How to become a dancer in BitLife

One of the most exciting and great career paths to follow in BitLife is to become a Dancer. So, if you are interested in shaking your legs for a living, here is a detailed guide explaining how to become a Dancer in BitLife.
How to get a job as a Dancer in BitLife
Contrary to popular belief, becoming a dancer requires you to go to college and get a degree in dance. Along with that, you must have tall looking statistics, typically above 80before you sit down for your interview.
How to get a college degree in BitLife
Having chosen a new life, your parents will automatically enroll you in school after turning 5 years old. Study well during your school years using options like Study Harder from the School Activity tab to save your smarches stat around 50 to 80. At 18, you will graduate high school and have the opportunity to enter university. Here, you have to choose Dance like your major. If you cannot find such an option, close the game and restart to find a new set of alternative options.
After joining the college, complete it using the same Study Harder possibility to get a degree in Dance later three years Remember, during your college years, please do not consume drugs or engage in criminal activities, as these may hinder your overall progress.
How to have high appearance statistics in BitLife
Along with your university degree, the other essential aspect that everyone should check is to have a good look stat. I would recommend that you have this stat somewhere around the 80 to 90 mark to avoid being rejected during interviews. So, when starting your life, make sure to start with a character with at least a 50% look rating so you can improve that stat as you move through your life. Either reroll for such a life or custom create it using the God Mode DLC if you own it.
The next step is to maintain and improve your character’s appearance. For this, I recommend going to a spa, joining a gym and eating healthy. All these options are available to the player automatically after 15 years under the Mind & Body tab Use this option every year until you pass university to make your character reach the prescribed appearance.
How to get the Dancer job in BitLife

After meeting both criteria, the final thing that remains to be done is to actually get the dance job. Immediately after graduation, go to the full time jobs section and search for a job title Dancer or Jr. Dancer. If you find such a job, apply for it and crack the interview by answering a simple question related to dancing to get the job as a dancer. If not, close the app and restart to find a new set of jobs.
For more about BitLife, check out How to Become a Pilot in BitLife or How to become a Professor in BitLife at Pro Game Guides.