Funniest Dragon’s Dogma 2 memes

Leading the Risen and his Pawns through adventures throughout Verdun and Battahl can create some fun situations. So here are the funniest Dragon’s Dogma 2 memes to describe them.
Top 10 Funniest Dragon’s Dogma 2 memes
Between controversial game mechanics, optimization issues, and scheming Pawns behavior that includes killing random citizens, Dragon’s Dogma 2 has a lot of meme power. Not long after the launch, the internet was flooded with memes depicting some of the funniest situations you can encounter in the game. We’ve picked 10 of the funniest memes from the Dragon’s Dogma 2 gaming community.
10 – No, does not deal with that
It’s important to know your limits in battle. Sometimes, those limits are met before the battle even begins. Oh well, nothing wrong with the good old back load; you’ll live to fight another day, won’t you?
2 – Dragon’s Dogma 2 brought transportation fees in video games

The “game-as-a-service” policy borrowed some interesting mechanics from other public services. Now you can pay to travel between two locations in the game instead of going there on foot – just like in real life!
3 – But they do hunt in packs!

Sometimes, it’s hard to go against your nature. As a Pawn, my duty is to serve my Master in the best way possible. Warning about the wolves hunting in packs is one way to help my Master. So why do they get so angry when I say that for the 15th time?
Related: How to prevent Pawns from attacking NPCs in Dragon’s Dogma 2
4 – There is more in those chests than just treasure

Sometimes, it is death. A prolonged, excruciatingly painful death. The most dangerous enemies are often those we are unaware of. Boxes are tempting, but they are also very deceiving.
5 – Get off the cliff if you want to live

Rook’s life is full of dangers. One of the favorite activities in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is finding new and innovative ways to kill Rooks. Cliffs proved to be a very good place to dump Frugo or let Harpies carry him off. Your imagination is the only limit.
6 – What do you mean you don’t know what a dragon is?

Come on, man. We’ve been through this a thousand times. It is large and scaly, breathes fire, has wings and four legs, and looks like a giant angry lizard. YU NO LRN?
7- Crime does not pay, except when it does

Exploiting your savior image can be very profitable. In this case, the poor Duke did not realize what had befallen him until the fiscal inspection, when you were far away. Maybe now you can afford a quick trip?
8 – Fate doesn’t matter until it ends

Never make Luck your drop stat; better drop your Intelligence. RNG brings an element of chance to RPG games, and you need it. Sometimes, everything that stands between you and your goal is in favor of Luck.
9 – Funny familiar faces in the crowd

Credit where it’s due: Dragon’s Dogma 2 has a great character creation tool. Moreover, players can get it for free (which is quite rare) and create a lot of knowledge faces. Who is your favorite?
10 – For the moments you need a one-shot God

This is the equivalent of a homing missile in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Just fire it at the crowd of enemies and forget about them. A perfect weapon of destruction against which no creature resists.
For more interesting articles, check How to unlock Warfarer Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2 on Pro Game Guides.