Ghost Recon Breakpoint Immersive vs Regular – All the Differences

A few months after the release of the game, the developers of Ghost Recon Breakpoint decided to add an ‘Immersive mode’ which is more in line with the realistic, tactical shooting experience on which the franchise was established. In this guide, I will go over the differences between this mode, and the standard game mode in the game.
How to switch between Immersive and Regular modes
From the game’s main menu, select the Phantom Experience Parameters tab in the upper left corner (see the first image above). This will take you to the Ghost Experience settings where you can choose between Regular and Immersive modes from the bottom (see second image). In addition, you can create your custom mode, which is a mix between the two, by adjusting the settings and applying what works best for you.
Immersive vs Regular mode differences in Ghost Recon Breakpoint
Before discussing the differences, let me point out that you can switch between the Immersive and Regular modes at any time during the gameplay in Ghost Recon Breakpoint.
Gear Level

In the Immersive experience, the gear score concept is completely removed. Each weapon model is unique and you can customize and keep the same gear with you until the end. The weapons in Regular mode have a level assigned to them: the higher the level, the more powerful the weapon.
Suppose you carry a gun now, you can find the same weapon with a higher level that deals more damage later in the game with gear level enabled. However, a gun acts the same during the game in Immersive mode; you can upgrade it by using parts to make that weapon stronger.
Collecting blueprints is standard in both modes to add new weapons to your inventory. In Regular mode, you can get equipment from chests, the merchant and fallen enemies. A player can equip weapons and carry multiple items in their loadout that they can change at will. When playing the Immersion mode, you can only trade weapons from fallen enemies and take a limited amount of equipment with you. You can choose to carry either one or two primary weapons.
Ammo loss while reloading

In the Immersive experience of Ghost Recon Breakpoint, any ammo remaining in your magazine is lost when you hit reload. This adds to the realism the developers are aiming for, as players are forced to count their bullets (luckily we don’t need a separate mod for such a basic feature). This setting can be changed separately in the Tactical Difficulty menu.
Survival becomes more nuanced in the Immersion mode as the following settings can be applied to your operator by adjusting the Tactical Difficulty:
- Stamina Level: Adjust how much stamina you consume from None, Reduced, Regular or Extreme.
- Healthy Regeneration: Limit your health regen rate by choosing from Arcade, Original, Partial or None.
- Bandage Qty: Choose the number of bandages you wear from 3, 5, 12 or Unlimited.
- Risk of Injury: You can choose to get the wound effect when hit by enemy bullets (choose from the None, Rare, Often, and Always options).
In Immersion mode, the Enemies Difficulty setting is set to Normal just like the Regular experience, however, you can choose from the Easy, Normal, Advanced, and Extreme options for a custom experience.

The Interface setting is kept at Minimal in the Immersive mode, which disables the minimum map, loot markers, and NPC markers. On the other hand, Regular mode keeps the Interface setting Full where these features are all enabled (see image above for reference).
In addition to these major differences in the gameplay aspects of the Immersion and Regular modes, you will also find changes to the Social and Bivouac settings. In the Immersive experience, you will only see the story characters (NPC) and your teammates at the camp, while random players also appear in the Regular mode.
For more on Ghost Recon Breakpoint, check out Is Ghost Recon Breakpoint Crossplay? Answered in Professional Game Guides.