Genshin Impact Bedtime Story Archon Quest devastating puzzle solution & Chest location

In the Genshin Impact Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act VI – Bedtime Story, you must enter a quest-only Domain called the Place of Revelations, where Dainsleif will lead you to the location of the first Field Tiller’s eye. This guide will show you how to solve the Domain puzzle and where to find the Delicate Chest hidden inside.
Genshin Impact Location of Revelations Domain puzzle solution & Chest location – Bedtime Story Archon Quest
The Revelations Domain site is relatively simple to navigate. Unlike most quest-only Domains, the Chest isn’t rewarded at the end, so I’ll walk you through the wreckage navigation from the beginning to make sure you don’t miss it. I will also show you how to solve the rune puzzle that you must complete to progress with the Domain.
Location of the chest
Upon entering the Domain, follow the path forward until you reach a dead end. From the edge of the broken cliff, slide to the bridge up ahead to enter the interior of the ruin. Once inside, follow the path forward to find a clearing with mushrooms. Defeat the enemies to progress.

After defeating the enemies, enter the door on the right and follow the path forward. When you reach the broken floor, use the four-leaf sigil to cross to the other side, then continue on the path forward.

When you reach the section where the wall cannot be climbed, look up find another four-leaf sigil that you can use to go to the upper floor.

As soon as you reach the top floor with the four-leaf seal, you will immediately see the Tender Breast, which is the only Box within the Domain. Don’t forget to loot it because you won’t be able to go back after going through the area.
Runic puzzle solution

As you progress further into the Domain, you’ll eventually hit a runic puzzle that requires you to rotate fixtures so that the runes all catch the light. The solution is simple: assuming you haven’t touched the puzzle, turn the devices left, right and down once each. The exact devices are circled above, and they can be rotated in any order.

However, if you’ve already started tinkering with the puzzle and lost count of how many times you’ve rotated each device, refer to the image above for the target positions of each rune. Rotate the fixtures one by one until the runes on the wall are lined up with the light, as shown above. After solving the puzzle, you can continue exploring the rest of the Domain.
For more Genshin guides, check out Genshin Impact translation for Caribert’s message – Bedtime Story Archon Quest here on Pro Game Guides.