How to choose Alchemy Specialization in WoW SoD Phase 3

In World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery, you have a vast array of options that simply weren't available in the original WoW Classic in 2004. One of these options is Alchemy Specialization. If you are looking to add this chance to your Alchemist in SoD, you will need to complete a quest chain.
Where to get the quest chain for Alch Spec in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery
To start getting Alchemy Specialization for your Alchemy Profession, you will need to go to Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris. In this port city, you can find an NPC named Mixmaster Blix (67,22), and he will give you a quest called Mixology for Fun and Profit. The NPC standing next to him, Crimean Leblade, can give you the Transmute Spec quest too. If you choose the Transmute, you will need to return to Crimean Leblade with three Arcanite Barriers. If you want Alch Spec, you'll have to bring Blix back 10 Elixirs of Demon Slaying, 10 Invisibility Potions and five Elixirs of Sages. As of the time of writing, there is no hint in the game to prove that your Alch Spec is now active, but it will be after you complete Mixology for Fun and Profit.
Related: WoW Season of Discovery DPS Tier List
Once you have an Alch Spec, you have a chance to make one to four more potions of the same type without using extra materials. This means that, on average, you will make around again a third the number of potions you intended to make. So if you have the mats for 30 healing potions, you will most likely do 40 instead. Since the chance seems to be completely random, it's hard to nail down exactly what percentage of additional potions you can create.
How to make the Alch Spec potions for Mixology for Fun and Profit
To complete this quest and get your Alch Spec, you will need Elixirs of Demon Slaying, Potions of Invisibility, and Elixirs of Sages. Here are the recipes to make them all and how to find these recipes in the world.
- Elixirs of Demon Slaying: The recipe can be bought in the Blasted Lands. It requires Gromsblood, Ghost Mushroom, Crystal Vial.
- Invisible Potions: This is fished in Feralas and there are a bunch of mobs that drop this recipe. It requires Ghost Mushroom, Sunflower Oil, Crystal Fiend.
- Elixirs of Sages: The recipe for this one is dropped by four mobs in the Eastern Plaguelands: the Scarlet Wizards, the Scarlet Clerics, the Scarlet Curates, and the Scarlet Archmages. It requires Dreamfoil, 2x Plaguebloom, Crystal Vial.
For more World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery, check out How to get the Phase 3 epic crafting patterns in WoW SoD (Map) at Pro Game Guides.