Genshin Impact Remnants of the Secret Source puzzle solution – Natlan Archon Quest

In the Genshin Impact Natlan Archon Quest Chapter V: Act IV – The Rainbow Destined to Burn, you must enter a quest Domain called the “Remains of the Secret Source”, to stop Capitano’s Ley Line reconstruction plan. Deep in the Domain, you must solve a puzzle that involves rotating three mechanisms.
How to rotate the device to complete the image and open the path in Genshin Impact
To solve the puzzle, you have to spin three devices until the wheels successfully form the restored image of a dragon. Interact with mechanism will Activate the wheel, and it will continuously spin until you click stop.
Mechanism #1
The first mechanism will turn a C-shaped segment in the wheel. Activate it, then wait for the wheel to spin until the shape is positioned like the image above—the closed end of the C shape should be facing northwest. As soon as it gets into position, interact with the mechanism again to stop it. The segment should pause for a moment to signify that this part of the puzzle has been completed successfully. If it didn’t shine, try adjusting the wheel again.
Mechanism #2

Transform into Yumkasaurus, then use its ability to move to the upper platform where the arrow is pointing. You will find the second mechanism.

The second mechanism rotates three segments, so it can be a bit confusing to position. I strongly suggest paying attention only to the lower segment (where the arrow points). When you activate the mechanism, simply wait for the lower segment to reach the position shown above, then stop the mechanism to complete this part of the puzzle. Note that the section must be glowing to confirm that it is positioned correctly. If it doesn’t shine, you may be off by a few millimeters, so try again!
Mechanism #3

The third mechanism is located in a clearing southwest of the map, which you can reach by sliding. It will start as a locked device. Approaching it will summon an automaton that you must defeat to unlock the mechanism. Once unlocked, you can use it similarly to the other two.

The final rotation is quite easy, because the angle of this position allows you to clearly see the image on the wheel. Activate the mechanism and wait for the segment to rotate until the formed image looks exactly like the example above, then stop the rotation. The wheel should glow to signify that the job is done.
When all three wheels have been turned correctly, a small cutscene of Precious Chest spawning and gate will play, allowing you to continue with the rest of the Domain quest.
For more on Natlan, check out our guide on Xilonen’s Special Dish and how to cook it in Genshin Impact – Fruit Flavored Milk Candies here on Pro Game Guides.