantasy 4 Walkthrough – Ultimate Weapon Locations & Final Battle
- Note: For the final dungeon of this game, I recommend being around level 50 – 60. You should be above level 60 to comfortably take on the final boss.
- There is a good grinding spot mid-way through the dungeon, but make sure you bring enough Tents and Cottages to heal your team while you train.
- Return to the Crystal Palace. This time, continue past the Throne Room and into the Crystal Room. Step on the blue teleporter in the center of the room.
- Follow the stairs to descend to the Lunar Subterrane’s core.
- Once you hit Lunar Subterrane – B8, the enemies get much harder. This is a great place to grind (especially with a rest spot on B7).
(Optional) Ultimate Weapon Locations

- Edge’s Murasame – From the Lunar Subterrane – B1 starting point, take the hidden path along the western wall.
- Follow the path of teleporters until you find a sword on a pedestal.
- Heal your party and then interact with it.
How to beat White Dragon
- The White Dragon counters all Physical Attacks with Slow and all Magic Attacks with Earthquake.
- Use Float to avoid taking damage from Earthquake, and keep on top of your healing. Use any Dragon weapons for bonus damage against it.

- Cecil’s Ragnarok – On Lunar Subterrane – B6 go down the stairs on the left.
- Then, approach the cliff pointing westward. When you get close, a bridge will appear.
- Cross the bridge, then continue north and walk into the large stone from the northmost point on the west side.
- Walk down the invisible path until you go down some stairs.
- Follow the Teleporters. It will lead to a rest spot.
- Continue south to exit the room. Ragnarok will be northeast of you.
How to beat Dark Bahamut
- Just like the White Dragon, Dark Bahamut is weak to Dragon weapons.
- Other than that, Dark Bahamut deals out a lot of damage with his reflected Flare attacks. Using Dispel on his Reflects doesn’t work.
- Be cautious when using Rydia’s abilities. She can’t use Black Magic unless it’s reflected and her Summons are countered with a Mega Flare.
- Kain’s Holy Lance – On Lunar Subterrane – B7, go south and enter the middle of the three doors.
How to beat the Plague
- Defeat the Plague before your party’s Doom counter reaches 0.
- Kain can avoid Doom by jumping, which will buy the team more time by reviving fallen party members.
- However, once he avoids Doom, he should stick to his faster Attack, along with Cecil.
- The Plague is weak to thrown weapons, so have Edge use Throw if you have the weapons to spare.
- Holy and Flare are powerful offensive Magics that work well in this scenario.
- Disregard healing entirely.
- Kain can avoid Doom by jumping, which will buy the team more time by reviving fallen party members.
- Edge’s Masamune – On Lunar Subterrane – B8, instead of going down the stairs to the next floor, head south and follow the path to find his second weapon.
How to beat Ogopogo
- Heal after the double Tidal Wave attack.
- Don’t use Lightning or Summons
- Attack with the usual hard-hitting moves (Attack, Flare, Holy, etc.).
The Final Battle – How to beat Zemus/Zeromus

- During the Zemus phase of the battle, use the Crystal in your Items menu.

- Watch for when Zeromus shakes, if you can land a Black/White Magic cast on him before he casts Big Bang, his next attack will be significantly weaker. However, prepare for his Flare counter!
- As for the rest of the fight, here’s what each party member should be doing:
- Cecil: Attack
- Rosa: Healing
- Kain: Jump
- Rydia: Summons + Carefully-Timed Flares to weaken Zeromus’ next attack.
- Edge: Throw every weapon you have left, then Attack
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