How to Become a Runner in BitLife (Dealer Job Pack)

In the latest BitLife Dealer Update, the biggest challenge that most players face is getting the first promotion from a simple Dealer to Runner. So, if you are facing similar problems, I have some exciting tips and tricks to speed up the process.
First and foremost, your character selection plays a vital role in the Dealer Update as it helps you get promotions pretty quickly. So, instead of creating a random character, try rolling for a character with the Dealing trait, and if you have the Godmode DLC, create one easily. Also make sure your character increases their Treatment rating by treating their parents, friends and siblings from a young age. You can find the Agreement option under your relationship activity tab.
Keep dealing with everyone until you turn 18. Now it’s time to join a cartel. Go to the Special Careers selection and choose any cartel with a low notoriety rating to join them. Instantly, you will become a Merchant of that cartel and given territory to manipulate. Now, all you have to do is get 100% rating control of that territory to be promoted to Runner. Yes, you don’t need to worry about increasing your Infamy, Standing or Trade Skills as they are associated with advanced roles like Manufacturer or Lieutenant in the game. So, just start selling all your stuff to the people living on your street, and you’ll slowly start to see an increase in your lawn check rate.
Instead of dealing with everyone on the street, I recommend dealing only with college students, musicians, strippers and hippies to avoid getting caught by undercover cops. Also, please don’t sell your drugs at a ridiculous margin, and always try to sell at the market price or a dollar above it. Doing this will allow you to retain your customers and increase the likelihood of doing more business.

Keep dealing with people, and you’ll quickly be promoted to the position of Runner within two or three years of joining the cartel.
For more on BitLife, check out 10 Best BitLife Dealer Job Pack Tips and Tricks or How to make drugs in BitLife (Dealer Job Pack) on Pro Game Guides.