How to beat Knocklem & Menasting Terra Alpha Bosses in Palworld Sakurajima update

With a new island comes lots of new Buddies and Alpha Buddies to defeat and rile your victory. Here’s how to beat Knocklem and Menasting Terra Alpha Bosses in Palworld’s Sakurajima update.
How to beat Knocklem Alpha Boss in Palworld
Knocklem is an Alpha boss that can be found on the Sakurajima island at -675, 174. It is a level 55 Ground type Pal, so you have to be very careful when you attack it.
First, I would start with an air strike of Jetragon’s Missile skill This attack always confuses and stuns the Friend, so you’ll have time to drop and attack with your weapons. Try to touch high ground because there are many rocks around it. You can easily avoid its ranged attacks while maintaining an advantage.
Remember, if you’re looking to catch Knocklem, then put on the Ring of Mercy and control your Buddies before they kill the boss (which happened to me so many times). Use Legendary Orbs or higher to capture their Friend.
The best weapon against Knocklem is the Rocket Launcher (especially if you have the Legend scheme). When it comes to Pals, you should bring your best Grass type Darlings Lifmunk is always a great choice due to its Submachine Gun Dexterity. Mossanda is also a great option with its Grenade Launcher Skill, especially if you don’t have your own Rocket Launcher.
Knocklem has very useful Skills, especially the Transportation at level 4, so you absolutely must keep it at the base where you do your mining and farming. This friend is also great in a team because it has attack and defensive boostwhich increases your own chances of survival.
- Transportation lvl4
- Collection lvl3
- mining lvl3
How to beat Menasting Terra Alpha Boss in Palworld

Menasting Terra is an Alpha boss in Palworld that can be found on the Sakurajima island at -575, 333. This is a Ground-type level 54 Pal, so it’s slightly weaker than Knocklem (but not by much).
The strategy for Knocklem should be similar. If you have Jet Dragon, rain down on the boss with your Missiles. Stay on top of the cliffs to continue your attack after you’ve used it (it’s very handy that both of these bosses have high ground around them).
Because this is Ground Pal, bring it on Lifmunk and Mossanda for adequate firepower. For your own firepoweranything from an Assault Rifle to a Rocket Launcher and even a Laser Gun if you’ve unlocked and crafted it.
To protect yourself, have Pale Metal Armor and a Hyper Shield. These work great in a fight against Menasting Terra (and Knocklem), although their hits can still take away a large portion of your defense and health, so be careful. If you want to catch and not kill Menasting Terra, bring it Legendary Realms or higher quality if you have them.
Although it doesn’t excel in its Labor abilities, Menasting Terra can still be useful in both mining and lumbering. However, definitely have it in your team when you go Electric Organic farming, because it increases the drop.
- mining lvl3
- Lumbering lvl2
If you’re wondering how to get all the Buddies available in the game, check out How to find and capture the Space Buddies in Palworld on Pro Game Guides.